ResultSet « Connection « Java Database Q&A

1. ResultSet not closed when connection closed?

I ve been doing code review (mostly using tools like FindBug) of one of our pet projects and FindBug marked following code as errorneus (pseudocode):

Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();


2. Behaviour of ResultSet after connection got corrupted

Suppose I am making jdbc call and I had fetched data from db to resultset. But due to some network issue I lost my connection with db. (Connection, statement and resultset ...

3. two ResultSet for one connection

Hi, all, My code is like ============================== Connection conn = ... Statement stmt = conn.createState(); Statement stmt2 = conn.creatState(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from mytable"); while( ) { ResultSet rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery("select * from mytable222"); // error here !!! } } ====================== I got Exception ====================== ava.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Connection is busy with results for another hstmt at ...

5. Can we extract the data from resultset after the connection get closed.

Once the connection is closed you can no longer use any of the resources (statements, prepared statements, result sets). So you need to do all of your processing while the resources are open. You should explicitly close the result sets, statements and connections when you are done, to make sure the resources are released on the database side.

6. Is resultset reain open is Connection is closed and resultset is not closed

hi all, I am coding DAO. There are lots of methods in DAO's and i am closing connection in finally block and not closing resultset. I am getting errror like lot of connections are open and it is not able to make new connections. Is this error is due to i am not closing the resultset in finally block. My each ...

7. open Resultset and closed connection

8. ResultSet and connection

9. Connection Pooling & ResultSet behavior

I have a class that interacts with the McKoi DB: saves, retrieves and deletes rows from. I've tested the saving part: works fine without a problem. Problem show's up when I try RETRIEVE (print to screen) DELETE a wor and RETRIEVE again. What was ment to get deleted still shows up. It disapears from the display however the second time i ...

12. Closing connection and resultset?

Hi Friends, I have a query that returns results like this: col1**********col2********col3*******col4 xx----------- --------yy----------zz xx----------- --------yy----------zz xx----------- --------yy----------zz ... .... I store these rows and columns in a array and close the resultset that returned me the first query.Now to get column 2 values,I run again a query which takes in col1,col3 and col4 values as parameters.So if the first query ...

14. Doubt in closing connection, resultset, statemnet object???

Originally posted by gopal kishan: Hi All, If i not close the Statement, Resultset, Connection object then what will happen?? Many bad things. - wasted memory and other system resources in your program - wasted memory and other system resources on the database server The potential outcomes of this include any/all of the following - You will run out of connections ...

15. closing Connection before returning ResultSet

Hello, I have a JAVA program which makes a connection with a MySQL dB. This connection is done by using a separate class. It contains one of the following methods- public ResultSet selectDB(String sql) { Connection con = null; try { String driverClass= "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; Class.forName(driverClass); } catch(ClassNotFoundException exc) { System.out.println(exc+ " class not found !"); System.exit(-1); } catch(Exception is) { System.out.println(is); ...

16. why getXXX methods of Resultset require connection open?

Kartikbhai! Yes, if you want to do rs.getXXXX() you need connection to be open. Connection is basically a bridge between your Java Code and Database, and Resultset it just a vehicle running on a bridge. If you want to get any goods (read value) using vehicle (read Resultset) you need a bring (read connection) that connect one end to another end(read ...

17. ResultSet.close() Vs Connection.close()

18. can resuse the Connection and Resultset Obj

The connection can be reused as much as you want, just don't close it. Do keep in mind that if every client has an idle connection it may decrease performance on the database server. There is an increase in performance on the client though since you don't have to reconnect all the time. Whether or not you want to have idle ...

19. How i can reach Resultset Connection variables outside Class or from inner method

I don't know I telled true or not(i know resultset not a variable).But after see my code you can understand.I have a connect database class.I have a method for connection and execute queries. public static String[] getDbList() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException{ Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Connection Cnctdb = DriverManager.getConnection("" + "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/information_schema", "blabla", "blabla"); String[] dblstarray = new String[50]; String sqldb = "SELECT SCHEMA_NAME FROM SCHEMATA"; ...

21. large resultset connection times out

Hi everyone, I have a problem with a large ResultSet that needs processing before writing the data back into the database. I'm working with an oracle 11 database and need to process 53Million entries. This can take some time and my usual approach is to read the data into a Vector of records and then process them but this time I ...

22. ResultSet:Invalid Cursor State when multiple users connect

Do you realize that typically only one instance of your servlet is created and multiple requests can access it concurrently? You have to be careful with instance variables. My advice is first to get the database code out of your servlet. You are mixing the database layer with the web layer when you do that. By separating them, your code is ...

23. where to close Database connection, resultset

24. Connection and ResultSet remained open

Hello, Can anyone tell me whats the problem of creating a Connection object and not closing it? Say I have a java class where I created connection like Connection con=conn.createConnection(); And at the end of the page I neither close the Connection con nor the ResultSet. Whats the harm in doing so? Please explain.