grails « Database « Java Database Q&A

1. Grails belongsTo, should I?

let's go straight to the problems (with Grails 1.1.1, it should work on previous one) I have 2 domains ie: User and Detail like this :

Class User {
   String userName ...

2. database deign advice wanted: double data entry

I'm designing a database for capturing clinical trial data. The data are entered twice by two persons, independently and the results must be matched. What are the best ...

3. grails framework method addTo throws exeption on multiple invoke

I want to add subscriptions to a User class, i do it by invoking the "addTo" method, here is my code:

if ( == "on") {

4. input data not stored in data base - why?

    //gets the correct User (checked with printlns)
    def user = User.get(params.user?.toString())

    println "usern.nickname " + + " " + user.nickname

5. populate a select box (dropdown list) with names of all instances in the DB

Hi, seems that elastic search will be the successor of compass and therefore the searchable plugin will somehow have a dead end. Instead there is a first attempt which elastic search ...

6. Configuring Grails for Read Only Database Access

Configuring Grails for Read Only Database Access Good Day Folks Forgive me if this has been asked before but I have not found a satisfactory answer in my searches: - is ...

7. Overriding Grails Database Configuration.

Overriding Grails Database Configuration. In Grails if we want to use database we have to use Grails Datasource.groovy. We have almost 15 different envoirnments in which we deploy our applications. on ...

8. Trouble with legacy DB and composite keys

Trouble with legacy DB and composite keys This is my first attempt at trying to tie a Grails app to a legacy Oracle DB and I'm having a lot of trouble. ...

9. Quirky database object creation stories

Quirky database object creation stories I've been having some odd behavior with database objects getting created for domain objects. Recently I needed to re-create a table with the right constraints, so ...