display « ToolTip « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Proper way to display tool tips for Histogram? Wrong type?    jfree.org

Hi all, I am trying to enable tool tips to pop up for a histogram I create, but can't seem to figure out the right tool tip renderer to enable it? I create the histogram as follows: jFreeHistoChart = ChartFactory.createHistogram( title, xLabel, yLabel, dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, // no legend true, // tool tips false); // no url's Shouldn't this enable tool ...

2. Display % in tooltip    jfree.org

4. Bug:CandlestickRenderer - Tooltips will not display    jfree.org

Bug:CandlestickRenderer - Tooltips will not display by RoyW Sat May 10, 2008 8:30 am The CandlestickRenderer adds entities with the area of the "filled" candle. If the open == close then this area is zero pixels high so cannot generate a tooltip. I suggest (If using entities) that the Shape for the tootip be the Max/Min of Open/Close/High/Low/ instead of ...

5. how to display tooltip ,plz see program its very urgent plzz    jfree.org

how to display tooltip ,plz see program its very urgent plzz by samaeinder Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:25 am I am making the dashboard project, in which i have to display charts dynamicaly from database.With all yours support m able to do that but i m not able to display tooltip since after creating the chart m convering it into ...

6. Tooltip is only displayed on the 1st screen in Applet    jfree.org

Tooltip is only displayed on the 1st screen if chart is used in applet. For security reasons people use applet instead of Java Web Start. But when I used jfreechart in a analytics applet, I found tooltip is only displayed on the 1st screen. I posted this issue a couple of month ago, so I decided to solve it by myself. ...

7. Chart stops displaying tooltips when resized...    jfree.org

I have a simple Linechart that is being displayed in an Eclipse Plugin (SWT) in a ChartComposite in its own view. When the application is resized to be maximized or otherwise largely resized, the chart stops displaying tooltips. Is there something I can do? I noticed that pie charts, area charts, and most of the time, bar charts do not appear ...

8. Same tooltips(date range) are displaying for all the tasks    jfree.org

Hello All, I have created Gantt chart. Gantt chart is coming up fine. Only problem with the chart is same tooltips (date range) are displaying for all the tasks even though tasks have different date ranges. The tool tip is taking entire chart date range instead of displaying the tooltip of that particular task. How can I fix this? Regards, SCS ...

9. Issue in ToolTips display    jfree.org

Hi, I have a requirement where the ToolTip Text should be displayed as shown below: value1 10 20 value2 30 40 value3 40 50 I am able to change the ToolTip Text by implementing 'generateToolTip' method of CategoryToolTipGenerator but i am unable to print the text line by line.Is there any way to display a new line in the ToolTip Text. ...

10. Tooltip and URL display..    jfree.org

11. how to display the tooltip in pdf charts    jfree.org

The automatic tooltip feature in the Java window is awesome. Has there been any work since the last post toward transferring those tooltips into the PDF document? Should I iterate over some collection and call an iText method? If you could give me a hint about how to implement it, I will provide patch code if appropriate. Thanks!