1. Creating a time series with jfreechart stackoverflow.comRight now I want to create a time series graph in jfreechart. However the examples online only have charts using classes like "Day", "Month", and so on. So I want to ... |
2. How to discard time intervals with Time Series / XYPlots using JFreeChart? stackoverflow.comI am building a set of chart displays, one of which is for a month display of daily trading - that is, one point of data per day (closing). Since there is ... |
3. Adding a static gridline to a JFreeChart time series chart stackoverflow.comI am trying to implement a timeseries chart with a peculiar requirement in JFreeChart. I can draw the chart, but I don't know how to implement the vertical red ... |
4. How to construct and use TimeSeriesCollections stackoverflow.comI want to display some dates in the X axis of a chart, and here it is said that i have to use a TimeSeriesCollections object It seems that i have ... |
5. JFreeChart - Problem in creating moving chart stackoverflow.comI am using JFreeChart in my java application. Problem I want to plot a XYAreaChart whose domain axis (x-axis) should scroll horizontally automatically when we start plotting the data. I saw the same ... |
6. TimeSeries vs HistogramDataset jfree.orgTimeSeries vs HistogramDataset by zmalex Sat Dec 24, 2011 11:13 pm I have some questions regarding TimeSeries and HistogramDataset Background I have timestamp data collected over three days which is in the "yyyy:MM:dd:HH:mm:ss" format. The data has peaks between 8-17 all three days and no entries at night time. The data is collected from several sources and thus has occurring ... |
8. timeseries and irregular time period jfree.org |
9. stacked time series chart jfree.org |
10. Import XML into TimeSeries? jfree.org |
11. AreaChart + TimeSeries jfree.org |
12. How can I setup ScrollBar Model on TimeSeries Chart jfree.org |
13. How to customize the TimeSeries Chart jfree.orgMy customer is a hospital. They what paint blood pressure of different type in one chart. What they want is not a normal XYSeries. They don't want lines between diffrent time period. They want vertical line. That is, at the same time period, the different blood pressure values ( these pressure is different parameter, just as LCD and CRT are different ... |
14. let timeSeries keep there first assigned stroke settings jfree.orge.g.1.: I've set the stroke of timeSeries with index 8 to dashed. Then i remove timeSeries with index 6. Then the TimeSeries of index 8 changes to index 7. But, the dashed stroke doesn't belong to the timeSeries who's index is now 7, but now belongs to the timeSeries with index 8, whit's index number was 9 in the beginnen. e.g.2: ... |
15. TextToolTips in TimeSeries JFreeChart1.0.0RC1? jfree.org |
16. setToolTipText in TimeSeries ? jfree.org |
17. Add IntervalMarkers to a chart using TimeSeries jfree.orgHi I have a chart based on a TimeSeries, and I would like to add IntervalMarkers to the domain axis. The problem is that the constructor for the IntervalMarker takes in double values, while what I have to define the intervals is Dates. How can I create IntervalMarkers by specifying the start and end Dates of each interval? Thanks in advance ... |
18. TIME SERIES PROBLEM jfree.org |
19. timeseries question jfree.orghi, I am doing XY chart using timeseries as plot X and the unit is in hour. right i have face a problem for showing unit of hour international time zone whereby the unit is in 24 hour. What i can show in chart right now is in 12 hour based. So how do i set the timeseries to 24 hour ... |
20. 使用TimeSeries时如&a jfree.org |
21. some problem on time series chart in applet jfree.orghi all I can compile the applet code successfully, but when I run that, it always throws the following errors java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jfree/data/xy/XYDataset at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source) at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source) at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source) at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) who can tell me why? thanks so much with ... |
22. how can i use TimeSeries drow week time ? jfree.orgThe axis doesn't know what you have in your dataset, whether the items are regular or irregular, or anything like that. So it won't attempt to put the date labels at points that match your data items. One option might be to try the PeriodAxis class. Another is to subclass DateAxis and override previousStandardDate() to get the tick labels to fall ... |
23. About Time series chart jfree.org |
24. FixedMilliseconds and TimeSeries jfree.orgI am attempting to create time series bar charts using FixedMillisecond. However, rather that displaying bars, I just get lines. Replacing FixedMillisecond with any other RegularTimePeriod gives me the expected results. What is the trick for getting this to work with FixedMillisecond? Is there a way to change the with of the bar? Thanks for your help. |
25. Fast Way of Appending TimeSeries jfree.orgHi there, I am wondering if there is any efficient way to append timeseries. My (pseudo-) code is as follows and I found it extremely slow in appending new items (i.e. no items have same time periods already appeared in the original timeseries, yet the new items may have time periods earlier than the original one) to the timeseries. ************************ Suppose ... |
26. Time series jfree.orgI am creating a time series chart and would like to have the area underneath the datapoints filled with a color, but also have the data points stand out as squares. These are the 2 code snippets that I've been working with: Turn on data points: if (renderer instanceof XYLineAndShapeRenderer) { XYLineAndShapeRenderer r = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) renderer; r.setBaseShapesVisible(true); r.setShapesFilled(true); } Series paint ... |
27. how do i change the Font of the timeseries name? jfree.org |
28. Where is TimeSeries.getName()? jfree.org |
29. TimeSeries charts-- Urgent! Need Help!!! jfree.org |
30. timeseries "setSeriesItemLabelsVisible" jfree.org |
31. Trying to make a 3D TimeSeries chart jfree.orgI've tried making a 3D version of a TimeSeries chart, but seem to have no luck. I tried creating a TimeSeries chart (using ChartFactory), and then set the Renderer to be a XYLine3DRenderer, and changed the Range and Domain Axis to be a NumberAxis3D. But when I try to write the chart as a PNG, I get a ClassCastException at NumberAxis3D.java:127 ... |
32. how to localize TimeSeries jfree.org |
33. TimeSeries jfree.orgHi All, I am trying to create two XYPlot with same x axis value but different y axis value.The X axis is a date axis and Y-axis is Number axis. When i create JFreeChart using the above XYPlot, the time range in x axis is different in the two chart. (Ex In JFreeChart,for the first plot it shows as 10.30 , ... |
34. Timeseries with HighLow? jfree.orgHi, I'm very new to JFreeChart, so apologies if this is a dumb question. I purchased the developer guide, but didnt spot an obvious answer. Is it possible to introduce a HighLow dataset to a time series chart? My timeseries chart is comprised of 5 TimeSeries objects as follows: TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(); dataset.addSeries(s1); dataset.addSeries(s2); dataset.addSeries(s3); dataset.addSeries(s4); dataset.addSeries(s5); ..Can I ... |
35. Problem adding a FixedMillisecond to a TimeSeries jfree.org |
36. change the orientation of a time series chart jfree.orgCan i change the orientation of a time series chart ? For example i now have date axis as the x axis and value axis as the y axis. i would just like to have it in reverse order.. i want x axis to show values and y axis to show dates. |
37. TimeSeries chart (without the time constraints) jfree.orgI would like a TimeSeriesChart that uses Seconds but no minutes or hours, etc. I.e. I want the chart to go from 1,2,3,4...10000, etc. Can someone please provide some hints on what I should do? Sorry for asking, but Ive looked for quite a while and couldnt figure it out. I suppose it doesnt have to be a TimeSeriesChart, just a ... |
38. Concurrancy problem? Time series chart jfree.orgI frequently ( but not 100% of the time) get "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException partial stack dump shows the trigger is at org.jfree.chart.block.BlockContainer.draw(BlockContainer.java:223) the highesst JFreeChart function in the stack dump is at org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel.paintComponent(ChartPanel.java:1274) Sometimes the dump looks as above, sometimes it is in the saving to Jpeg at org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities.saveChartAsJPEG(ChartUtilities.java:494) My code is simple, no threading, but clearly some of the JFree stuff ... |
39. More precise Time Series Chart needed jfree.org |
40. Query on Time Series Charts...! jfree.orgHi, I am displaying a time series chart and a bar chart in the same chart, in this case I a musing CombinedDomainXYPlot for placing the timeseries chart and bar chart; what is happening in this case is that the values in the X-axis are not repeating themselves for both the charts, how can I do so? thanks. |
41. TimeSeries Question jfree.orgi'm using DefaultCategoryDataset for my dataset. my x axis contains dates... however i have double entries for my dates i.e. in one date i may have 2 to 3 x axis values for the same date. my data is May 18, 2005 -0.084 May 25, 2005 -0.055 Jun 6, 2005 -0.084 Jun 11, 2005 -0.084 Jun 20, 2005 -0.184 Jun 28, ... |
42. Are TimeSeries sorted? jfree.org |
43. TimeSeries , problem getting the name jfree.orgby JoshRountree Thu May 04, 2006 3:58 pm Code: Select all TreeLocation activePeriod = (TreeLocation) nodeInfo; RegularTimePeriod start; RegularTimePeriod end; start = RegularTimePeriod.createInstance(FixedMillisecond.class, ... |
44. XML for Time Series jfree.org |
45. TimeSeries jfree.orgHi, one question, I see that the API to add an entry to the TimeSeries instance is by a RegularTimePeriod. that is either by a week, or a month, or even minutes. What if my data is in the form of YYYYMMDDHHmm. E.g. 200606051736: 5th June 2006, 1736 hours. I do not know if the data given to me is in ... |
46. Changing the name of a TimeSeries Object jfree.orgJFreeChart is a great tool, thanks for it... I was wondering if it is possible to change the name of a TimeSeries object (created with the constructor: TimeSeries(String name, Class timePeriodClass)) once it has already being instantiated for example from "dollars" to "euros".To be more specific if my graph (which will be in an applet) gets data representing amount of money ... |
47. TimeSeries Issues... jfree.orgHi, I have the follow problem with the timeseries charts. I want to add a number of time "intervals/series" to the chart but the intervals to add are every 15min, 30min,1hour, 1day, 1week, 1month, 1year. The user selects what interval he wants the chart to display at runtime and that is passed to my chart. I am having trouble entering x ... |
48. How to start Timeseries charts from Origin (0,0) jfree.orgHi all, Any body knows how to start Timeseries charts from Origin (0,0). I am plotting a single datapoint for 1 day but, it is not showing that single point. I want to start generating the graph from 0,0 whether it is for one single point or for n number of points. Because the x-axis is a date axis and the ... |
49. TimeSeries.addAndOrUpdate() - bug? jfree.orgv 1.0.1 JDK 1.4.2_10 I'm pretty sure this is a bug, and this is the first time I've seen it having used the API for months. I call TimeSeries.addAndOrUpdate() passing an updated TimeSeries with some dynamically generated data. One of the series on the chart was drawn strangely (the line was circular in nature) and I get an error in the ... |
50. TimeSeries and irregular time intervals.. jfree.org |
51. Huge Time series jfree.orgI have one chart that's currently showing 20 series, each with 3 days of per-minute data. That's 86400 data points, and it works fine. 100000 shouldn't be a problem. I've found the main limiting factor to be heap space, and that has less to do with JFreeChart than it does with parsing the results from the data source to insert them ... |
52. TimeSeries and java.lang.IllegalArgumentException jfree.orgTimeSeries and java.lang.IllegalArgumentException by Felt Tue Aug 08, 2006 4:52 pm Hi, I've a problem while removing dynamically a TimeSeries from a TimeSeriesCollection : I made a "little" code which is reproducing the error (not exactly the same, indeed, but quite similar). The error : Code: Select all java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The 'series' argument is out of bounds (50). ... |
53. Help with Time Series Chart jfree.orgJFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart( "Phone - duration and number of calls plot", "Date", "number of calls", dataset, false, true, false); XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot(); ... |
54. Scrollable Time Series Chart jfree.org |
55. Year Problem in Time Series jfree.orgHi, please, could somebody tell me why in this example I am getting 12 times 2001 on the x-axis!? In my further work I just need the years 2000 - 2006. Thanks A NEWBIE Code: Select all DateAxis axis = (DateAxis) plot.getDomainAxis(); axis.setDateFormatOverride(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy")); ... |
56. TimePeriodValues TimeSeries TimeTableXYDataSet jfree.orgThe task is to have 3 series on a chart. Two - in stacked bar rendering, one - in line and shape. All of them are bound to hours (hour,value). The problem is when i do use TimeTableXYDataSet for stacked bar, my LineAndShape does a strange thing - its not drawn in the center of a period, but on the left ... |
57. Two questions regarding TimeSeries charts jfree.orgHi, I have two difficulties. First, I am trying to display a chart that plots the duration of my bike ride (x-axis) against cadence or speed or altitude on the y-axis. It works except the x-axis values start from the nearest full hour of the current time, instead of counting from 0sec till ride completion. I pass in Date values through ... |
58. TimeSeries Scrolling jfree.orgHi, I was using the TimeSeries to plot the values of counters in real time updating the chart every second. I have to maintain history of 10 min, but show chart for only 1 min values. So, I want to put a scrollbar so that the user can go back and see the values plotted previously ie the history. If there ... |
59. TimeSeries Query jfree.orgHi, I am using jfree to generate a chart using TimeSeries and XYPlot API. I want to set the Y axis range to represent integer values instead of double. Is there any option to this? I also wish to know the following: How to make the border around a pie chart disappear? chart.setBorderVisible(false) does not work. I am not sure if ... |
60. Having problems combining timeseries collection jfree.orgHaving problems combining timeseries collection by kernel77 Tue Feb 13, 2007 6:33 pm Hi , i've ran into a problem which i don't understand why it's happening : i have two timeseriescollection that i'm trying to combine the second one has two timeseries in it the first has only one when creating a chart out of each one of them ... |
61. converting TimePeriodValues to TimeSeries jfree.orgHi... I am logging irregular sensor readings to a TimePeriodValue instance. I'm charting this with no problems except that I would like a single bar for each regular time period. The sensor samples arrive at random invervals of between 5 and 10 minutes. However, I would like to average the values over a whole single calendar hour and graph that instead. ... |
63. convert timeseries to DefaultIntervalXYDataset jfree.orgGuys, Can someone help me converting a timeseries to DefaultIntervalXYDataset. Here is what I have so far: public static DefaultIntervalXYDataset convertToIntervalXYDataset(TimeSeries timeSeries){ DefaultIntervalXYDataset dataset = null; if (timeSeries != null) { int size = timeSeries.getItemCount(); if (size > 0) { dataset = new DefaultIntervalXYDataset(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { RegularTimePeriod period = timeSeries.getTimePeriod(i); //dataset.addSeries(period, XXXXX); } ... |
64. <5 TimeSeries jfree.orgby Kousu Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:26 pm I've fixed a couple of bugs in TimeSeries: the assertion that a null timeSeriesClass is not permitted was not enforced, and also it was never checked that it was actually a RegularTimePeriod. The isSubclass method is BSD-licensed and from http://content.liferay.com/4.2/api/port ... .java.html . It really *shouldn't* be here, but I'm hoping you ... |
65. TimeSeries Questions jfree.orgHi, I am trying to draw multiple Range axis TimeSeries graph. I am using the ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart(...) method and adding the multiple axis by something like: XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot(); plot.setRangeAxis(1, axis2); plot.setDataset(1, dataset); All this seems to be working fine and I am able to see my chart being drawn nicely. But I have a few problems that I am not ... |
66. Time series chart jfree.orgI am trying to plot the X axis with the Friday's date in Time Series Chart. I tried different option , but didn't had much success. Can some one please help me this. Example like i have data like 06 Apr 2007 , Fri --> 1300 13 Apr 2007 , Fri ---> 1500 But when i try to plot this data ... |
67. Time Series Chart jfree.orgHello everybody, I m novice in JfreeChart. I try to generate a TimeSeries Chart. That's fonction but I would like that the chart showing one series with a discontinuity (a null value in the series causes a break in the line). That's possible because in the demo you can see the Time Series Demo2. I have the documentation but I don't ... |
68. Problem with TimeSeries' origin jfree.orgHello, I have 800 dates at least on differents years. I am trying to use the timeserie to display them but never i can see the X-origin and the end of the X-axis. My code is the following : oChart.setBackgroundPaint(getBgColor()); XYPlot oPlot = (XYPlot)oChart.getXYPlot(); oPlot.setBackgroundPaint(getBgColor()); oPlot.setRangeGridlinePaint(Color.GRAY); oPlot.setRangeGridlineStroke(new BasicStroke(1F)); oPlot.setDomainGridlinePaint(getBgColor()); XYItemRenderer oRenderer = oPlot.getRenderer(); if (oRenderer instanceof XYLineAndShapeRenderer) { oRenderer.setSeriesPaint(0, getFirstCurveColor()); } ... |
69. Deviation Chart with Time Series jfree.orgMy objective is to create a deviation chart (like DeviationRendererDemo1 image) with a Period Axis (with dates). Previously, I used a DefaultHighLowDataset, but when I try to re-use that code and just replace the HighLow Renderer with a Deviation Renderer, I get this run-time error: Error generating TemperatureRangeDeviationChartjava.lang.ClassCastException: org.jfree.data.xy.DefaultHighLowDataset cannot be cast to org.jfree.data.xy.IntervalXYDataset Thanks, any help would be appreciated. |
70. Problem: TimeSeries are not displayed / do not show jfree.orgwww.jfree.org Free Java software for data analysis and presentation Skip to content Advanced search Board index JFreeChart JFreeChart - General Change font size FAQ Register Login Problem: TimeSeries are not displayed / do not show A free public discussion forum for the JFreeChart class library. Post a reply 1 post Page 1 of 1 Problem: TimeSeries are not ... |
71. timeseries without regular time period? jfree.orghi !!! i want to update my graph after every 5 mins, but its not working, it updates the value only once and after that it doesnt, i'm using TimeSeries object, when i do series.add()..it throws an exception "org.jfree.data.general.SeriesException: You are attempting to add an observation for the time period Fri Jul 27 09:35:00 CEST 2007 but the series already contains ... |
72. Using TimeSeries in StackedArea Chart (StackedXYAreaChartDem jfree.orgHi, I have been using JFreeChart for 1 year and am impressed with the easy and the quality of graph also the documentation (need some improvement). Lately I stumbled on a problem and I cannot find a solution . Problem: Need for a Stacked Area Time Series chart. Good example for this is under Area Charts --> StackedXYAreaChartDemo1.java (this does not ... |
73. Need to combine OHLCSeries and TimeSeries jfree.org |
74. TimeSeries Chart jfree.orgThere isn't a general rotation option available for the DateAxis (and NumberAxis), but you can call setVerticalTickLabels(true) to have the labels rotated by 90 degrees (the method is badly named, I know). If you are getting overlapping labels on a DateAxis, this means you've specified a fixed tick size rather than letting JFreeChart choose a size automatically...perhaps you want to revert ... |
75. Issue with summer/winter time and TimeSeries jfree.orgThe topic has been raised before, although without any attention to it: http://www.jfree.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=9961 It is a tricky issue; how do you provide a "gab" in the graph when going from winter time to summer time (the hour 2:00 to 3:00 never occurs) and when going from summer time to winter time, how do you display that the time is 2:00 AM ... |
76. Time Series period language jfree.org |
77. how to create statistics chart with TimeSeries domain jfree.orgby david.gilbert Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:48 am Mdong wrote:It seems impossible to solve my problem I think this is quite close to what you want: Code: Select all /* ------------------------ * YIntervalChartDemo2.java * ------------------------ * (C) Copyright 2007, by Object Refinery Limited. * */ package demo; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.util.Calendar; import javax.swing.JPanel; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import ... |
78. Error in timeseries jfree.orgError in timeseries by lgarcia3 Sat Nov 10, 2007 9:10 am I am feeding a time series with data from intra-day, 5-minute futures. The data goes from 8:00 am to 3:10 pm. I pull the data from a database and try to add to the time series like this Code: Select all ... |
79. Time series gap jfree.orgI am plotting 5-minute intraday stock data. I am using a TimeSeries like this new TimeSeries("Close",Minute.class); I use the Minute class (if not a good idea, please, let me know). When I display several days of data it shows up with a gap (actually a straight line) in between the minutes for which there is no data (from 4:00 pm until ... |
80. DeviationRenderer with TimeSeries jfree.orgHi I need to use DeviationRenderer with TimeSeries dataset. I looked the DeviationRenderer code and noticed that I have probably two alternatives: either write a new TimeSeries class that has support for deviations or somehow tweak the YIntervalDataset so that it can be plotted to TimeSeries chart. Any suggestions what would be the easiest way? |
81. week display in timeseries chart jfree.orgi want to show a TimeSeriesCollection in a TimeSeriesChart in Day, Week, or Month. The day and the month display ok. But the week has one problem. The data for different series form a vertical line, and i want a x label("yyy-MM-W") just below the line. However, the label is displayed somewhere else in the x axis, without any data point ... |
82. How best to improve zooming capability in time series chart jfree.orgI am finding the current interface for zooming insufficient. What I want to do is add a pair of JSpinner controls to a form, with bounds set to the maximum and minimum dates in the time series (collection). The aim is to zoom the TSchart so that the lower and upper dates displayed in the chart correspond to the dates shown ... |
83. timeseries chart jfree.organyone let me know how can i set the X axis valuei.e if i am fetching data from database and it is in date format and thae chart has to plot the graph from 10:00to21:00.the origin of graph should start from 10:00. | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ... |
84. timeseries chart jdbcxydataset jfree.org |
85. TimeSeries with break jfree.orgHello. Is it possible to define a time series with a break - which means: A line should be drawn up to data X then nothing should be drawn and a new line should start at data Y. I don't want to create two time series, bacause it should only apear once in the legend... Hans Wusrt |
86. Time Series Poll jfree.orgHello Thanks for making you work available to the public. I am new to coding. I was wondering if the J Free Chart library could be used for creating a time series line graph (multi series too)that would allow visitors to vote on an item(s),(ex voting 1-10) and have it dynamically displayed over time on the graph on a web page? ... |
87. overlay hour time series with function2d jfree.orghi, I'm trying to overlay a time series, which includes hours, with a normal distribution function. For the time series i am using the factory method, and then extract the XYPlot, and add the function with a StandardXYItemRenderer and a XYDataset. The problem is it is displaying the hours like years, and the resulting chart is of no big use. What ... |
88. InvocationTargetException with TimeSeries jfree.orgHello! I try to build a graph of time from a database by a method using TimeSeries and RegularTimePeriod. Thanks for your answers!!! My problem is : InvocationTargetException exception=java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException My database: etat t False 16:34:46 False 16:34:47 False 16:34:48 False 16:34:48 True 16:34:48 True 16:34:48 True 16:34:48 True 16:34:48 True 16:34:48 True 16:34:49 True 16:34:49 True 16:34:49 My method : public ... |
89. Simple TimeSeries Chart question jfree.orgHi, I was able to generate the chart I wanted, but x-axis is being truncated when data is not available. I would like to include/force the exact range of x-axis that specified by the user. X-axis: Feb 07 to Mar 08 current chart: x-axis is missing Dec, Jan and Mar labels. | | | | | | |* * * * ... |
90. Problem with large TimeSeries jfree.orgOk i need help desperately I can't come up any good ways todo this maybe someone with more jfreechart experience can come up with a good idea. I need to create a large timeseries chart. By large I mean almost a million data points, the problem I am running into is I need to create a new Date and Millisecond for ... |
91. time series with only work days / week days jfree.org |
92. Time Series Chart Help jfree.orgI have query, i need to genrate a chart which takes x axis values as dates, and y axis values number, and languages are the series value ,i need to show gap between the dates for eg..14/05/2008 next date i need to have three day gap 17/05/2008... My query is how to make list for timeseries because for time seriesfor one ... |
93. Timeseries jfree.org.I'm drawing a chart for a kind of a productivity tool,which plots node numbers against date,the problem is it draws even the weekends which i want to remove from the graph,how can i achieve that.please help me out guys! :( here is my code JDBCXYDataset newDataSet=new JDBCXYDataset(con); String newQuery="select run_date,Sum(node_count) as node_count from nodecounts,projects where nodecounts.proj_id=projects.proj_id and (node_id="+nodeQuery+") and run_date between ... |
94. IntervalMarker as a TimeSeries jfree.orgThank you skunk for your answer, but that's not what I need. I want to pass multiple start and endvalues so that my intervalmarker is a flowing band. Example: For JAN-2008 start = 50 end = 70 For FEB-2008 start = 55 end = 70 For MAR-2008 start = 60 end = 75 I dont know if this is possible? |
95. TimeSeries with gaps (or other chart type?) jfree.orgHello, I have data associated with Days. Normally I have a data point for each week day Monday through Friday, but no data on Saturday or Sunday. Also, some week days will occasionally have no data associated with them. I would like to present my data as follows: 1. A continuous line should connect all the data points whether or not ... |
96. TimeSeries - Displays Month Along year jfree.orgI am creating graph using "createTimeSeriesChart()" along with TimeSeries/TimeSeriesCollection, NumberAxis, TickUnits & plot "XYPlot". In x-axis Year is displayed & in y-axis value is displayed. I am passing only year to x-axis. but In certain scenarios i am getting month along with year.(eg. Jan-1999 instead of 1999).Kindly let me know on how to overcome this bug. |
97. TimeSeries save as PNG/JPEG issue jfree.orgI've come upon some strange behavior that I wondered whether I might be doing something incorrectly, or if I've found a bug. I create a TimeSeries dataset collection, being sure to use Month.class in the constructor. When I use awt/itext to display that chart rendered as a spline on an xyplot in a pdf, it shows up as desired, with month ... |
98. Error with TimeSeries jfree.orgI've run into the same error. The graphs are working fine until incl. jfreechart-1.0.6. As soon as I start using version >= 1.0.7, I'll get this error. classpath has been double checked. There are no other jar versions accessible as the ones in WEB-INF/lib System is Linux CentOS 5.2, Sun JDK 1.6.0_07, Tomcat 6.0.18 with jfreechart jars in WEB-INF/lib. No clue ... |
99. refresh TimeSeries with different TimePeriod jfree.orgAll If I have the following TimeSeries on my chart this.normalTimeSeries = new TimeSeries(seriesName, Millisecond.class); And it has data in it. And then I want to change the chart to display every minute so alter the TimeSeries to this.normalTimeSeries = new TimeSeries(seriesName, Minute.class); And then redraw the chart. How can this be done, I can't see in in the impl ? ... |
100. IndexOutOfBoundException TimeSeries jfree.orgIndexOutOfBoundException TimeSeries by PollerJava Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:04 pm Hello, I get only somethimes!!! the exception at the bottom when the method createDatasetWithExistingSerie is invoked. Does anybody know what I am doing wrong? Thank for your help, Code: Select all private void createDatasetWithExistingSerie(final TracePanelTimeSeries series, final String name, final RegularTimePeriod start, final List |