1. Safe to convert Java.sql.date to Java.util.date by up casting? stackoverflow.comThe title says it all. Java.sql.date extends java.util.date, so is it save to convert between the two by casting a java.sql.date as a java.util.date? Or is there some other way ... |
2. how to cast the java.util.date to java.sql.date coderanch.com |
3. cast a date from an access date/time field coderanch.com |
4. JDBC template outer join and cast(@myValue AS date) coderanch.comTrying to run the following sql: select * from Person p left join Birthday b on p.name = b.name and cast(p.birthday AS date) = cast(b.birthday AS date) where p.name = ? It runs fine in a database client SQuirrel, but gives a BadSqlGrammarException if I run it from code and read data from XML. The error is: "not allowed in OUTER ... |
5. cast java.util.Date to java.sql.Date forums.oracle.com |