date « Series « JFreeChart Q&A

1. adding date to timeseries

I have a problem with timeseries. I have a document that contains information on how to add data to timeseries (for month, hour etc) but if i just wanna to add Date. how could i do that? for ex. It is given in your eg. as TimeSeries s1 = new TimeSeries("L&G European Index Trust", Month.class); s1.add(new Month(2, 2001), 181.8 ); now ...

3. Bug 1331324: TimeSeries: wrong date format values

I have the following case where I have just 2 dates and a custom date format ("MMM yyyy"). The resulting chart (viewed at 800x600 frame size) shows the label "Dez 2003" four times instead of "Dez 2003" one time and "Jan 2004" one time: Code: Select all /** * This chart uses ...

6. Why the dates are repeated in my TimeSeries Chart ?

Hi, I got some line chart with 3 series with only 6 different dates that appears with more then 6 dates and each date is repeated 4 times. I don

7. Time Series Date Hairline Settings

TimeSeries ts1 = new TimeSeries("Weekly One", Week.class); ts1.add(new Week(10, 2006), 1.7); ts1.add(new Week(11, 2006), 2.5); ts1.add(new Week(12, 2006), 3.7); ts1.add(new Week(13, 2006), 2.9); ts1.add(new Week(14, 2006), 1.7); ts1.add(new Week(15, 2006), 2.3); ts1.add(new Week(16, 2006), 3.7); TimeSeriesCollection collection = new TimeSeriesCollection(); collection.addSeries(ts1); DateTickUnit dateTickUnit = new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnit.DAY, 7, new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart("Time Series Test", "Days", "Values", collection, true, true, true); ...

9. Timeseries date format help

My date format is: 1/01/2007 00:00 to 1/01/2007 23:00 1/02/2007 00:00 to 1/02/2007 23:00 1/03/2007 00:00 to 1/03/2007 23:00 1/04/2007 00:00 to 1/04/2007 23:00 ... while ( { Day dateValue = new Day(rset.getDate(1)); series.add(new Day(dateValue, rset.getBigDecimal(2)); // debug output System.out.println("Date / Time: " + dateValue ); } The output is ...

10. Timeseries chart and date display

Code: Select all JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYStepChart( title, xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel, dataset, ...

11. Timeseries - Hours but no date?!

Hi actually I use a timeseries to show the change of a value. This Value can change every hour, so I add values with Hour(). I can set a beginning date and an ending date and then the chart shows me the changes of the value in that period. If I chose a period of 3 days the time-axe shows me ...

12. Adding values on the same date in a time series

Hello, I'am trying to add to a time series values on the same date, but i got an this error: You are attempting to add an observation for the time period 16-noviembre-2007 but the series already contains an observation for that time period. Duplicates are not permitted. Try using the addOrUpdate() method. But when a do the same thing using ...

13. Aggregate dates inside Time series

Hi, I have a collection returned from a database of dates and sales volume. I would like to use that collection to display a line chart per day and a bar chart per month How can I take a TimeSeries of class Day and transform it into a TimeSeries of Class Month using jfree or do I need to do that ...

14. Time Series - Date gets repeated

I am using Jasper Report to create a time series chart. Jasper Report internally uses JFreeChart. In time series chart, if the date range in the x-axis is short (say 3days) and the time period is set to 'day' same day is repeated (different time). Let me explain, say the min and max dates are 20 Apr 2010 and 21 Apr ...

15. TimeSeries chart with non-US date format

You can have full control over the axis date formatting by creating your own TickUnits collection. Take a look at the createStandardDateTickUnits() method in the DateAxis class for the code that creates the default collection. I am thinking of ways to improve the localisation of the date formats in the default TickUnits collection. But that's for a future version... Regards, Dave ...

16. Display TimeSeries Graph according to current date and time

Sir, i don't know much about JFree Chart. It is completely new to me. I want to display the time series graph according to the current date and time. i have a database consisting of temperature values for time 00:00 upto 23:00. Now, what i needed is that the time in the x-axis must take the current time and corresponding temperature ...