table « Date « Java Database Q&A

1. How to store into database table two java.sql.Date s, when they are truncated?

I want to store into the same table, in different columns 2 java.sql.Date objects to their corresponding SQL Datetime. It works fine, but the hour, minute and seconds are truncated. That's documented ...

2. SQL INSERT system date into table

I have created a table called "myTable" with a column called CURRENT_DATE and it's data type is "DATE". When I programatically update my table, I also want to place a timestamp ...

3. Getting count(*) value from multiple tables

I found a solution to my query in this site. I need to get the count(*) value from multiple tables Select count(*) from multiple tables My other problem is to get ...

4. SQL question - get the first date from 2 tables

This about database management always do data manupulating only on the database side not on the applicatin side applications must only make requests to databases (that is a good DB desighn) I'm not sure I understood your problem but I'll try to help You have 3 tables 1. Table holding data about people flying ( customers) CUSTOMER( ID, Name, DOB ) ...

5. Converting string to & then to query a table

Hi All, I am trying to convert a String to a java.util.Date and then subsequently convert it into java.sql.Date to be queried in the database. Kindly let me know if there is a better approach for this . In Servlets I have passed a method in which i am passing 2 parameters 'String from, String to': and then based upon I ...

6. How to get records from a table in between dates

I want to get records from a table between two dates. My requirement is a user can enter from date and two date. Based on dates i have to get records from the table which retrieves all records from the mentioned date. My table has both fromdate and todate columns. [ November 06, 2008: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]