setSeriesPaint « Series « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Problem with setSeriesPaint

Sorry, I forget post my source This is my source: Code: Select all public static JFreeChart graficovariaslineas(XYDataset categorydataset,XYDataset categorydataset1){ //JFreeChart jfreechart= ChartFactory.createXYLineChart("Curva de penalizacin reactiva","Cos fi","Recargo o Descuento",categorydataset,PlotOrientation.VERTICAL,true,false,false); JFreeChart jfreechart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart ("Varias lineas con Fechas","Cos fi","Recargo o Descuento",categorydataset,true,false,false); jfreechart.setBackgroundPaint(new Color(0xbbbbdd)); ...

2. setSeriesPaint not working?

Hi, I'm trying to set the color of a single curve in a Dataset in an XY chart by using code like: XYLineAndShapeRenderer xyr = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) plot.getRendererForDataset(selectedDataset); xyr.setSeriesStroke(selectedCurveIndex, new BasicStroke(3.0f)); xyr.setSeriesPaint(selectedCurveIndex, Color.RED); However the color doesn't change. I can set the visibility of the curve with xyr.setSeriesLinesVisible(selectedCurveIndex, false); with no problem, but the colors don't seem to respond. Any tricks to ...

3. setSeriesPaint() question

I am creating dynamic charts in my Java application where the series are generated by an API layer from the database. I have a default set of 8 colors, but I allow the user to choose the colors for each series if they so choose. If they don't set enough colors, then the JFreeChart starts using its own colors instead of ...

4. setSeriesPaint not working correctly

setSeriesPaint not working correctly by Ivoryn Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:31 pm hi, ich have a small problem with my chart. I have something like the MultipleAxisDemo, and setting the same color for the axis like the datasets is working fine. now i implemented a button with which you can switch between a colored chart and a black&white chart. but ...

5. setSeriesPaint problem

That will set the color for series 1. If you don't see any change in your chart, make sure (1) your chart has at least two series (the first has index 0) (2) the 'chart' variable that you are modifying is, in fact, the chart you are looking at, and (3) you didn't set the override paint anywhere in your code ...

6. CombinedDomainXYPlot problem with setSeriesPaint

CombinedDomainXYPlot problem with setSeriesPaint by Jim McGlaughlin Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:45 am I have created a CombinedDomainXYPlot having a DateAxis. Added 4/18/2010. There are 2 problems. #1 The colors for the lines in the top and bottom graphs are different. Problem solved in help given below by setting the same renderer for both plots. #2 The colors I am ...

7. setSeriesPaint issue

setSeriesPaint issue by kapila_sr Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:05 am Hi, I'm try to render two line in xyplot with different colour. But im not getting correct result Code: Select all private JFreeChart createChart(final XYDataset dataset) { final JFreeChart result = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart( ...