datasource 1 « DataSource « Java Database Q&A

1. What JDBC tools do you use for synchronization of data sources?

I'm hoping to find out what tools folks use to synchronize data between databases. I'm looking for a JDBC solution that can be used as a command-line tool. There used to be ...

2. Simple Geographic Data Sources for a Web App

For a web app I'm working on, I need to know the lat/lon of about 300 US cities. I also need to know the lat/lon for every US zip code. Does ...

3. How do I Dynamically set Data Source in Reporting Services?

I am looking for a method of changing the data source for a report in SQL Server Reporting Services. Basically what functionality I am looking for is a drop down box (parameter) ...

4. Any leads on a reputable currency conversion data source?

I have to build a currency converter widget and I would like to know if anyone knows of an api or regularly updated data source to get up to date currency ...

5. What Statistics Framework / Tools use with data from different sources

I got many datasources (postgres database, logfiles) containing statistic data or containing data from which you can calculate statistic data. Im searching for a application where you can design new reports ...

6. Is using a Java Datasource an expensive ordeal?

My Java (non-Web) application may have to create Connection Pools of about 200 different Datasources. Yes, all 200 of them connecting to different Databases. Not 200 connections in the pool. Here ...

7. data source or rss feed to get up to date currency conversion rates from us authority

Hi I need to develop a tool which suppose to fetch daily currency rate. I am looking for some feed or services from authorized usa government agency. Response will be appreciated. thanks Kamal ...

8. source of historical stock data

I'm trying to make a stock market simulator (perhaps eventually growing into a predicting AI), but I'm having trouble finding data to use. I'm looking for a (hopefully free) source of ...

9. Does Reporting Services 2008 support multiple datasources for a single object?

i.e. Can you have more than one data source in a table, or do you still need to use subreports if you want that functionality?

10. Report Builder 2.0 Data Source Credentials Prompt

I have two saved shared data sources that are virtually identical but have different names and have been deployed to the report server at different times. They both live in the ...

11. How do I update the password for a Cognos Data Source?

The db password expired and it needs to be updated, how do I update the password for a Cognos Data Source?

12. Strategies for search across disparate data sources

I am building a tool that searches people based on a number of attributes. The values for these attributes are scattered across several systems. As an example, dateOfBirth is stored in ...

13. Raw Data Sources

Are there any sources of real raw data I can play with for free ? I don't care what the data is for, as long as there is a LOT of it. The ...

14. How do I manually configure a DataSource in Java?

I'm trying to follow Sun's JDBC tutorial at It gives the following example code:

DataSource ds = (DataSource) org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource()

Connection con = ds.getConnection();
This code doesn't compile because the DataSource interface has ...

15. Dashcode 3.0, data sources + non-form POST request?

Question in brief: In Dashcode 3.0, how do I tell a Data Source to send a POST request like:


16. XtraGrid data source update while trying to edit

I have an XtraGrid with the datasource set to a BindingList. Some of the fields in the grid are editable. The problem is that the list gets a lot of updates ...

17. accessing parameters when writing a scripted BIRT data source in java

I am using BIRT reporting with a scripted POJO data source and am having trouble accessing report parameters. I am scripting everything in Java, rather than javascript. The code is below:

public ...

18. how to let the DataPager know the number of total records in the DataSource in custom paging?

The default paging mechanism needs to have the entire contents of the query that's to be paged through each time the ListView is rendered so that it can correctly determine how ...

19. MS Reporting Services - columns from DataSource in one Textbox

I have the DataSource which returns columns ItemsName and I need to join these all names into one Textbox. The output should look like: "ItemName1, ItemName2", ItemName3, ..." I cannot figure out how use ...

20. How to reference a report datasource table using x++

I'm unable to find the proper syntax for referencing the CustInvoiceTrans table of the SalesInvoice report datasource. Here's the context: I've created a new classification field on the InventItemGroup table ...

21. List as DataSource for DataList

All Types implement IEnumerable interface could be used for a DataSource of a DataList. For example List. But what we will write for the data bound expression in ItemTemplate?

List<int> myList = ...

22. Problems with Web Service Data Source in Crystal Reports 2008

I'm trying to hook up my SOAP webservice to be used as a crystal reports data service and I'm running into some problems. I follow the wizard and after I ...

23. How to display a child List inside of the DataSource in VS Report Viewer 2008?

I have created a static Generic List (List) and bind it to a Report Viewer's data source. In the Report Viewer designer, I am able to find the correct data source ...

24. Historical Forecast or Observed Weather Data Source

I'm looking for an API that provides recent, 3-hourly temperatures... either observed or forecasted. To be clear, I'm looking for data from the past... like 'yesterday'. Free or paid is fine. ...

25. How to setup the datasource to NOT require the end user to enter credential information for a report

I am fairly new to SQL Server Reporting. I am using SQL server 2008, running on a server using server 2008 standard and Business Studio to create the reports. ...

26. How to Refresh Excel Data Source Via Java

I have an excel file that pulls in data via data connection from bunch of CSV files. The CSV files are generated every now so often by a JAVA program. Is it ...

27. DevExpress XtraGrid Control - Stop Redraw On Datasource Update


I am using the latest version of DevExpress XtraGrid. I am currently binding the DataView of a DataTable to the datasource of the gridcontrol in C#. Since this DataTable gets updated every second, ...

28. Confused About Data Sources

When we work on an SSRS report on our local laptops, we have a data source we use. However, when we put the report on our SSRS server, we'd like to ...

29. How to delete a row from DevExpress Grid

I bind my DevExpress XtraGrid to a SQL Server database. I use the default navigator to delete rows. I would like the database to reflect these deletions as well. How do ...

30. Remove MailMerge data source via OpenXML

I have some code that uses Open XML to open up a .docx file, find all MailMerge fields, and replace them with data (ignoring the datasource that may have been provided). I ...

31. How to change a Datasource's username/password at runtime in a J2EE app?

I've deployed a web-module which connects to the database via a datasource configured in the J2EE application server. Currently, the user/password for the database connection is set in the proper J2EE application ...

32. Setting data source for reports in Crystal Reports 2008 Java (performance)

we have Crystal Reports 2008 on the Tomcat 5.5 server, and use the Java SDK to display reports and convert them to PDF. Since the server has its own database, we have ...

33. Can i bind an the datasource Index in a repeater/grid

I have a repeater.. and in my repeater i have a link that fires some JS. I would like to pass the itemIndex of the datasource in the JS. Is there some way ...

34. javax.activation.DataSource size question

How do I get the amount of physical memory, consumed by the DataSource (specifically — ByteArrayDataSource)? I use javax.mail.util.ByteArrayDataSource (byte[] bytes, String type) constructor, where I get ...

35. Best JDBC data source bean class

I see that some people use org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource while other configurations have com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource. Spring has its own: org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource There are probably even more. But which one is best? I have a ...

36. How do I use JDBC's data source?

I've tried researching how to use the DataSource method of connecting to a database but never could find out how. I know that a DataSource is first configured and registered to ...

37. Java: Finding how many words appear in BOTH data sources?

I'm trying to figure out if there is an easy way to count the number of words that appear in small paragraph (#1) and small paragraph (#2). Generally, Im determining how much ...

38. Dashcode Widgets Datasource

I would like to know if there is a Reference manual somewhere for Dashcode 3.0 Widgets' datasources. I need to know the following:

  1. How to refresh (requery) a datasource
  2. How to listen for datasource ...

39. How to set a datasource for a BIRT report programmatically?

I have a BIRT report which connects to our test database. In the productive environment I would like to supply a datasource which is provided by the container through jndi. How would ...

40. How can I configure a netTiers datasource to use a RouteParameter instead of a QueryStringParameter?

NetTiers works fantastic out of the box using querystrings. Eg:

<data:AspnetUsersDataSource ID="AspnetUsersDataSource" runat="server" SelectMethod="GetByUserId">
        <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="UserId" QueryStringField="UserId" Type="String" />

41. Pump data into ActiveMQ from a JDBC data source

We have an application provided by a third party which takes a stream of market data (provided by said third party), and writes it into a JDBC compatible database. The only configuration ...

42. Three20 UITableViewCellStyleValue1

How do I create an item in my datasource using a cell that is UITableViewCellStyleValue1? Do I have to create my own custom cell to do it? I don't ...

43. HashMap implementation of DataSource interface : nextRow() method?

I would like to implement a DataSource interface (in Java) which, among other things, allows you to aquire the nextRow() from the data. I initially just want to implement the data ...

44. Complex datasource issue in Dynamics AX

I have a grid that displays lines from a table. Now, I have these two requirements:

  1. Show only the lines that contains values in the "hour" fields. The "hour" field is an ...

45. Using two data sources in a single PerformancePoint KPI/scorecard

I already have a scorecard and now I want to add another target metric to one KPI, and I want the target values to be pulled from a SharePoint list, so ...

46. Unit of Work with multiple Data Sources?

It's possible (even probable) that I'm just not fully grokking the concept of a "unit of work." Basically, I see it as sort of a broad transaction used in an ...

47. DAL: Is it ok to incapsulate several data sources access in one module?

Application I develop requires several data sources (2 RDBMS and one file storage) to operate. I'm going to incapsulate datasources with DAL library & Business Logic layer. Would you personally create ...

48. AX report: off by one error with joined datasources

We want to build a report in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 to show all employees that worked on a production order. Into the datasources for this report we drag-n-dropped the
ProdTable (pt) which ...

49. Problem with query as a new data source in Cognos PowerPlay

Normally you can add a query as a new data source in Cognos PowerPlay (I'm running PowerPlay version 7.3), but when I try to do so I cannot select any queries ...

50. Is there a freely-available data source for ski conditions?

I am developing an app that, among other things, shows snow conditions at all the ski areas in Colorado. Can anyone suggest a place where I can legally (and preferably freely) ...

51. Using DataSource in J2ME

Can anybody help me how to use datasource for playing audio files?if u have any code plz share with me

52. Data To Munge: Stock Trading, Exchange Trading

I know that a lot of this information is probably entirely privatized, but does anyone know of a good source of real time information on what kind of trading activity is ...

53. how to get the properties of a datasource in WAS 6.1

I am migrating an app from WAS4 to WAS6.1 A piece of code is as follows:

javax.naming.Context ctx = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
javax.sql.DataSource ds = (javax.sql.DataSource)ctx.lookup(JNDI_NAME);          ...

54. Dashcode datasource problem

How to Change Dynamically Data Source's xml source on Dashcode.

55. Java & JMF: how do a transmit an RTP stream with just a datasource?

I have a valid datasource. How do a transmit my microphone to that datasource.

56. New Object not triggering createRecord in DataSource

In my responder I have:

Spanish.ADDWORD = SC.Responder.create({

  didBecomeFirstResponder: function(responder) {
    var store = this._store =; //buffer changes
    var word = store.createRecord(Spanish.Word, {word: "", ...

57. Database Link vs. JDBC Datasource

Suppose a Java web application has a "main" database schema. However, there is another database schema that the web application needs to utalize. Is it better to use 2 JDBC datasources ...

58. Issue with binding different data source to the same Grid

I have a XamGrid (Infragistics silverlight control) and a combobox on my xaml page. Based on what value I select in the combobox, WCF returns the data and I set it ...

59. Data source of English speech phrases

I am doing a research on developing a simulated environment for the students (who use English as second language) to practice English speaking. In a one part of my development, I need ...

60. RRDTool data source type selection

I have question related with RRDTool DST. I need to create database in such way that even the data is the same(for example I have 6 entries per hour with same ...

61. How to add (remove) new items to an existing dataSource in Dashcode?

I have a question concerning DashCode and dataSources: I have defined an JSON object in javascript file, linked it to a dataSource and connected the company names to the user interface ...

62. Nevron surface chart data source

I have been looking at the above metioned chart and I am trying to figure out how their "FillData" method on the snippet below works. private void FillData(NGridSurfaceSeries surface) ...

63. Creating report by switching between data sources and data sets

I am in a process of generating reports using SSRS. I have multiple servers with multiple oracle databases on each server. I am wondering if I can create multiple shared data ...

64. Caching InitialContext and DataSource in a J2EE web-app

In the following Connector/J reference for JDBC/MySQL it suggests we cache the instances of InitialContext and Datasource. Would just making it a private static instance solve the caching? Shouldn't one have ...

65. Using datasource in a Java class file

I am using data source explorer in eclipse. the connection is setup and now I want to use it in the normal Java file. I have used the same datasource explorer ...

66. Create processor for screen transmit RTSP

I have the next class, which is used to transmit RTP via audio or video files in Java. So far so good. What I want is to modify the UnicastRtp class ...

67. How to bind datalist with mulitple datasources

Can I bind a datalist with 2 datasource. The scenario is my data list is bound on the design view which displays a list of products, What I want to acheive ...

68. Dashcode - how do you combine two values from one datasource

In Dashcode, if I have a dataSource that has, for example, 2 fields called 'FirstName' and 'Last Name', how do I concatenate the 2 fields into one text field in a ...

69. What training data sources could be used for sentiment classification models?

I'm looking for ideas about data sources which have or could potentially be used. I'm not interested in pre-existing libraries or tools. Both annotated and unannotated data are of ...

70. How to create JDBC datasource and access database file dynamically or programmatically

I m writing one application and want to make it opensource. My app uses access database, and i created manually the datasource using run->odbcad32. When I post that app in site ...

71. JDBC DataSource

When I run the following code on one machine I get tomcat implementation of org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.BasicDataSource and when I run it on another machine I get apache commons implementations of org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource (which ...

72. Is :TEXT a valid format for a KRL datasource?

The docs mention :XML, :JSON, and :HTML, but I have a URL that returns plain text. I'd like to write

global {
  datasource tests_executed:TEXT <- ""
rule how_many_tests {
  pre {

73. how to change dashcode datasource

I'm new to dashcode, trying to develop a web app. If I start with the browser example, the stacklayout uses a list of park data in sampleData.js to populate the ...

74. How to add custom data source to GeoServer WMS service?

I'm installing GeoServer as a WMS server to cooperate with OpenLayers. The trouble is that I have to use 3rd-party tile source which is provided through web service. So I guess I have ...

75. How can I serialize Petrel Property in my Custom DataSource and load it back?

I am not very "fluent" with Ocean serialization . Can I serialize an entire Petrel Property (Properties, Grids or any other Petrel/Ocean's objects) into my custom DataSource? Will I be able ...

76. Get the hostname from a DataSource class

Is there a way to get the hostname from the DataSource class in java? I mean, I have a DataSource object (DS), which is annotated to get the Jboss datasource. Anyway, ...

77. Weird row selection behaviour with three GridControls bound to same datasource

I've got three WinForm GridControls tied to the same datasource - one displays the full dataset while each of the others displays a subset (top 3 and bottom 3 rows based ...

78. how to download file in java from data sources

I want to write java code for downloading different type of files from various sources. I need to handle various conditions during download.Let's say file is in downloading state and ...

79. Sproutcore datasources and model relationships

I currently have a Sproutcore app setup with the following relationships on my models:

App.Client = SC.Record.extend({
    name: SC.Record.attr(String),
    brands: SC.Record.toMany('App.Brand', {isMaster: YES, inverse: 'client'})

App.Brand = ...

80. Ideal data source for Standalone Applications?

Suppose I created a standalone application in java and distributed it through my website. What I need to know is what is the ideal Database solution I can use so that ...

81. Sproutcore datasources and creating new records with relationships

I'm trying to get my head around datasources and related models in sproutcore and am getting no where fast was wondering if anyone could maybe help me understand this all bit ...

82. How do I close a java.sql.DataSource

We have a system where data is partitioned by date. So for example in SqlServer we have one database per month of data. Each month partition uses a Jdbc ...

83. different for same datasource

I'm writing a class reading information from a database, which could be oracle or mysql. I'm using javax.sql.DataSource and code like:

ctx = new InitialContext();
DataSource ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("java:personalDS");
Connection conn = ds.getConnection();
After that ...

84. Defining PostScript /DataSource from decimal values

I have the following decimal numbers: 61440 3840 240 65280 4080 1088 2176 8432 I need to define a /DataSource and need the following output:

/LogFunctionDict 10 dict def LogFunctionDict begin
 /logdatasource {/DataSource < ...

85. trying to set a chart data source from an excell file (problem with set source data)

very simple the setsourcedata() Wouldn't accept an excel.ranage as an argument (compiler error) here is the part where the problem occurs

  range = ws.Range["A1", "AE2"];

86. Java REST using DataSource

I'm new to REST on Java and I would like to create "simple" REST services that queries a database and returns some JSON info. What I would like is to use JDBC ...

87. Dynamics AX - Apply range on combobox datasource / items

I just want to limit the records brought in the combobox based on some condition, say like which menu item opened the form. So specific rows should return. I have no idea ...

88. Creating a free form BIRT report using Scripted Datasource

I am trying to create a free form BIRT report. The report is not consisted to rows which have the same columnNames in each row. Instead, it is a free form report, ...

89. Order of controls in designer of drag and drop from datasources toolbox

Is there a way to control the order that tools are kept in the datasources toolbox or as they are dragged onto the designer surface (in details view)? In my ...

90. How to show data from two different datasources in Activereport

I have a report file . I have to show the data in this report from two different datatable . I have to show the data from one datatable ...

91. Combining data sources in Business Objects 6

This may not be the correct SE for this - if not, I apologise in advance... I'm a complete Business Objects novice. In my organisation we run BO 6.5. I have some ...

92. Is there a way to get runtime-generated sample data as a data source that can be shared across multiple Blend projects?

I am storyboarding several different UI wizards in Expression Blend 4 with SketchFlow. I'm keeping each wizard in a separate project so that the output in the SketchFlow player is ...

93. Using DataSource without app-server

My data access objects takes a DataSource as a parameter which works perfectly if they are deployed within an app server. I'm wondering how I can assemble a data source from ...

94. What is the best way in Java to parse semantic data from a source?

I would like to read and parse a marked up text (probably microformat, microdata, rdf or similar). Do I have create my own parser or is there any java library which ...

95. Dilemma of so many Navigation Controllers that have many Objects & Data

Longstory short, in a Navigation Controller: the table has 2 objects (2 libraries). Each object (library) has another Navigation Controller, however the table has 100 objects (100 writers). Again, each writer ...

96. How to use sitecore query in datasource location? (dynamic datasouce)

Is it possible to set the datasource location (not the datasource) to be a sitecore query? What I'm trying to do is to have the sublayout set its datasource location to a ...

97. how to set query string from the datasource to the tag?

I'm using repeater control from for binding datasource. I have added tag element as a template item. I want to set the query string from my table to the ...

98. Splunk : TCP Port Data Input not appearing in Search Data Sources

So the problem comes down to -

  1. Redirecting the output of my $ python to a TCP Port using nc.
  2. Capturing the data remotely listening to the Port.
  3. Now when I remotely ...

99. Infragistics UltraGrid (9.2) change a cell displayvalue without changing underlying datasource

I have a UltraGrid bound to a IList<MyDomainObject>. In MyDomainObject there is a field bool? isSomething. Problem is when this field is null the check-box in the cell is displayed as ...

100. H2 database as datasource in geronimo

I'm trying to use h2 database as data source on Geronimo with openjpa (1.2). My persistence.xml

<persistence xmlns="">
<persistence-unit name="testPU">