statement « Date « Java Database Q&A

1. Get only date in a select statement

2. Convert Date with to_char() in a select statement

Can anyone tell me what the correct syntax is for doing this I need to format the date for my app, but the syntax is wrong I get a Invalid column name exception. "SELECT product_id, product_type_id, name, description, long_description, to_char(active_from,'dd/mm/yyyy'), to_char(active_to,'dd/mm/yyyy') from product WHERE product_id = " + prodID + " and product_type_id = " + prodTypeID; This works fine when ...

3. Passing Date in Callable Statement

12 Date: Valid date range from January 1, 4712 BC, to December 31, 9999 AD. The default format is determined explicitly by the NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter or implicitly by the NLS_TERRITORY parameter. The size is fixed at 7 bytes. This datatype contains the datetime fields YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND. It does not have fractional seconds or a time zone. ...

4. SQL Statement not Returning Date

I am using the following to retreive a remote record. One of the dates was entered wrong from another app. It is 04/05/0009. My code says the field is null. How can I get it to return this invalid date so I can edit it to the correct date? try{ Statement stmt = arg0.createStatement(); String sql = "select esthrs, prcntcom, assnto, ...

6. Passing specific format date to callable statement

Hi , An oracle procedure accepts date in the format 01-Jan-2009 (dd-MMM-yyyy) and i need to paas the date in callable statement for executing the procedure, and my code is SimpleDateFormat sdf=new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy"); CallableStatement stmt = connection.prepareCall("{call "+batchcode+"(?,?)}") java.sql.Date dt1 = new java.sql.Date( sdf.parse("01-JAN-2009").getTime() ); java.sql.Date dt2 = new java.sql.Date( sdf.parse("10-JAN-2009").getTime() ); stmt.setDate(1, dt1); stmt.setDate(2, dt2); stmt.executeQuery(); As the procedure accepts ...

8. Is it above correct statement insert date in Access database table

Code: String sqlCommand2= "INSERT INTO Orders VALUES('1021','0021','" + new java.util.Date() +"','" + new java.util.Date() + "'," + OrderTotals2.getTotal() + "," + OrderTotals2.getShipping() + "," + OrderTotals2.getTax() + ")" ; // OrderNumber, CustID,date-ordered,date-shipped,.... sttmnt1.executeUpdate(sqlCommand2); My Java's a little rusty, but I believe that arguments to string concatenation will be coerced to strings through the default toString method. So, that's valid Java, at ...