jdbc 7 « Database « Java Database Q&A

1. Database Question    java-forums.org

2. make my database applicatin transportable    java-forums.org

Hi all, I have a sql server installed in my PC, I have created a database by mysql command line and I have a jar file that connects to this DB and runs. Now my question is what should I do that I could run my program on another hosts.In other words how can I make my DB transportable ? Thanks ...

4. Database and Sqlxml    java-forums.org

Hi, can anyone tell me why this shouldn't work sqlxml = connection.createSQLXML(); with this public class Main { static final String DATABASE_URL = "jdbcdbc:crm"; private Connection connection; private Statement statement; private String LOGIN = "crm"; private String PSWD = "crm"; private int numberOfColomns; private String query; private SQLXML sqlxml; public Main() { try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); connection = DriverManager.getConnection(DATABASE_URL, LOGIN, PSWD); statement ...

5. multiple databases    java-forums.org

i want to create a database for each user with a number of tables.as we all know in JDBC we require a odbc bridge which creates a datasource which lets you access database...is it possible to create a data source using a java application and can a single java program access multiple databases using many data sources or should i do ...

6. Encoding string from database    java-forums.org

Hi! I get some data from a postgresql database that uses sql-ascii. The content is in norwegian, and the letters , and turn into . Everything on my side is utf-8. So is there any way that I can get jdbc to connect with something other than unicode? Or encrypt the string after I fetched it?

7. Accessing a remote Microsoft Access database    java-forums.org

Hi, As we access a remote oracle databse (remote-> on a different machine), is it possible to access a remote access database ? If yes, what changes should i make to the connection string below to access the same: "jdbc: odbc:MyDSN", "username", "password" This particular DSN (MyDSN) resides in my system. i.e. The access database (.mdb) will remain in a different ...

8. Database help... whats wrong?    java-forums.org

public void inserttoDb () { try { //Directory may need to be changed for differnt computer Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); String myDB = "jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ= F:/JDB/sicksys.mdb"; theConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(myDB); Statement theStatement=theConnection.createStatement(); ResultSet theResult=theStatement.executeQuery("INSERT INTO Table1 (list_1,DayOff,MonthOff,YearOff,DayBack,MonthBack,YearBack VALUES("+"'"+ list_1 +"'"+ DayOff +""+"'"+ MonthOff +""+"'"+ YearOff +""+"'"+ DayBack+""+"'"+ MonthBack +""+"'"+ YearBack +"))); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); }

9. What database shall i use?    java-forums.org

I wish to write an application which will be required to store large quantities of information which needs to be kept on the same computer as the application and does not require anything to be installed on the computer first. Therefore I was wondering if there was a form of database that could be run using java so that it can ...

10. Database creation using java code...    java-forums.org

11. Help, programming database    java-forums.org

Hi..I am going to program a database for a user. I need to programming it in JCREATOR so that it creates profiles of the students (like name, address, phone... etc) and allow them to update it as they wish...how would I start and program this.. can anyone give me an outline or something? Thanks

12. Accesing database(Access) from a local machine    java-forums.org

Hi I have to write a java program that would use the database(Access) present on the local machine. The java program that I have to write will be deployed on a server so when the program is running (continuously) on the server it has to access the database regularly. Is it possible to write a code for this. Thanks Sachin

13. Help in basics of database..    java-forums.org

14. Java DB Application Netbeans    java-forums.org

hey guys, I am trying to create a basic Java DB application using netbeans and am using the Apache Derby Database so that I can easily embed the database into the application. Anyways I have created a database, and am now trying to insert a few tables into it using the SQL command window, I've tried the following Create Table _AARDVARK ...

15. Database access in bluetooth application    java-forums.org

Hi All, I'm accessing mysql database from my java bluetooth application, every thing upto device descovery is ok.. my application is also showing the name of detected device but in serviceSearchCompleted() method i'm writing following code public void serviceSearchCompleted(int transID, int respCode) { //System.err.println("Service Search Completed"); if(testurl!=null) { String address=((RemoteDevice)rd_vector.elementAt(R_Devic e_Cnt-1)).getBluetoothAddress(); //m.outSystem.out.println("Current Device: "+address); try { ResultSet rs=null; String query2 = ...

16. dealing with database in wireless mobile midlet problem!    java-forums.org

given this example /* * RmsExample1.java * * (c) 2005 J.E.D.I. */ import javax.microedition.midlet.*; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; import javax.microedition.rms.*; public class RmsExample1 extends MIDlet implements CommandListener { Display display; RecordStore recStore = null; int count = 0; public static final Command exitCommand = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1); public static final Command newCommand = new Command("New Record", Command.OK, 1); public static final Command ...

17. Retrive from DB    java-forums.org

String dealerdetailscall = "{ ? = call CSI_REMEDY.GET_DEALER_DETAILS(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?,?) }"; /* CallableStatement callableStatement = con.prepareCall(dealerdetailscall); DelegatingCallableStatement cstmt = (DelegatingCallableStatement)callableStatement; */ logger.info(" before con wrap"); Connection conn = ((DelegatingConnection) con).getInnermostDelegate(); logger.info(" after con wrap"); OracleCallableStatement cstmt = (OracleCallableStatement) conn.prepareCall(dealerdetailscall); logger.info(" after con wrap****"); boolean flag = false; logger.info(" after flag****"); try{ cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER); logger.info(" after flag****"); cstmt.setString(2, DealereCode.trim()); cstmt.setInt(3, 0); cstmt.registerOutParameter(4, Types.INTEGER); ...

18. Database declaration    java-forums.org

These 3 classes from book JDBC: Practical Guide for Java Programmers Book is by Gregory D. Speegle .. very good .. very flexible import java.sql.*; public class ConnectionJDBC { public Connection makeConnection() throws SQLException { try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new SQLException("Unable to load driver class"); } return DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:jdbc_book") ; } public Connection makeConnection(String URL) throws SQLException ...

19. Recommendation about databases    java-forums.org

20. netbeans database problem    java-forums.org

i'm a novice in programming and i have the following problem i'm trying to fill a combobox with strings collected from the resultset from a query. with numbers i can get it to work but not white strings can sombody show my an example ? i get the error table/view *** not exist

23. quiz program using access as database    java-forums.org

24. Best way to design a simple database    java-forums.org

I am designing a simple sport management game for a project. I have some knowledge of SQL. Enough to design and manage a simple enough database. I am going to be using an Apache Derby DBMS for the project. There will be 32 teams each with a panel limit of 30 players. This adds up to just under 1000 players. When ...

25. Login page which connects to database that verifies user    java-forums.org

Hi I'm totally suck with this problem. I need to create a login page that connects to a database which searchs for the users and logs them in and they can then go to the relevent page depending on there user type. There are two types of users: Managers and Emplyees. I have created a database in Microsoft Access and need ...

26. I am not able to make entry into database    java-forums.org

Java Code: package candiDAO; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import genericDAO.GenericDAO; import candidate.Candidate; public class CandidateDAO extends GenericDAO{ public void addCandidate(Candidate candidate) { try { String sql = "INSERT INTO candidate VALUES ("; sql = candidate.getEnrollmentNumber() ","; sql = candidate.getDateOfEnrollment() ","; sql = candidate.getContactNumber() ","; sql = candidate.getGender() ","; sql = candidate.getMailingAddress() ","; sql = candidate.getEmailId() ...

27. Database problem.    java-forums.org

Errors- java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launche r.java:301) at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) packages- import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.io.*; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; :confused::confused: private void jButton1MouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { String user= new String(jTextField1.getText()); String pass= new String(jPasswordField1.getPassword()); if(a<4) { Connection con = null; String driver = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"; //String driver="sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"; String user1 = "scott"; String pass1 = "tiger"; try{ Class.forName(driver); con ...

28. Help with access a database using Microsoft Access    java-forums.org

Hello, I was just wondering how to access a database using Microsoft Access in Java and making it query that database. I am making a forum application. I want it to access the database, and go to it for Login information, Post details, Forums details and so forth ... Has anyone got any ideas on what I can do in relation ...

29. Checking when database was last changed    java-forums.org

Hi team. I'm currently developing tests for an application that will migrate some XML into a database. Obviously, if the XML is malformed or the wrong arguments are given, we have to make sure nothing is written to the database. Is it possible to somehow check when the database was last edited, or mark when edits have occured? The code has ...

30. Use the database from other pc    java-forums.org

If y are using netbeans for your development then if y want to run your project outside ide then y have to clean and build y project by netbeans tool then it create a dist folder in y project home directory now y can move this dist folder and y can run your program in nay sytem having jdk installed. Hope ...

31. Database in a PDA    java-forums.org

Hi, I've got an iPaq running on Windows Mobile 5.0. This is roughly what I would like to do: 1) Have a database (preferably Access) in my PDA 2) Write a Java program into my PDA to query my database I've been searching the whole day for a solution, but I have not encountered any so far. Does anyone know how ...

32. cpanel db information    java-forums.org

Hey im new in the area of DBs vs JAVA. I have created a MySQL at cpanel and x10hosting and therefore using this: String url ="jdbc:mysql://int.chopin.x10hosting.com:3306/firen_chat"; But it just keep saying ** BEGIN NESTED EXCEPTION ** java.net.SocketException MESSAGE: java.net.ConnectException: Operation timed out STACKTRACE: java.net.SocketException: java.net.ConnectException: Operation timed out at com.mysql.jdbc.StandardSocketFactory.connect(Stand ardSocketFactory.java:156) at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.(MysqlIO.java:284) at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.createNewIO(Connection.j ava:2565) at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.(Connection.java:1 485) at com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.connect(NonReg ...

33. object in to Db    java-forums.org

I think the correct answer might be: depends. There is no (correct) way to trivialize how to put things best into a database. The structure of the database might be more important than the way you access the DB from Java. But even if we don't take the DB structure into account, the JDBC driver has to, while this might influence ...

34. large number of DB writes: java heap space problem in using transaction-commit    java-forums.org

Hi, I'm writing a program that will be applied on a large DB (my DB server is mysql 5.1). My program has lots of updates and inserts. In order to decrease execution time I use "start transaction" and "commit" after every specific number of DB writes. My code is very efficient for small databases (for example having 200,000 records). But in ...

35. My difficulty to create a database with a java program    java-forums.org

Did the original poster in the other thread first show evidence of prior effort and post their attempts at a solution? Or did they simply dump their assignment into their post as our current OP is doing? I'm getting somewhat discouraged at the lack of effort demonstrated in the posts of late. Edit: aw heck, it's the same dang poster and ...

36. Access Database, Invalid Handle    java-forums.org

My SE app reads data from various databases, including Access with no problem. However, this one query that would get 34 columns and 2600 rows gives me the following: Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: Invalid handle at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.standardError(JdbcOdbc.java :7129) at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.SQLExecDirect(JdbcOdbc.java :3110) at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcStatement.execute(JdbcOdbcSt atement.java:338) at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcStatement.executeQuery(JdbcO dbcStatement.java:253) at myconnect.GetData.ClientFile(GetData.java:390) at myconnect.Main.main(Main.java:56) Again, other queries against the same database give me ...

37. Database Normalization, a little confuse    java-forums.org

In real life? I think you're correct. Unless items has a history (ie the prices are held in a price_history table) then, presuming prices do not remain constant, the order should hold the price charged. So the order_item has a price_charged, and the items has a current_price. With a price_history the price_charged would be a key to the correct entry on ...

38. Embedded Database ?    java-forums.org

Hi, I'm developing Swing application that uses database. Currently I'm using MySQL server for database, where I have to configure server IP, port number, user name, password and database name. The problem is : I will be distributing this application to my friends, and they won't be having MySQL installed. Nor saying to install MySQL and configure application property in there ...

39. Failed to create database object.......    java-forums.org

40. Database for Login system    java-forums.org

usually some database is used, such as relational or LDAP kind. in your login page, a piece of javascript might submit a request to a server-side login processor, where the message contains the form field data for the username and password, where the server side component then consults the database to determine if the credentials represent a valid user.

41. Distributing Pure DesktopApplication that containd Database    java-forums.org

Hi to All. I m developing one billing software in what I m using MySQL database. Now I have to deploy this Desktop Application in to Customer's Computer. Does customer need to install MySQL?? How can I make one .exe or .msi file which can be directly installed and no need to install database server.. Please Help me out A.S.A.P.

42. Embedding Database    java-forums.org

hi i am not clear about steps/configuration details about how i can embed mysql in a Java desktop application so that it(application) can be installed on any machine through a single executable file and doing so sets up database and also provides an exe to run the app.Till now i have built my app using netbeans and i have used mysql ...

43. Database Changes    java-forums.org

Hi, I have a connection to a jdbc database. What I want to do is get notified, somehow, when a new record is added to the database by a different application. How would I get such a notification? I'm thinking I'd have to let derby know what Listener to call but don't know what the code would look like. Please could ...

44. components for DataBase    java-forums.org

Hi every body, are there any graphic components in Java which are dedicated to DataBase exploration, i mean components such as Textarea, textfield, combobox, grid, ... that permit to deal with database tables and objects. I looked in the swing package and didn't find any thing, Can some one give an idea ?

45. (Simple Movie Database) I Need help    java-forums.org

Hi I dont know if this the right place. I would like a java (script) that read the folders and files and Automatic Export it in *.TXT or *.Excel, HTML, or any extension you guys suggest. - This script need to run in Xp 32bit and in the future Windows 7 I have my movies arranged, each movie has its own ...

46. Can I install 2 databases on the same PC?    java-forums.org

47. Sync two active databases    java-forums.org

I am in the process of building a small office application to keep track of stock , customers and so fourth. Coming from a web development background(PHP + MYSQL) i am used to dealing with one centralized database , I plan to have one dedicated PC which will serve as my database server and have 3 - 5 client computers interact ...

48. Some Problems using according to the databases    java-forums.org

Hello , I am creating a project that needs connection to a database at another Computer. So the project will connect to this computer in order to access the database. I created most of the project using a local connection (ODBC) driver , that is connected to SQL Server 2008 . Now , i would like to make the connection by ...

49. database project    java-forums.org

50. Why changes arent seen when i re-conect to my Database through a Java API?    java-forums.org

Hi, I have a simple Java API, an ATM which is a window with cardlayout I conect with The database returns that the Credit Amount is 0 and i disconect I go to deposit money press 40$ and in the event listener the database returns that the credit Amount is 40. all ok and i disconnect BUT IF I GO TO ...

51. Basic of database, please    java-forums.org

52. Accessing multiple database    java-forums.org

53. Looking for database program design advice from experienced programmers    java-forums.org

Hi. I'm a recently graduated CSci student and I'm currently working on a mysql backed java program for property management and I could really use the perspective of an experienced programmer or two. Anyone interested in having an ongoing dialog about database program design? A little about the problem: My initial plan was to use an MVC structure extended by a ...

54. Newbie here with first database program    java-forums.org

Ok so I'm trying to create an application with Apache Derby to make an embedded database within my applicaiton. I created the database, and made two tables within netbeans, but I am really lost as to how to access it with my application. I am using a Java Application(NOT the desktop application), since I want to create my own forms from ...

55. need some database tips here! :D    java-forums.org

hi, thanks for reading. i just want to ask what would be the best tool or utility maybe something that could do stuff with the data coming from the database. like paginating records coming from the database to a client browser. what tool or method would you recommend like records coming from an oracle database. any suggestion would be helpful! :D ...

56. Some problems with Java DB(Embedded)    java-forums.org

I am working with netbeans and while building my project I was testing everything with a Java DB created through netbeans. It uses a driver called clientdriver, and it worked perfectly. Now when I try to switch everything to java db embedded, The program compiles and runs, but it won't retrieve or edit the database. All I should have to do ...

57. Need Help W/ Writing to DB.    java-forums.org

I am attempting to create a simple register/login section for a launcher of a game. The input has 3 fields. userNameC , passWordC , and userAgeC . When I write to the DB, I use this: bufferedWriter.write(userNameC + "\n" + passWordC + "\n" + userAgeC + "\n"); As you can see, the multiple instances of new lines mean it should create ...

58. DB patch,database    java-forums.org

59. Java Database Application with Barcode Reader    java-forums.org

Hi again I bought a Barcode reader couple of days ago to write an application. I have a database table with item information. (barcode, item_name, description , etc) what i need to do is..... when i scan a barcode it should check with the database wether the item is in the database if it exist it should show all the details ...

60. How to Store Gujarati Content in database.    java-forums.org

61. How to create database through java program.??    java-forums.org

hello everyone, I have made an application in swing which uses MySQL database. Now I want that whenever my app is made to run on a new system for the first time, the app asks for the ip and port number of mysql from the user and creates the database and its tables automatically. Besides I have created a user in ...

62. Login from database    java-forums.org

I have created a Desktop application and imported a number of tables and mad them function with the database. but from 1 of the tables i need 4 variables (3 if i can use a for-loop to fill they array's). in order to make a Login screen. Java Code: CREATE TABLE werknemer ( userID int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, username varchar(8) NOT ...

63. Style for Local Database storage    java-forums.org

I have to create a local db capable of read/write, modify, delete, comparison, and search. I have seen flat text files, serialized arraylist, and local MySql dbs, but I am unsure which construct would best suit my needs or if there are any better techniques out there. The db will contain 5,000+ entries, with at a minimum 5 attributes per entry. ...

64. Better in Java or into the database?    java-forums.org

Hi, I'm not a java programmer but I need to undestand your viewpoint about this topic. When you develop a Java program which gets data from the user (for example a Web page) and uses them for performing and put the result into the database, do you usually tend to write all of the logics into java-embedded-sql or you call Oracle ...

65. database    java-forums.org

66. Embedded Database with Multi-Platform support    java-forums.org

Hello everyone, I'll try to keep this brief as I can probably go on for a page or two on everything, but the main question I have is "What Database would you recommend for transitioning an Application from using a specific Database on a specific Platform to using an Embedded Database targeting multiple platforms." A little Background: I've been programming for ...

67. creating a db from scratch    java-forums.org

i am in the market for a a database. i terminated my contract with hosting from a internet provider, which provided me with a database. now i would like to use something of that sort, even if it is not the best. nothing complicated. are there any good sites out there that would allow me to do this? (i use to ...

68. how to create database in java    java-forums.org

69. [SOLVED] Structure of db for online game    java-forums.org

71. database+network    java-forums.org

i want a program to get the system information of current computer and all the computers in the same network... include name of pc ....info about RAM,VGA,HD,...etc and then save it in a file .... plz if possible send me the source code "especially the code of how to get the system information....". Thanks...

73. JDBC can't run a database:(    forums.oracle.com

This happens a lot with databases... I am guessing that you are using a local database not a remote one (one on your computer vs. one on a server). A lot of people say you don't need to do this if you are using a level 2, 3, 4 database driver (it doesn't sound like you are using level 1...the JdbcOdbc ...

74. jdbc - get DB instance name    forums.oracle.com

Perhaps you could execute a query against the database that uses some Oracle function that returns the instance name? I'm not an Oracle expert (and this isn't an Oracle forum) so I have no idea whether such a function exists. Or let's try this: why do you need to do that? Maybe that's just a bad solution for some other question ...

75. JDBC and Local databases    forums.oracle.com

it seems like there is some confusion about jdbc access for the dbs you are proposing Correct me if I'm wrong but localhost can't access /home/userName, only what is in it's directory. users can be granted access to dirs and files localhost is not a user but a hostname, it always refers to the host machine running the application the user-that-started-the-db ...

76. Databases: JDBC access without dsn    forums.oracle.com

Ive just gained access to a microsoft access database using JDBC and ODBC. Doing so involved creating a DSN under administrative tools > Data Sources. As i want to be able to run my application on any computer it would be very tiresome to always set the DSN up, which i assume would be the case. Can i get around this? ...