timestamp « Data Type « Java Database Q&A

1. Resetting the time part of a timestamp in Java    stackoverflow.com

In Java, given a timestamp, how to reset the time part alone to 00:00:00 so that the timestamp represents the midnight of that particular day ? In T-SQL, this query will do ...

2. Informix JDBC timestamp string format    stackoverflow.com

I have Informix database with timestamp field defined as YEAR TO SECOND. When I show this field using JDBC rs.getString(column) it uses format with miliseconds so this field looks like:

2008-12-18 13:58:14.0
I would ...

3. How to calculate the difference between two Java java.sql.Timestamps?    stackoverflow.com

Please include the nanos, otherwise it would be trivial:

long diff = Math.abs(t1.getTime () - t2.getTime ());
[EDIT] I want the most precise result, so no doubles; only integer/long arithmetic. Also, the result ...

4. How to format a java.sql Timestamp for displaying?    stackoverflow.com

How do I formate a java.sql Timestamp to my liking ? ( to a string, for display purposes)

5. How to get the name of the day from java sql.Timestamp object?    stackoverflow.com

How to get the name of the day from java sql.Timestamp object such as Monday, Tuesday?

6. How to log every HTTP request on Java EE application (path, timestamp, username(if available)) to database    stackoverflow.com

How may I log every HTTP request on Java EE application (path, timestamp, username(if available)) to database?

7. How do I format a java.sql.Timestamp as (hh:mm AM/PM)    stackoverflow.com

I have a java.sql.Timestamp and I would like to cut off the date and show it in 12 hour fashion, eg (18:42 as 6:42PM) I tried:

public static String formatTimestampAsTwelveHour(java.sql.Timestamp stamp){


8. display timestamp value in java from database    stackoverflow.com

the value of date in database is 2011-03-19 18:49:04

     Timestamp date;

    ResultSet rs=smt.executeQuery("select * from posttopic where name='"+logn+"'");


9. How to insert TimeStamp with Zone Time in Insert Statement    stackoverflow.com

How to insert TimeStamp with Zone Time in Insert Statement... Am getting this as String 2011-03-22T13:33:54+0530 using following to convert it to time and insert

String timStp = 2011-03-22T13:33:54+0530
java.sql.Timestamp tsmp = ...

10. How can I format java.sql.Timestamp in a XML way using XStream?    stackoverflow.com

I have some Java objects that I want to transform to XML. Some of the objects has a field java.sql.Timestamp datetime and I want them formatted in XML as datetimes is ...

11. java.sql.Timestamp way of storing NanoSeconds    stackoverflow.com

java.sql.Timestamp constructor go like this:

public Timestamp(long time) {
    nanos = (int)((time%1000) * 1000000);
    if (nanos < 0) {

12. How to convert java.sql.Timestamp value from EST to UTC timezone    stackoverflow.com

I have a java.sql.Timestamp variable in local timezone with following formatting 2011-07-21 00:40:37 I need to convert it to UTC I asked this question to see if it can be done by ...

13. how to get the timestamp taken to insert the data into a table    stackoverflow.com

I am storing images in a table i would like to get the time stamp taken to insert the image into the table are their any ...

14. timestamp sql query    stackoverflow.com

im try to execute sql query that will check if some time (like 10 sec) past from last timestamp update in my table and chenge other table if yes. My ...

15. How do I increment a java.sql.Timestamp by 14 days?    stackoverflow.com

I have an app that takes a Timestamp as a boundary for the start date and end date of a sql selection, I want to populate a hashmap with weeks ...

16. Convert Java String to sql.Timestamp    stackoverflow.com

Got a String coming in with this format: YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MM.SS.NNNNNN The Timestamp is coming from a DB2 database. I need to parse it into a java.sql.Timestamp and NOT lose any precison. ...

17. Convert sql timestamp to yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ    stackoverflow.com

I need to convert a SQL Server timestamp format (stored on Timestamp java data type) into this format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ (it's the date format parsed by Alfresco) How can I do it? thanks ...

18. sql update command with timestamp    stackoverflow.com

i try to execute some sql update command that should update some column to 0 my table is

person: email(string),name(string),isconnect(string).
imalive:email(string),lastseen(timestamp (2011-10-03 22:46:00)).
now im try this:
UPDATE persons SET isconnect=0 WHERE not exists ...

19. Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot convert value '0000-00-00 00:00:00' from column XX to TIMESTAMP    forums.netbeans.org

Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot convert value '0000-00-00 00:00:00' from column XX to TIMESTAMP NetBeans Forums -> ...

20. [Axis] Problems with java.sql.Timestamp namespace    coderanch.com

Simply design your service WSDL-first and use the supported XSD types as outlined in Java API for XML-Based RPC (JAX-RPC) Specification 1.1 (JSR-101); Section: 18. Appendix: XML Schema Support (This is the preferred solution). Though "SOAP" initially included the word "Object" in its now abandoned expansion, Web Services really are only XML-based messaging systems - they are not an effective object ...

21. getting java.sql.Timestamp exception    coderanch.com

Please look at the code below : String bot_id = ""; String session_id = ""; String domain = ""; String signal = ""; String kick_off = ""; java.util.Date bot_alarm_timestamp = null; String next_node = ""; String next_case = ""; String bot_level = ""; String bot_message = ""; String active_converse = ""; String reply_text = ""; java.util.Date send_timestamp= null; java.util.Date delivery_timestamp = ...

22. Modifying the TimeStamp data type    coderanch.com

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew how to modify the timestamp data type so that it output like: DD MMM YYYY HH:NN:SS Has anyone done this? I tried to modify Timestamp.java in the java.sql directory but its a bit messy. Basically when I output a table using select * from tablename I get the date in the usual timestamp format ...

24. Timestamp in Java    coderanch.com

25. How to insert automatic timestamp?    coderanch.com

26. timestamp    coderanch.com

Hi all, My database client is retrieving rows from some tables of a given database periodically. The database client should retrieve at each time only new inserted rows or rows modified since last retrieval. A priori, tables don't contain any timestamp column, and I can't modify the tables since the database is developed, managed and administered by a different company. Does ...

28. Always TIMESTAMP?    coderanch.com

In a database I created a table by: create table xxx (id NUMBER(5), birthday DATE,...); And I got some columns info using DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(...) method. The returned data type of the 'birthday' column is always TIMESTAMP. I changed the birthday's length/precision but had no effect. I changed to other DBMS but got the seam result. why?

29. Comparing Timestamp values?    coderanch.com

How do you compare two Timestamp values to see if one is 'x' minutes older than another, for example? If you have one Timestamp, say t1 and another, t2, how can you see if the difference in time between them is, say 5 minutes? Basically, I need to be able to somehow take the difference between to Timestamps to see how ...

30. Confused about SQL Timestamp    coderanch.com

If you have code where you read a SQL timestamp from a database and then want to break it apart, I tried to use code like this, which works: Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); long millis = cal.getTime().getTime(); Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(millis); System.out.println("Day: " + ts.getDate()) // using timestamp! However, the API says getDate() is deprecated and use a format like ...

31. How to insert a data of datetype timestamp into Sqlserver2000    coderanch.com

In sqlserver2000,a table have a column is datatype timestamp,I used these mothed to insert a record 1.insert tableName values (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); error: Disallowed implicit conversion from data type datetime to data type timestamp, table 'eServices.dbo.SMS_COMMENTARIES_USER_LOGS', column 'UPDATE_DATE'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query. 2.insert tableName values ('1998-12-31 12:30:00'); error Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type timestamp, ...

32. Timestamp problem    coderanch.com

I am building the Dukes bank example using an Oracle Databsae. In the Database they have a datatype TIMESTAMP. In the code they have this data set as DATE. this is causing an error to be thrown as invalid column type. I guess one way would be to change DATE to TIMESTAMP Is there another way round this. Thanks for any ...

33. Getting timestamp from the DB    coderanch.com

Hi. I have an app, that requires me to do a batch update. The batch update works great. I've run into one problem, however. In my stored procedure, I am setting a variable with the current timestamp. My problem is, this timestamp changes with each time a batch statement runs. Say I have 20 statements I am sending to my procedure, ...

34. timestamp null    coderanch.com

I want to get all entries from a table in db2 where a certain timestamp is not set. If I use a query "select something, myTimestamp from myTable", and I print myResultSet.getTimeStamp("myTimestamp"), the answer is null; However, if I try to select all the empty timestamps with a preparedStatement: preparedStatement = "select something from myTable where myTimestamp=?"; preparedStatement.setTimeStamp(1, null); I do ...

35. COALESCE Function in TIMESTAMP    coderanch.com

Hi, I have the following piece of code... UPDATE TEST_TBL SET A_VALUE = ?, B_VALUE = ?, DATE_UPDATED = ? WHERE ((coalesce(A_VALUE ,0) <> coalesce(?,0)) OR (coalesce(B_VALUE ,0) <> coalesce(?,0)) OR (coalesce(DATE_UPDATED,0) <> coalesce(?,0))) The above query throws an error since DATE_UPDATED which is of type DATE and it cannot be assinged to '0'. Can you please suggest what could be ...

36. TIMESTAMP as primary key field ?    coderanch.com

DB : MySQL 5.0.16 If I need a primary key (PK) that can contain the numbers as large as an INT, I would normally use an INT. But the problem with INT is that, if the keys are all used up (exhausted), I need to start thinking of ways to reuse skipped or deleted primary keys. In other words, I need ...

37. Lates Timestamp record from 3 tables.    coderanch.com

Hi ranchers I have one question to ask Let me describe the situation: There are 3 tables which I need to joint on a single field CALLED AS ID Now in each table there is a field called as Updt_Timestamp. Now the problem statement is Select the record for that particular ID (Which is given ofcourse) from the 3 tables but ...

38. Unable to Convert in Timestamp    coderanch.com

41. Difference between two timestamp fields    coderanch.com

I have two fields DECISION_DATE and EVENT_DATE Both are of type Timestamp in the database(DB2 v8) i want to check if the diff between the two dates is 1. I tried days(DECISION_DATE) - days(EVENT_DATE) = 1 . I get the exception: days() is not a valid function. What would be the best way?

42. count by current timestamp    coderanch.com

Hi. I have a database containing a column called 'datetime' and it is type of TIMESTAMP. The database is used for forum posts in my own web application and each posts have to have it's timestamp recorded for reference and tracking. How do I use COUNT on the datetime for the current date. For example, I have some datetime in the ...

43. Error: java.sql.Timestamp    coderanch.com

44. convert SQL TimeStamp to String    coderanch.com

46. Handling java.sql.Timestamp    coderanch.com

Who says the difference is 2 days? It's more like 1.0416667 days by my calculation. But maybe An Sush doesn't like my calculation. That's no problem, it just means that An Sush has to define the correct calculation. But until that's done we can only post guesses here, and that isn't very helpful.

49. System TimeStamp    coderanch.com

50. Timestamp assistance    coderanch.com

I"m trying to insert a timestamp into my table. If I try to let mysql manage the time/timestamp...the time is off. I'm trying to get the timestamp from java and insert that into the table. If I use this code, I can't insert anything into the table. If I try to insert just FName, LName, and Password...mysql will insert the timestamp ...

51. issue with java.sql.Timestamp    coderanch.com

Hi , I am struggling with one issue. In websphere 6.1/oracle10g , if i do java.sql.Timestamp.setTime(0) then its returning 1970-01-01 05:30:00.0 but the same code in weblogic/Oracle10g is working fine. For example if timestamp value is 2010-07-21 09:04:35.317 , its becoming 2010-07-21 09:04:35.0 after setTime(0). Why websphere is returning 1970-01-01 05:30:00.0 , that i am failed to understand. regards, Ajse

52. Using Timestamp in Database Application    coderanch.com

My application records inspection records. When the user types in an inspection record document number and the app attempts to validate it I store a timestamp to a servlet attribute as follows: GetCurrentDate cDate = new GetCurrentDate(); cDate.setcDate(); request.getSession().setAttribute("currentSIDocTimeStamp", cDate.getTimeStamp()); Then when the record is submitted I send this value to my connection class as follows: String timestamp = request.getSession().getAttribute("currentSIDocTimeStamp").toString(); SamplingInspectionConnection ...

54. java.sql.Timestamp question    coderanch.com

This is the first time I am working with java.sql.Timestamp. I need to pass two values one is Start time and end time in my SQL SELECT query. Start time will be today date and time is 12AM End time will be yesterdays date and time is 12AM Example: Todays date in Timestamp format is: 2011-08-22 09:42:37.687 Start time: 2011-08-22 and ...

55. String to Timestamp conversion    coderanch.com

56. How do I change TimeStamp from Eastern Standard Time to UK GMT time on database    dbforums.com

Hello, I am based in the UK. My hosting company is based in the US. I am using a MySql database. All the database tables have timestamps that are set to the local machine time. When I insert information the timestamp is automatically allocated to Eastern time I would like to change the timestamp so that it is a GMT on ...

57. Send object via web service, with a java.sql.Timestamp attribute    java-forums.org

Hi! I want to expose a method in a web service, which returns a "Topic" object. This Topic object, has a java.sql.Timestamp attribute inside. I can compile the project and deploy it, but it doesn't start. I read that there is a problem with java.sql.Timestamp class, because it doesn't have a default constructor, so it does not serialize to xml. I ...

58. SQL JDBC Timestamp    forums.oracle.com

60. null Timestamp in DB acts like non-null value then throws a NPE    forums.oracle.com

Hi everyone I don't understand what's going on or what am I doing wrong. I hope some of you can help me. The object is previously created from a data base. The problematic timestamp is null in the DB. This is the code: public String toString() { log.toLog2("period: "+getDataStop()); return "My object: "+getDataStop()==null?"not specified":new java.sql.Date(getDataStop().getTime()).toString(); } And this is what it ...

62. Sql.Timestamp format    forums.oracle.com

I am trying to get the timestamp value from a date like this: Calendar calender = Calendar.getInstance(); calender.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, +300000); Date delayDate = calender.getTime(); java.sql.Timestamp timestamp = new java.sql.Timestamp(delayDate.getTime()); And my output is: 2010-05-18 20:51:58.812 The system I am integrating with requires the timestamp in this format: 2010-05-18T20:51:58.812 It seems to have the "T" which i assume is day in it..., How ...

63. get "day" knowledge java.sql.Timestamp    forums.oracle.com

hello, i have looked at api but can not find out how to get day knowledge of a timestamp. i thinked to use java.util.date but its getDay method is deprecated. i need to get day of a date value that i get from database, or current time. what should i do? thanks.

65. java.sql.Timestamp value in different Time zones ?    forums.oracle.com

The timestamp itself, of course, is the same in both places. But you display it using something which is time-zone-dependent. You didn't show how you displayed it, but let me suggest that if you used a SimpleDateFormat with its TimeZone attribute set to the same time zone in both places, the result of asking it to format the timestamp would also ...

66. SQL Developer Timestamp    forums.oracle.com

Hi to all I am using SQL Developer. I have a table which contains one column having the datatype timestamp. There we can't understand what the data actually in that field. ie. in some other format e.g(oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP@1c354e6). I want the data in my java program as an understandable date. Can u pls give me the suggesion. Thanks.

67. About java.sql.Timestamp    forums.oracle.com

68. Java.sql.Timestamp question    forums.oracle.com

Hi All, I store a date and time in a SQL Database to act like a timestamp on when a record was input. However when I try to retrieve this, I get a one hour difference all the time! I used the [resultset].getTimestamp() method and it didn't work when I assigned the value to a java date or a java timestamp. ...

69. java.sql.Timestamp Problem    forums.oracle.com

Hello everybody, I have a problem when it comes to timestamps. Out of a DB I get a timestamp that looks like "2007-03-26 00:00:00.0" This format is not very useable for me. I played a bit with SimpleDateFormat, but I couldnt solve my problem. I want the String to look like "26/03/2007", meaning I just need the date in european format. ...