1. displaying Month only in TimeSeries Graph jfree.org |
2. Extra space at the beginning of a Time Series graph jfree.orgI have created a TimeSeries graph and for some reason it is adding this padding at the beginning and end of the graph that I can't seem to get rid of. Any ideas? Thanks for any help! Here is the graph: Here is the general code except for the TimeSeriesCollection creation: Code: Select all ... |
3. Code to create a simple time series graph jfree.orgI think you are a programmer, so i don't want to paste code here. Give you some hint to get started. 1. use ChartFactory to create chart you want. 2. in parameter of the createXXXX method, most important is your dataset, you can create it in a implemetation class. (CategoryDataset -> DefaultCategoryDataset). 3.use JFreeChart.draw(), or JFreeChart.createBufferedImage(), or ChartPanel, or ChartFrame to ... |
4. Program for simple time series graph jfree.org |
5. Show TimeSeries graph with 3 series in single line jfree.orgI am using Time series graph. i always have 3 ranges critical, warning and clear. I need to draw a horizontal line at all 3 ranges eg : value greater than 70 is critical , graterthan 40 and less than 70 is warning. so i need to draw a line to specify the range in graph along wioth label. Infact i ... |
6. Changing a TimeSeries graphs colour jfree.org |
7. Producing a TimeSeries graph jfree.orgHi, I am trying to produce a TimeSeries graph and am currently implementing the produceDataSet() method. I have a Map of Dates,Integers which I am reading in. But, I also have a list of labels (Strings) that I need to read in which will be the names of the different lines that are produced (based on my dates and values). How ... |
8. problem with timeseries graph jfree.orgHi, [color=blue]No gragh is coming when there is only one entry in the database. Like this. public XYDataset getXYDataset() { TimeSeries s1 = new TimeSeries("1", Month.class); s1.add(new Month(2, 2001), 181.8); TimeSeriesCollection timeSeriesDataSet = new TimeSeriesCollection(); timeSeriesDataSet.addSeries(s1); return timeSeriesDataSet; } Here there is only one entry. So no timeseries graphs (scatter,polar,timeseries,xystep) are not coming What to do to get the (timeseries) graph ... |
9. problem with timeseries graph EVEN DOT IS NOT COMMING jfree.orgHi, Here there is only one entry. So no timeseries graphs (scatter,polar,timeseries,xystep) are not coming What to do to get the (timeseries) graph while there is only one entry. timeseries graph EVEN DOT IS NOT COMMING WHEN THERE IS ONLY ONE ENTRY IF IT HAS MORE THAN ONE ENTEY IT IS WORKING VERY FINE. with regards shannu sarma |
10. Color band in a timeseries graph jfree.org |
11. Shifted time series graph jfree.orgHi, After reading the following data from a spreadsheet I'm creating a timeseriesplot successfully: Time d1 d2 16/01/2008 6:00 6.1 185 16/01/2008 6:15 8.85 185 16/01/2008 6:30 12.41 185 16/01/2008 6:45 15.54 185 etc. 17/01/2008 5:30 4.56 185 17/01/2008 5:45 4.77 185 17/01/2008 6:00 4.42 185 I'm using the following code to initialise the timeseries plot: CO_Dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(); CO_Dataset.setDomainIsPointsInTime(true); ... |
12. How to increase the thickness of the lines timeseries graph jfree.orgHi, i'm creating a timeserieschart and working fine. I need to increase the thickness of the lines. i've tried different ways and it is not working. The code is follows CategoryPlot plot = (CategoryPlot) jfreechart.getPlot(); plot.getRenderer().setSeriesStroke(1, new BasicStroke(2.0f)); Can any one please help me that how to increse the thickness of the lines in the timeseries chart. Thanks in Advance |
13. Generating XY Series graph using jfreecharts jfree.org |
14. Dnd In Time Series Graph jfree.org |
15. TimeSeries Chart - Graphing issue. jfree.orgMorning, I am having an issue with my time series chart. I want it to take in x number of samples and the chart to start scrolling. I set the max number of samples, but it seems to take that number of samples and then instead of the graph scrolling, the graph lines get smaller and smaller... they start disapearing from ... |
16. problem in displaying timeseries graph jfree.orghello..., i am using a time series graph, but i have one problem i could not able to display it properly. actually the x-axis containing time is giving me problem. The datas for x-axis and y-axis are being taken from the database. my database table has a datetime field. now when i used it, my x-axis contains figures like '2011-03-05 10:00:00' ... |
17. problem in timeseries graph jfree.orgSir, i have a little problem in displaying timeseries graph. I am using Java Swing and in one JPanel i could able to display 3 graphs, but my problem is that i could not able to display them properly. If the x and y values are small then there is no problem in displaying them in x-axis and y-axis. But if ... |
18. Putting series label at the top of a graph jfree.org |