binding « Development « Java Database Q&A

1. OracleCallableStatement registerOutParameter doesn't like named binding

this code gives "Incorrectly set or registered parameter" SQLException. Can anyone help please?

OracleConnection conn = getAppConnection();
String q = "BEGIN INSERT INTO tb (id) values (claim_seq.nextval) returning id into :newId; end;" ;
CallableStatement ...

2. Using a JDBC Binding Component from a stateless EJB

Hi I have an EJB deployed as part of a Composite Application. The EJB exposes a Web Service which I can access using a Web Service Client. Now I would like ...

3. I can't bind data to a database!

Drag the node for the table on to the form and press Ctrl as you drop the table. A JTable is created and its columns are bound to the columns in ...

4. Beans Binding To Database Objects

Hi all, I've built a database application using Java se/mysql and I've got a small bug in my program I'm trying to fix, but I've had no look so far. I'm hoping someone can perhaps explain to me how I might fix this bug. I have 2 entity classes which are connected via a foreign key in my database - bi-directional ...

5. Using literals with the JDBC sampler instead of bind variables

Hoi again, for some JDBC tests, I need to send the same query with different filters (where conditions) against an Oracle database. usually, I would use the "prepared select statement" query type for that using bind variables. But for the Oracle Query Optimizer it can be a big difference when calculating its execution plan if I use Bind Variables or if ...

6. bind datasouce to jndi

7. How to use Bind Variable in my java program

thanx for th reply.. i have aanother query based on that.. We are using connection pool and before returing the connection object to the pool. we are closing all resultsets and prepared statements in the finally block. This means that my preparedstaments are lost and no longer stored.. will this defeat the purpose of bind variables ie. usage of prepared statements ...

8. bind variable

Well first of all, the LIKE operation in all the RDBMS that I am familiar with is not very applicable to numeric columns within the tables. user_id LIKE '%00' Where user_id is an INTEGER column will NOT match, say the number 100. This is because the database does not treat numeric columns like strings, and therefore a wildcard comparison based on ...

9. Wrong binding in procedure

Hi, We have a procedure in which a parameter is of type NUMBER. There are 2 applications using this procedure, the first application uses websphere and the second one uses iPlanet. The websphere application that binds a integer to this paramenter. The second application binds an string to the third parameter. Due to this we are often getting "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric ...

10. Jenny and bind variables

Hi guys, Not based on any practical experience, but reasoning purely theoretical: using bind variables would make it impossible to take the detailed distribution of values over a given column into account when making the execution plan. The latter being one of the main advantages claimed for Oracle's Cost Based Optimizer. I think you 'll find an advantage in using bind ...

11. bind variable does not exist

12. Bind Variable?

I need help in making the JDBC call in my code more efficient. I have written XML parser to parse XML file to create appropriate Insert statment from the file. In method endElement in testcalss I am making call to class InsertData. Please see below for the code of InsertData. Can someone help me to make this code efficient. I need ...

13. Invalid parameter binding(s)--Please Help!

I am real new to SQL Server. We are using SQL Server 2000. My objective is to get a list of all store procedures for specific database. To accomplish this, I programmatically create a connection to the 'master' database where the sp resides, create a callablestatement for 'sp_stored_procedures' ({call sp_stored_procedures(?,?,?)}). I am passing in null, null, and the database name. When ...

14. binding html components using JDBC

15. Invalid parameter binding(s).

Hi !!! I am wrting a small store Proc for inserting an value and fetching the Id for the value inserted. i.e I have Id as an identity column (auto incremented) so i wanted to know the ID for which i am doing the insert operation. My Store Proc goes like this CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spInsertStackTrace ( @StackTraceLog as varchar (4000), @StackTest ...

16. Execute pl/sql function which is having bind variables in java

Hi Raj, I'm an Oracle developer, not a Java developer, but it looks like your function has no parameters. You need to declare the parameters for any PL/SQL function/procedure e.g. CREATE FUNCTION my_func (p_something IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS -- -- Just returns the length of the input string -- BEGIN RETURN LENGTH(p_something); END my_func; Inside the function, you refer to ...

17. Ordinal binding and Named binding cannot be combined!

I'm seeing an error when I execute cstmt.setInt(1,fromVendor); in the code below. When I step through the code I see in TRCCallableStatement.errMsgMixedBind has the following value: "Ordinal binding and Named binding cannot be combined!" I can see fromVendor=141 and toVendor=5020 so there are no null parameters. public String mergeVendor(int fromVendor, int toVendor) throws AgentException { boolean success = false; CallableStatement cstmt ...

18. JDBC select with vector bind var?

I need to do a select that looks like this via JDBC: select from my_table where id in ( v1, v2, v3, ..., vN ); The values for the in clause are arbitrary and could be so many that I worry the length of the resultant SQL string could exceed Oracle's limit of 1000. I can't therefore naively create the ...

19. Database with JAR binding..!