performance « Connection « Java Database Q&A

1. How many JDBC connections in Java?

I have a Java program consisting of about 15 methods. And, these methods get invoked very frequently during the exeuction of the program. At the moment, I am creating a new ...

2. SQL connection performance

I am trying to load the tomcat log of combined pattern to MySQL db,now I push each record to db when it is parsed. First,read a line from the InputStream, then parse it ...

3. Is connection pooling with JDBC still improving performance nowadays?

My application is not using any form of connection pooling, I'm working directly with connections. The application does mainly short, simple queries. From the log I can see that it frequently ...

4. Performance tuning - JDBC Connection times

I'm wrapping up a small project and I'm doing some performance tuning before the initial release. It's a web application so it only receives HTTP requests in the form of ...

5. Java application connecting to many SQL nodes

I have a java application running on tomcat. I want to connect it to my MySQL cluster. In the cluster I have three SQL nodes. I want to attempt a connection to all three ...

6. Performance Problems with DB Connection

I am creating a single-user application that requires database connection. I'm using a MS Access database, and have the connection set up fine. I am setting up a connection when the app is started and keeping it open until the app is closed, but I'm getting performance issues (mainly my Swing components aren't being shown properly). Are the performance issues to ...

7. connection.close() performance

8. Connection pool + performance

The Connection pool topic might have been discussed many times. But still want to clarify my doubts I have been asked to work on a applcaiiton which has some 10 reports, basically read data from the database, do some processing, and finally display the data to the user.. It was already coded by someone else.. So, I went though the code ...

9. Need suggestions on: Database connection performance confirmation.

Hi Friends, Please send me your openion regarding this issue. Actually i am using a DAOImpl class where i will get the data base connection. The code snippet for one method is like this... And i am repeating the same procedure in each method like opening the connection and closing the connection in each method. My problem is: Is it right ...