JavaDB « Connection « Java Database Q&A

1. java.sql.SQLException: Table 'CONNECTIONS' does not have an auto-generated column named 'connection_id'

I'm trying to retreive the connection_id column while inserting into Connections table. I have a table being generated at the start of the application like this with the column_id being ...

2. How to connect to Database Table in the Embedded JavaDB in NetBeans

Akinyemi Connecting to Database Table in the Embedded JavaDB in NetBeans Hi, I am trying to see if I can be using the Embedded Database that is, JavaDB in NetBeans to ...

3. Having trouble connecting to JavaDB?

Hello I am trying to learn how to use JDBC , when I installed Netbeans I didn't get the version bundled withJavaDB. I downloaded JavaDB msi and installed, I even registered ...

4. Trouble Connecting to JavaDB - Desparately need HELP

I'm doing a university project where I have to write an application with a backend database. I'm trying to use JavaDB. I've created a simple JavaDB database in Netbeans. I've got the driver loaded but it's not connecting to the database. I have the following code (GP_Demo, is the name of the database): public static void main(String[] args) { try { ...

5. Connect to database created with IJ - JavaDB

Hi, I'm trying to connect to a database that I have created with the JavaDB tool ij. the database exists and I can work on it, using ij. However if I try to exit it from source code: conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby:"+ dbName + ";create=true"); I get an Error, saying that maybe an other derby instance has opened the connection already. And ...

6. UNABLE to connect to JavaDB

Hi, I am developing a web application using Hibernate, JavaDB with NetBeans. I think things are working weird. Previously, I just used to get error msg like below: java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: : Error connecting to server localhost on port 1527 with message Connection refused: connect. at Source) at Source) at org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver.connect(Unknown Source) at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection( at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection( Caused by: ...

8. Connecting to Database Table in the Embedded JavaDB in NetBeans

Hi, I am trying to see if I can be using the Embedded Database that is, JavaDB in NetBeans to develop my Java Desktop Applications. I can create my database and tables in the embedded JavaDB. I can even write my codes for the Program Application. The Problem I face is when I run the Application I receive this message: "Schema ...

9. client javadb connection over internet

Hi All, I have a program which connect to a local database. But now i need to do some modification to let it connect to a remote database over internet. well, actually, this is the first time i will be getting connected to a remote database over internet. So i am also not sure what to do.. Could any of you ...

10. Unable to connect JavaDB