data « Series « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Two data series in one IntervalXYDataset

Hi everybody ! I'm trying to put two series of data in an IntervalXYDataset so that the result is one histogram plot with two different data series. As a starting point I made my own Dataset class which implements the IntervalXYDataset according to the example SimpleIntervalXYDataset which is included in the jfree-jar file. As the inherited methods already have an argument ...

4. Support for reading timeseries data from a file

Hi, there are numerous ways to store data in files - for instance XML, CSV or even some binary stuff which might be used by or comes from commercial applications. Providing an implementation for just one or even a few file formats would be useless in most cases. Storing and loading data is best done by the application which uses JFreeChart, ...

5. TimeSeries data structure?

Hi all, Can anyone tell me what sort of list/table/container the time series is? I'm wondering what it's search and add algorithms are because I use it in as storage in a computationally expensive situation. I only do it this way to keep my data storage consistent throughout the application, but I'm wondering if I should change this because at the ...

6. TimeSeries in an generic applet. How to pass data

I would like to display a time series plot of motor temperature and current. My current design uses PtPlot, and XML for describing the plot. However, PtPlot doesn't support time series, so I am left with implementing time series in PtPlot, or going with another package. I would like to go with JFreeChart, if I can describe my plot in XML ...

7. TimeSeries with all zero data, but not place in the middle

I used the CombinedDomainXYPlot to do the Dynamic Time Series chart, by default, if all the data are zeros, the line would be placed at the middle of the chart. Could I show the zero line at the bottom of the chart instead? Since i dont wanna the -ve values be shown.

8. Overimposed types of charts on the same data series

Hi everybody. I would like to create a simple scattered plot using data generated from a java program. I have embedded the jfreechart libraries and this task is accomplished. The problem that arrises now is that if I need to have a trend line along the scattered series, (to show the trend of my actual series), I can't find the way ...

9. Replacing a TimeSeries in a data set, instead of addOrUpdate

I have a chart that when the user selects a new set of data, we were going back to the server and requesting it as a stream of timestamps and datapoints, then doing ACWattsSeris.addOrUpdate(sampleSecond, newValue); That was working ok, but then we replaced the server w/ a java implementation and thought we'd just send the the TimeSeries as an object from ...

10. Toggle data series on and off??

11. data not showing in timeseries chart

data not showing in timeseries chart by annac Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:58 pm hi, I have a chart in an applet which is obtaining data from our database. I am querying a time period of 7 days, 5 of which have data. If I let the chart auto range the data then it plots the 5 days along the ...

12. Get data from last X minutes from TimeSeries

Hi All, I think I have a very simple question, I searched everywhere on the forum and the javadoc google etc. But i just can't find the answer. Is there anybody who can tell me or at least give me a clue how I get the data in a TimeSeries object for the last X minutes? For example I want to ...

13. Reading y data from a timeSeries

RegularTimePeriod time = new Millisecond(new Date((long)plot.getDomainCrosshairValue())); for (int i = 0; i < plot.getDatasetCount(); i++) { TimeSeriesCollection collection = (TimeSeriesCollection)plot.getDataset(i); if (collection!=null) { TimeSeries series = collection.getSeries(0); Double yValue1 = series.getValue(time) int index = series.getIndex(time); Double yValue2 = (Double)series.getValue(index); ...

15. How to display chart in series many data.. ?

second question ^^ Thank you read.. there is eight series. series data is 10000. (one day) chart have 8 * 10000 = 80000 series data. resolution size is 1024 * 768. we can show.. 1024 pixel.. but, series data is 10000.. first time is fast but, 10 min.. 1hour.. 3hour... chart drawing is slow.. solution .. chart draw fast ?.. ex) ...