Binding « JDBC « Java Database Q&A

1. Binding values in a PreparedStatement

Hi, Coming from the world of C, I just wanted to verify that I have this right. In C and using OCI calls, I would bind the values of a statement by registering place-holders with an address in memory, something like: bind_var(stmt_hanlde, 1, &value_address, ....); Where the first argument is the statement handle, followed by the position (or index), followed by ...

2. Order in bind variable for PreparedStatement in Java

Hi everybody, Sorry for my poor english and the size of the post. I have a critical problem with a prepared query and bind variable in Java. I try to execute the following query which do return one row : select aclient.cli, bknom036.mnt1 tcli, aclient.nom, aclient.pre, client.dna, aclient.age, case when exists (select pro3 from bkcli bkcli3 where aclient.tce <= ? then ...