password « Connection « Java Database Q&A

1. How are secure database connections usually implemented in JAR files?

I'm not a Java developer, but my client has hired one to update some JAR files on their site. Prior to doing so, we audited the existing code and found a ...

2. Secure database password using a SQL connection

I want to program a Java Applet that connects to my personal MySQL database. Now my question is: Can somebody e.g. open the class-file(s) from the JAR and look for the password/string? ...

3. querying for password from java.sql.Connection

I obtain a Connection object to my Database thru JDBC, where the connection properties come from an external prop file. I also have to call another java program within my code, passing in the connection details (like dbname, username, password etc.). I figured out that i can get the user name, dbname, etc from the connection's meta data. But, what I ...

4. JDBC Connection Password?

Hi, This is my first post so apologies if I get anything wrong. I'm Paul from the UK, joined up here after reading about it in one of Kathy Sierra's study guides. I have a question about good practise in connecting to databases via JDBC. If I have a simple program running that connects to a database, it needs a username/password ...

6. Connection authorization failure occurred. Reason: password invalid

Dear all, i am trying to connect to DB using hibernate, but i got this error: DSRA8200W: DataSource Configuration: DSRA8020E: Warning: The property 'useTransactionRedirect' does not exist on the DataSource class [7/26/11 8:09:50:890 AST] 00000018 ExceptionUtil E CNTR0020E: EJB threw an unexpected (non-declared) exception during invocation of method "getCategories" on bean "BeanId(CMSApp#CMSEJB.jar#FacadeBean, null)". Exception data: org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: Hibernate operation: Cannot open ...

9. how do i hide the password in my jdbc connection?

Your property file db details: {dbDriver= dbUrl= dbName=xxx dbLogin=yyy dbPassword=zzz } in your java code {Properties props = new Properties(); try { InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/"); if (in == null) { throw new NullPointerException( "Could not find /"); } props.load(in); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Error loading from classpath.", e); } dbDriver_ = props.getProperty("dbDriver"); dbUrl_ = props.getProperty("dbUrl"); ...