1. Jfreechart create tooltip in chartPanel stackoverflow.comHow can I generate a tooltip on chart mouse over in JFreechart? I tried
but this does not work. Am i supposed to do something else before? something like
I ... |
2. How to add tooltips in JFreechart stackoverflow.comI am doing the following to generate the stackedAreaChart
how can I show the toop tips for the chart? ... |
3. JfreeChart with seam (ToolTip problem) seamframework.orgHi At the time when i had to implement a some graphs in the application i support i did use the seam graph tag. I think this one supports the tooltip already. But it didnt support the creation of an imagemap for the jfreechart for executing hyperlinks on a click on a bar inside the chart. Take a look at the ... |
4. ShadowGenerator and Tooltips jfree.orgHi! In revision 2207 a new feature was added to some plots: a shadow generator. Unfortunately with shadows turned on, tooltips are not rendered for the correct position (tested with XYPlot). The problem is, that in the draw() method a copy of g2 and dataArea is created, which is needed later on. However, most modifications to g2/dataArea are only executed on ... |
5. SamplingXYLineRenderer Tooltip jfree.orgHello Is it possible to use Tooltips with SamplingXYLineRenderer? I've tried it, but it did not work. Code: Select all final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart("Line Chart Demo 2", // chart ... |
6. Add toolTips on chart !!! jfree.org |
7. ToolTip and SubTask jfree.orgHi at all, I'm using Gantt package to produce a chart. I've many series and for each I''ve added many subTask with a startDate and a endDate. I've tried many solutions to get in a chart a tooltips that show me for each subTask the startDate and the endDate, but without success. Is possible to show for each subTask a tooltips ... |
8. How to create customized tooltip. PLease help jfree.org |
9. dynamic tool tips jfree.org |
10. tooltips speed jfree.org |
11. tooltips not working jfree.orgI am using Jfreechart to produce an XY scatter plot. I am using a customizable Render to change the color of and plot style of different data series. For some reason my plot will only show tooltips for one of the datasets, and, it seems only for the data at the beginning of the series. Also I've noticed that after I ... |
12. not showing tooltips jfree.org |
13. Tooltip delay w/overlib.js jfree.orgHi, I've found a few posts asking this question. And I think there are good answers on how to do this with swing applications. But I wrote a web application using the suggested overlib.js: I would like to eliminate the tooltip delay on my graphs. Currently it's about 1 - 2 seconds. Looking at overlib.js, I found this: // Default timeout. ... |
14. Tool Tips Generation jfree.orgI am embedding the BufferedImage generated by the JFreeChart object into JasperReports. Following is Code Snippet BufferedImage bufferedImage; JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart( "pH Linearity", // chart title "X-Values", // x axis label "Y-Values", // y axis label dataset, // data PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, // include legend true, // tooltips true // urls ); bufferedImage = chart.createBufferedImage(500, 350,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB, chartRenderingInfo); I want to generate ... |
15. problem with ToolTip jfree.org |
16. JFreeChart Tooltip question.. URGENT jfree.orgHi. I am wondering if there is a way to display the tooltips inside the bar of a bar chart. I did it for the Stacked Bar Chart and works fine. But in the bar chart it displays it at the end, outside of the bar. and when the length is say 95.5% only part of the tooltip gets displayed. remaining ... |
17. How to apply Tool Tips in JFree Chart ? jfree.orgHow to apply Tool Tips in JFree Chart ? by Radhika Sun Dec 18, 2005 10:44 am hi, I have to apply Tool Tips for the Line Graphs in JFree Chart. I dont know the basics of JFree. I have experimented some available methods to generate Tool Tips, but I couldnt get. (Using jfreechart-0.9.21.jar) I am copying the method in ... |
18. problem in tooltips & xml jfree.org |
19. ToolTips in cewolf jfree.orgHi, We have some charts for which we are trying to generate tooltips. Following the code in the cewolf examples, we tried to get an XYToolTipGenerator for the graph. The tooltip does not show up in Firefox browser for my application, but it comes up in IE. The cewolf example works fine in both browsers. Any idea how we can resolve/debug ... |
20. ToolTips Generation jfree.org |
21. How to generate the tool tip on the PiePlot3D jfree.org |
22. ToolTips w/ServletDemo2ChartGenerator.java fails? jfree.orgRebuilt my app to use Image Map in a servlet jsp model that I found at the JFreeChart Forum. It worked. When I try the same in a struts framework tooltips do not display. I start my app by a link in a jsp that sends me to a Struts action. I build table data and then create the chart as ... |
23. ToolTip for XYAnnotation jfree.org |
24. How to increase the tooltip area (hotspot) jfree.orgFollow up: found the solution by prolaznik22 Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:11 pm For people who may have a similar problem, I have posted my solution to this problem. Basically, the tooltip hotspot is collected from the entities, which are retrieved int the method body of a drawItem, which is located in a renderer class. The piece of code that ... |
25. Problem using AxiceTraces with Tooltips. jfree.orgHi! I'm using the new release of JFreeChart 1.0.1 and i noticed a little problem using the setVerticalAxisTrace(true) and setHorizontalAxisTrace(true); of ChartPanel class with ToolTips. Indeed, when toolTip appear, there is a problem repainting the AxisTraces when mouse is moving. You can see this problem with the ScatterPlotDemo1 making appear a tooltip and moving the mouse. I would like to know ... |
26. How can I show tooltips in the web browser ? Urgent ! jfree.org |
27. Tooltips for marker is there any solution? jfree.org |
28. Tooltip for the chart ! jfree.orgI am trying to give a tooltip to my chart but am not finding any way to do that. What's appearing to be possible is to give tooltip to the items in the chart but I want to have a tooltip when the user bring his mouse over the chart that will give user some specific info about that chart. Item ... |
29. Need Help with Tooltips. jfree.orgHi All, I thought following lines of code is enough for creating a tooltip. XYToolTipGenerator toolTipGen = StandardXYToolTipGenerator.getTimeSeriesInstance(); StandardXYItemRenderer renderer = new StandardXYItemRenderer(StandardXYItemRenderer.LINES+ StandardXYItemRenderer.SHAPES,toolTipGen); renderer.setShapesFilled(true); renderer.setSeriesToolTipGenerator(0,toolTipGen); But this doesnt help me. I am trying to create a TimeSeries which has date values in x-axis and numbers in y-axis. I want to create a tool tip for each items in this plot. ... |
30. Custon Tooltip jfree.org |
31. No Tooltip when dot is too small jfree.org |
32. unable to generate tooltip and urls jfree.orgunable to generate tooltip and urls by dimpleani Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:36 am Hi All, I am trying to generate a tool tip and a url for bar chart.But unable to generate it i am using struts in my project. In my action class i have the following code. import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm; import org.jfree.data.category.DefaultCategoryDataset; import org.jfree.data.general.DefaultPieDataset; ... |
33. Tooltip Problem jfree.orgHi, I'm using cewolf to generate charts in the webpage. I've been able to customize it using chartprocessor. I populated it using a database. Now I have a problem on how to generate the tooltips. I need to show the values and some other data whenever the mouse goes over the point. Please help. I've been working on it for sometime ... |
34. trouble generating tooltips with CustomXYToolTipGenerator jfree.orgJFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createScatterPlot( "Events", // chart title "Distance (mi)", // domain axis label "Time (s)", // range axis ... |
35. NO tooltip for StatisticalBarChart jfree.orgby david.gilbert Fri May 19, 2006 10:05 am No reason, just that no-one wrote the code for it. The following patch (to be included in the 1.0.2 release) provides basic support: Code: Select all Index: source/org/jfree/chart/renderer/category/StatisticalBarRenderer.java =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/jfreechart/jfreechart/source/org/jfree/chart/renderer/category/StatisticalBarRenderer.java,v retrieving revision diff -u -r1.4.2.3 StatisticalBarRenderer.java --- source/org/jfree/chart/renderer/category/StatisticalBarRenderer.java 2 Dec 2005 10:40:17 -0000 +++ ... |
36. tooltip problem jfree.orgtooltip problem by jeremycod Sun May 28, 2006 3:42 pm I have created XY chart using JFreeChart and it uses two data series. The problem I cannot solve is that only one data series have the tooltip. How can I add tooltips for other dataseries? The code I wrote is as follows: Code: Select all public String generateXYChart(String section, ... |
37. Reducing the sensitivity of Tooltips jfree.orgHi, I am using JFreeChart 1.0.0-rc1 to create a time series chart within our application. Our users like the ability for the tooltip to show them the value of the data point on the line but complain that the mouse has to be lined up too precisely with the data pont for the tooltip to appear. This is a trading application ... |
38. Tooltips with my VAlueMarkers? Is it possible? jfree.org |
39. Tooltips in PNG Files on web jfree.org |
40. tooltips using ValueMarkers jfree.orgWas this ever implemented by anyone? I want to be able to set a different cursor when over a marker to indicate it is draggable. It looks as though the latter is not simple to do but for the moment I intend to simulate it with a line that I move over the chart panel and re-draw the marker when the ... |
41. How to generate tooltip for TimeSerialsCollection? jfree.orgHELP ME PLEASE!!! How to generate tooltip for TimeSerialsCollection? I found it is very hard to generate tool tip for time serials collection... It seems that tool tip can only used for XY, PIE, AND CATEGORY.. and also how to make a big dots on time serials diagram. For example, if I have a line for 10 day's data, it is ... |
42. Tooltips jfree.orgCan u please let me how to use tool tip generator for a chart having 2 y-axis and 1-axis.. final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart( graphName, // chart title titleString, // domain axis label yAxisDispString, // range axis label dataset1, // data PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, // include legend true, // tooltips? false // URL generator? Not required... ); final CategoryPlot plot = chart.getCategoryPlot(); ... |
43. how can i set tooltips jfree.org |
44. ToolTips in XYDifference charts jfree.orgHi, I'm using XYDifference charts and want to display tool tips within the cutting areas. So I added a StandardToolTipGenerator and recorded some rendering information while drawing. But when I create the image map using the ChartUtilities, the map is empty. Other XY charts (line, bar, area..) have tool tips with this kind of code. |
45. where can i get details about modification of tooltips. jfree.org |
46. Solving the Tooltip Chaos jfree.orgFor several days now i try to understand how the tooltip-system should work - i didnt get it There are hundred of threads about tooltips - but no guide or newbie help - the threads about tooltips are very special or - sorry - used as "plsfixmycode"-threads. I think there should be some typical examples. Maybe you can help me, so ... |
47. Memory and tooltip jfree.orgHi all, i read in several posts that tooltips use a lot of memory and could be the source of an OutOfMemoryException. I've tried to disable the tooltip generation (setTooltipGeneration and setDisplayToolTips to false) but i've read in some posts that even if the generation of tooltips is disabled, the memory is always allocated for each point added to the chart, ... |
48. Can not disable tooltips! jfree.orgHi In some cases I want tooltips, but in cases were I have more than x data points, I do not want to enable tooltips: Creating bar chart as: ChartFactory.createBarChart(title, keyDesc, valDesc, data, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, false, false); in case of no tooltips and: ChartFactory.createBarChart(title, keyDesc, valDesc, data, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false); in case of < x data points. In all cases ... |
49. "Tooltip" behavior in StackAareaChart..is there a jfree.org"Tooltip" behavior in StackAareaChart..is there a by deepika Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:51 pm Hi Everyone, I am trying to create a stacked area chart using ChartFactory.createStackedAreaChart() with CategoryDataset. But to my surprise, tooltip behaves very different compared to using ChartFactory.createAreaChart() with CategoryDataset. When I say it behaves different, I mean that for formar case, I have to move the ... |
50. tooltip resolution on XYPlots jfree.orgHaving tooltips that displays the series name and (X,Y) coordinate of a datapoint is very useful. Unfortunately, when two datapoints overlap (or nearly overlap), only the tooltip for the series rendered furthest in the foreground displays. Is there a means to have both tooltips display when I hover over these points? On a slight sidenote, is the only means to make ... |
51. tooltip constraint jfree.orghi, I am new to JFreeChart.. I am trying to display tooltip in the chart but am able to get tooltip only when the mouse is on the plot .... but I want the tooltip to be displayed anywhere in the chart is ... Can anybody tell me how I can do this or if there is already a feature like ... |
52. tooltip visibility jfree.org |
53. Tooltips for CategoryStepChart jfree.orgHi David, I noticed that the StandardCategoryTooltipRenderer does not generate any Tooltips on the lines or Points in that Chart. Im using that for Generator for LineCharts in the same way and its working there. Do I have to use a special ToolTipRenderer? Or is this a Bug? Would be nice to have those Tooltips.. Greetings Tom |
54. Question about the toolTip jfree.orgHi everybody, On a TimeSeriesChart i want that when i move the mouse on, it display instantaneously the x,y coordiantes in a toolTip but not only when i point on an item, i want it on all "y" values correspondig to the "x" i point, even if the {x,y} i point don't belong to the serie(witch mean that is not an ... |
55. tooltip hides behind windows taskbar jfree.org |
56. tooltip length jfree.orghello, i have an xy chart whith tooltips, my chart show correctly and tooltips show too. the problem is that the string i set in the tooltip is very long, so i have on my chart that i cannot see the whole string in the tooltip but only a part of it with "..." at the end of the tooltip text. ... |
57. Catch tooltips jfree.org |
58. How to enable tooltip if not use ChartFactory? jfree.org |
59. Hiding Tool Tip jfree.org |
60. Customize histogram bin tooltips? jfree.org |
61. Tool Tip Examples jfree.orgHi, I want to use custom tool tips and I've read what is in the devepolers guide and the API and I went through the demos, but I don't see any examples. Does anyone know if there are any examples in the source code? I want to use tool tips on an XYLineChart. If anyone has any examples of this that ... |
62. Crosshair and tooltips don't mix? jfree.orgHi, I just enabled horizontal and vertical axis traces and realized they don't mix with tooltips I am not sure I am doing something wrong). When the mouse stops over one of the dataset points the tooltip is shown as expected, but that causes the trace lines to stay on the chart (they are not removed). I just tried ScatterPlotDemo1 and ... |
63. Show arbitrary tooltip? jfree.orgHi, is it possible to show an arbitrary tooltip on a specific coordinate? The situation is this: our users want to be able to know what are the data space coordinates to any place they click on the chart. ScatterPlotDemo3 shows me it's possible to capture mouse clicks (although a little more help would much appreciated on how to achieve this ... |
64. data in tooltips jfree.orgzolotaya wrote:I would like to know if is it possible to retrieve they values x and y in a tooltips. I use a scatter Plot and I would like for each point in the chart highlight the row of corresponding data array. Is it possible and how can I do? Yes, it is possible. Unfortunately, I am not at my normal ... |
65. Not getting tooltip jfree.org |
66. Tooltips and zooming jfree.orgSome renderers check that the chart entity (which contains the tooltip info) is visible on the chart before adding it to the collection...and some don't, so let me know which one you are using and I'll try to suggest a fix. Longer term, I think the entity mechanism is a bad design and should be replaced by something that allows for ... |
67. Tooltips in XYImageAnnotations jfree.org |
68. on the fly claculation on tooltip jfree.orgHi Can any body please help me how to do on the fly calculation on tooltip. __ __ __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ___________ 1 2 3 If the value of each of the bar is 30 Then i want to ... |
69. ToolTips in TimeSerieChart jfree.orgHello, I am working with JFreechart for some time now.I need to generate Tooltips in timeseries chart.Can any one give me the sample code of how to generate tool tips in a timeseries chart.There are no such example given in the developer's guide.This would be helpful for me. Thanks in advance, Thanks and Regards, Venu |
70. Tooltips Problem jfree.orgTooltips Problem by chrolg Tue Oct 02, 2007 11:29 am Hello, i have a servlet that creates a jfreechart (with tooltips) and (in order to avoid serialization issues with swing components) writes to a stream a png image. Then the applet reads the image from the stream and displays it as an Image icon on a jLabel. The problem is ... |
71. Realtime Dynamic Crosshair (trace) and tooltip (patch code) jfree.org/** * WZW Override * Implementation of the MouseMotionListener's method. * * @param e the event. */ public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { int iX = e.getX(), iY = e.getY(); this.m_iX = iX; this.m_iY = iY; this.m_dX = (double)iX; this.m_dY = ... |
72. How do I show tooltip ? jfree.orgHow do I show tooltip ? by senthil5 Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:19 pm Hi I have this code, and Im not sure how to show tooltip (X,Y coordinates)on the graphs... Your help is appreciated. import java.awt.Font; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.annotations.XYTextAnnotation; import org.jfree.chart.axis.AxisLocation; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.jfree.chart.labels.StandardXYToolTipGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.plot.CombinedDomainXYPlot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.StandardXYItemRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYItemRenderer; import ... |
73. Help w/ tooltips... jfree.orgSorry to ask, but I'm having a heck of a time getting tooltips to work and I think I'm missing something really simple. Am I somehow not enabling this w/ the TooltipManager or conflicting w/ it, somehow, I just can't get the tooltips to show? Here's the code; renderer = new XYDifferenceRendererFill(SolManConstants.gradientWatts, SolManConstants.gradientVolts, false); renderer.setBaseToolTipGenerator( StandardXYToolTipGenerator.getTimeSeriesInstance()); // Realtime plot small chart ... |
74. Using Tooltips with the XYDotRenderer jfree.org |
75. tooltip jfree.org |
76. How to increase the tooltip region jfree.org |
77. Tooltip disappear with ChartComposite jfree.orgThis is probably a bug in ChartComposite. Next time I fire up SWT I'll see if I can spot the problem. If you add a bug report to the project page at SourceForge, Henry will be aware of it as well (he might see it here, but then again he might not). |
78. [Solved] ToolTip and Java simplification jfree.orgCode: Select all public class CustomXYToolTipGeneratorPressions implements XYToolTipGenerator { public CustomXYToolTipGeneratorPressions() { } public String generateToolTip(XYDataset x_dataset, int x_row, int x_column) ... |
79. tooltip jfree.org |
80. Tooltip disappeared after setting range jfree.orgif (r instanceof XYLineAndShapeRenderer) { XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) r; renderer.setBaseShapesVisible(true); renderer.setBaseShapesFilled(true); final StandardXYToolTipGenerator g = new StandardXYToolTipGenerator( ... |
81. Tooltip in 3D chart jfree.orgAngelOfErian wrote:Where is the matter? Could you give me an example? Thanks for your answer. Up please! It's important. Please do not bump threads. The main reason why threads are 'ignored' by David, myself, and other frequent contributers to the forum is the lack of time we have to answer questions. Questions with only a limited amount of information and a ... |
82. MouseOverDemo1 disables Tooltips... jfree.orgHi I'm trying to use the simple 'highlight' example in MouseOverDemo1 which highlights the contour of a bar in a BarChart. Unfortunately, as soon as I use the MyBarRenderer from the example, the tooltips no longer works. The bar is highlighted but i can no longer see the tooltip that used to show the category name and value. Highlight and tooltip ... |
83. How to show the Tooltips jfree.orgHi i need a clarification regarding tooltips first i just to tell you how i handle the creation of chart . i am saving a chart using servletUtilities and displaying the chart in my requirement is to show the tool tips is it possible ... i have created the chart giving the ... |
84. Problem while generating dynamic chart with tooltip and url jfree.orgProblem while generating dynamic chart with tooltip and url by aaa Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:11 am Dear JFree Giants, Using the following code, I generated bar chart with category data set. Stored the chart in a file and i pointed out the path in jsp to show Its all working fine But i dont want to store the image, ... |
85. Line break in a tooltip jfree.orgHello. I'd like to ask how do I insert a line break inside a tooltip. I have a list of things that I'd like to show and I'd like to not have it in a long list. I'm using an Applet to show the data, as I need zoom operations. I've already created my own XYToolTipGenerator, but it returns a String ... |
86. Lost ToolTips in BoxAndWhisker jfree.orgHi, I had to customize the BoxAndWhisker-Plots (BoxAndWhiskerChartDemo, BoxAndWhiskerRenderer and BoxAndWhiskerCalculator) using JFreeChart 1.0.10 but I lost the tooltips on the way. Has anybody an idea where I made the mistake? Even after searching my code for some time and comparing it to the original I can't find the piece of code I srewed up. Thanks a lot. |
87. Missing Tooltips jfree.orgMissing Tooltips by Ted Hill Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:02 pm I have written a short sample program in which I thought tooltips would appear because in the call to ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(...) I pass a true flag for tooltips. But when I run the demo, I don't get any tooltips. Does anyone know why? --------------------- code below ------------------- package freechart.myfreechart; import ... |
88. How to generate my own tooltips jfree.orgHow to generate my own tooltips by Ocapi Wed Aug 27, 2008 3:44 pm Hi, I'm getting mad because I'm not able to use the XYToolTipGenerator. My aim is to generate by my self the string of the tooltip: for ex. showing the string "test" in every tooltip. This is my code, but it doesn't work: it shows the default ... |
89. Can I add a tooltip to an XYLineAnnotation? jfree.orgThe area is the rectangular crossed by a sloping line at the vertexes. I want this function because the line that has tooltip over it can not be very thick, so it makes it not very easy to display the tooltip. If this cannot be carried out, is there any other workaround? Thank you very much! ss. |
90. Tooltips for Category Chart jfree.orgHello, I have added a StandardCategoryToolTipGenerator to my Category Chart. I get tooltips, but only when the mouse is directly on the vertical extending upward from a category label. For example, if my categories are labeled "1" "2" and "3", I get a tooltip if I am directly above the "1", "2", or "3". Is there some way to get tooltips ... |
91. tooltips and java2d jfree.orgHi! I'm using a custom JComponent to display some shapes and also a JFreeChart using chart.draw(g2, ...) and it works perfectly. But I would like to use the tooltip feature of JFreeChart and so far it doesn't work... I bought the developper guide and it says that if you are not displaying your chart using a ChartPanel (like in my case) ... |
92. VectorRenderer's and Tooltips jfree.orgprivate class MyToolTipGenerator implements XYToolTipGenerator { public String generateToolTip(XYDataset xyDataset, int series, int item) { ... |
93. Tooltips, customization and extra data. jfree.org |
94. ToolTip Bug in new version jfree.org |
95. Increasing tool tip pop up radius jfree.orgIs there any way to increase how close the mouse has to be to a point on an XYLineChart in order for the tool tip to appear, without changing the size of the point? We have a chart with many points on the graph, and we don't want to increase the size of the points because then they will overlap; however, ... |
96. Tool Tips jfree.orgWhat exactly are tool tips? I have looked at dozens of demo charts by running "java -jar jfreechart-1.0.12-demo.jar" and nothing seems to produce a "tool tip". I gather from another post that this is supposed to occur in XYLineCharts whenever the mouse hovers over a data point. The only thing that happens when I do this is that the label for ... |
97. graphe and tooltip jfree.orgI draw my graphs with JFreeChart no problem tooltip with the legend and all its works very well, one comment is that the tooltip does not appear soon, click on the graph (ChartPanel) and after a moment the tooltip appears slowly. I too looked on the net. graphs were built without a problem!! |
98. Tooltip's implemented in XYStepchart ? jfree.orgI'm testing 2 Jfreechart versions 0.9.8 and 1.0.12, I'am using the XYStepChart Code: Select all ChartFactory.createXYStepChart( title, xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel, ... |
99. Issue in showing tooltips jfree.orgI'm using below code to display JFreeChart in my WebPage. But I couldn't see the tooltips. Can you please help me where am I going wrong In my java class, I am writing the below code, Code: Select all DefaultCategoryDataset dataSet = getDataSet(); ... |
100. ToolTips in Domain Markers. jfree.orgHello, I have a graph showing several vertical lines, some of them drawn as discontinuous lines, subclassing XYLineAndShapeRenderer. Im also assigning labels to those vertical lines, but I dont find a way to show tool tips in them. So the question is, is it possible to show tool tips in domain markers ? I know that they are simply vertical ... |