1. JFreechart: Count each series over an intervals stackoverflow.comI am trying get the count of each series point over specific areas of my plot. The plot is made up of grids (boxes) and I wish to know the count ... |
2. Barcharts - differnet series grouping? jfree.orgOK thanks! So using your info: Code: Select all double data[][] = {{1,2,3,4}, {3,2,1,4}, {4,2,1,3}}; CategoryDataset ds = DatasetUtilities.createCategoryDataset("rowKey", "dataKey", data); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart( "Bar Chart Demo 8", ... |
3. How to reset DynamicTimeSeriesCollection series? jfree.orgHi, I am working on a oscilloscope project using jfreechart. I made use of DynamicTimeSeriesCollection, and its function, advancdTime(), appenddata() to plot input data. Everything goes well until I tried to implement a button to clean up plotting area and reset time axis to 0. I cannot see any functions in DynamicTimeSeriesCollection do this. Can anyone suggest me how to implement ... |
4. Winding fill between two series? jfree.org |
5. Urgent, how can I hide series jfree.orgI'd have to go through the renderers individually to work out which ones support this already and which don't. So just try it out. When I have a few hours to spare I'll go and update some of the renderers that don't support this yet, so tell me which ones you want done first. |
6. Series gap to zero in pp jfree.orgI am trying to set my series gaps to zero in a chart post processor for a bar chart. I am trying to do this so my series bars are right next to each other (for each category only). I looked at the api and I don't see a method to accomplish this in a post processor, so my question is ... |
7. Click on a series jfree.org |
8. Series name on XY chart jfree.org |
9. how to display the part "series" on the right scre jfree.org |
10. Show only one Series TickLabels.. jfree.orgHi, everybody! I posted yesterady asking something, but my question was sort of mistaken, sorry.. although, i learned a lot with that.. thanks, anyway. Well, my real problem is related to TickLabels. I have a TimeSeries Chart whith two datasets (two series), and it shows the tick labels of the two series. I'd like to show only one. My first series ... |
11. How to get Chart/Plot from Series? jfree.orgHi guys! Is it possible to get the chart in which a XYSeries is displayed? I want to build a custom popup menu for a chart where the user can select some series from the displayed XYDataset (it's a XYSeriesCollection), but I only have the references to the XYDataset and a specific series from the se in my method. Any hints? ... |
12. Different Colors/Shapes Per Series? jfree.orgby Furman Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:03 pm Why doesn't this work? Both series are the same color. Code: Select all seriesCollection.removeAllSeries(); for(int idx = 0; idx < stack.peek().size(); idx++) { ... |
13. Series names jfree.org |
14. Problem creating times series comparisons jfree.orgHi I've been trying to plot time series data representing a period of 5 years as 5 x 1 year periods on the same axes. Any ideas on how best to do this? I don't see any examples in the JFreeChart Demo Collection. I tried using 5 x TimeSeries but of course I just end up with one line, in five ... |
15. MAP for only one Series jfree.orgHi, Nobody answer my question, so I had to do it myself.... If anyone is looking for something similar, the code looks like: Code: Select all ....your code Boolean swent = new Boolean("false"); org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYItemRenderer xyitemrenderer = xyplot.getRenderer(); if(xyitemrenderer instanceof XYLineAndShapeRenderer) { ... |
16. Setting the series visbility jfree.orgHi I want to show/hide the series in my graph and i am using XYITemRenderer.setSeriesVisisble(int seriesNum, Boolean visible, true) This works fine in case of line graphs, but in the case where we use the StackedXYAreaRenderer2, it is not working, the series still shows, even when i set the setSeriesVisible to false. Does anyone knows why? What is the solution? thanks, ... |
17. Gap between XYSeriesCollection series jfree.orgi apologize because my question seem unclear. In fact, i have a chartComposite embedded in rcp view. I built a XYLineChart with XYSeriesCollection dataset witch contains first only one xyseries. Second, i add dynamically another xyseries to the dataset. Now i want to set the distance (in pixels for example) between the 2 curves or shift a curve compared to another. ... |
18. Series Implementation jfree.orgI'm just learning JFreeChart and am baffled by how series are implemented as integer indexes to data-getting methods. To me, each dataset should be it's own series, and the charts should just take a bunch of datasets (aka series) and figure out how to render them all together. Is there a particular reason for the current design? Is there some misconception ... |
19. Series jfree.orgI'm having trouble understanding how org.jfree.data.general.Series and org.jfree.data.xy.XYSeries fit in to the rest of the library. I see that the latter has .toArray() which could be passed into DefaultXYDataset.addSeries() but that seems too much of a special case to be what they are for. Can someone explain their typical usage to me? |
20. Remove series from DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset? jfree.orgI would like to remove a series from a DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset, but there appears to be no way to do this. Any suggestions? In other datasets like TimeSeriesCollection there's methods to get the index of a particular series and remove it, but not so for this particular dataset. I'd prefer not to resort to creating a new dataset for each series, as ... |
21. Hide series using XYBubbleRenderer jfree.org |
22. binary Series jfree.org |
23. Remove series in DefaultStatisticalCategoryDataset jfree.orgpublic void CreateCategoryLineSerie(String serie, String xValues[], double yValues[], double stdev[], Boolean flag) { for( int x = 0; x < xValues.length; x++ ) { if (flag == true) ... |
24. Display only the positive difference betwen two series jfree.org |
26. Series interval after zooming jfree.org |
27. Changing series positions(Gaps between series) jfree.org |
28. XYBar chart with difference of series jfree.org |
29. ScatterPlotDemo: How to get triangle-shaped series only! jfree.orgGeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(); gp.moveTo(0.0, 3.0); gp.lineTo(3.0, -3.0); gp.lineTo(-3.0, -3.0); gp.closePath(); renderer.setAutoPopulateSeriesShape(false); ... |
30. Clearing XYInterval series jfree.orgHi, I have two charts in my project, one has error bars and the other does not. To update the plot without errorbars, I clear the series then re-do it, as in 'updateLines' below. But, this doesn't work for the XYIntervalSeries, since it tells me that 'clear() has protected access in org.jfree.data.ComparableObjectSeries'. I'm assuming this is for a reason, so could ... |
31. How can I get series by name jfree.orgIt looks as though you can only iterate through the collection, and call getSeriesKey(int) for each series, then if you get a matching key call getSeries(int). I propose the following method (to add in XYSeriesCollection) to fill that gap: Code: Select all /** * Returns a series from the collection. ... |
32. display difference of 2 series as seperate chart jfree.orgi have 2 series on same subplot with combinedDomainXYPlot. now i have to display subplot which show difference between series 1 and series 2. i tried using XYDifferenceRenderer but it seems showing incorrect data. can some one guide me here is the example of data series 1 -- (11-mar,3.4),(12-mar,5.6) etc series 2 -- (11-mar,3.5),(12,mar.5.6) if i use XYDiffereneRenderer it should show ... |
33. JFreechart + space between the series jfree.orgHello, I would like to know if it is possible for a bar diagram kind Bar Chart Demo 2 of the demo jfreechart manage the space between the series. I would appreciate that there is no space between the series (the bars are coles for each category). I looked in the javadoc (CategoryPlot. ..), but I did not find ... Thanks ... |
34. Setting chart series stroke as a circle jfree.org |
35. Non-visible series affect autoscale jfree.orgHi, I stumbled upon a problem where a series hidden with renderer.setSeriesVisible, still makes the value axis scale to include those hidden series values. I found two posts asking for the same thing, but they were posted very long ago: viewtopic.php?t=17083 viewtopic.php?t=19463 Are there any plans to work on this? In my opinion a hidden series should not affect the scale ... |
36. Series Visibility for BarCharts jfree.orgHello, I am a new user of JFreeChart. I am using the Developer Guide for most of my help. I tried to use the setSeriesVisible method of the CategoryItemRenderer class and it's working fine for line charts but not for barcharts. In the case of barcharts, this method displays on/off the series in the legends but not in the chart area. ... |
37. Hide a series in a Chart that uses SpiderWebPlot jfree.orgHi, I would need to hide series in a Chart that displays CategoryDataSet using a SpiderWebPlot. I looked at the HideSeriesDemo but my problem is that from SpiderWebPlot it is not possible to get the renderer and then the needed method setSeriesVisible.. For example in the following there is part of the code from the HideSeriesDemo that shows how to hide ... |
38. SWT series visibility jfree.orgThe setSeriesVisible flags are read as part of the rendering process, which writes the chart using ANY instance of Graphics2D. Whether the ultimate target is a Swing component (ChartPanel) or a SWT component (the experimental ChartComposite) or a PDF file (e.g. iText's PdfGraphics2D class), it doesn't alter the path through the rendering code. So I don't think this is something that ... |
39. ordre series on the chart jfree.orgHello, I have 2 axis Y1 (left) and Y2 (right) on the chart. I would like to draw : +++case 1: (begin by Y1) first, somes series of Y1, and then, somes series of Y2, and somes series of Y1 ... and so on... OR +++case 2: (begin by Y2) first, somes series of Y2, and then, somes series of Y1, ... |
40. XYBlockChart and series jfree.orgHello, I am wondering : we have a MultiplePie, is it possible to have a Multiple XYBlockChart ? In other words, to have the capability to have more than 1 series and draw them on the same screen. The current XYBlockChart seems only to support 1 series. Thanks and great work. I bought the dev. guide to support your work. Sbastien ... |
41. Visibility of series and XYStepAreaRenderer jfree.orgThere seems to be a problem when trying to set the visibility of a series, when using a XYStepAreaRenderer. Doing an XYStepAreaRenderer.setSeriesVisible(i, new Boolean(false)) does modify the corresponding field seriesVisibleList in the renderer, but the series still gets displayed. This does not happen when using an StandardXYItemRenderer.. Is this a bug or am I supposed to do something extra when trying ... |
42. Repeateable series as in demo StackedBarChart3DDemo4.java jfree.orgHi, I would like to create a stacked bar chart like in the demo StackedBarChart3DDemo.java, but with repeating "Series". The result should show a stacked bar graph over time (24h) showing the status (series in the example, should be like status "running", "stopped", etc.) of a machine. I could not easily achieve this as the CategoryDataset combines all status (series) and ... |
43. series margin? jfree.orgHi all, I have a CustomCylinderRenderer (which extends from CylinderRenderer, with extends from BarRenderer3D). I have four series with one category each. The problem is that the bars are very thin, and the space between each series is too large. I just want to widen the bars and shorten the space between them. I have already done: renderer.setItemMargin(0.00); But I guess ... |
44. Deemphasizing series with all zeros jfree.orgWhere is this code located? It is slightly hard to tell from the psuedocode if it is in the dataset or the renderer. Having all the code in the renderer could prove very expensive. You best option would be to split the code into two halves across a custom dataset and renderer. The custom dataset would check the data as it ... |
45. create a csv- file of a series jfree.org |
46. [Patch] CategoryItemRenderers and visible series. jfree.orgNone of the BarRenderers respects the seriesVisible flag. While it was trivial to add a check for the series visibility at the beginning of the drawItem method of the BarRenderers, there was a further issue also with other CategoryItemRenderers. I sometimes deal with CategoryPlots that contain CategoryDatasets with large numbers of rows (up to 100 and even more) and use to ... |
47. Chart doesn't display series with XYAreaRenderer jfree.orgThe chart generated using XYAreaRenderer doesn't display the series when the y-axis values are non-changing (same throughout) . The x-axis is DateAxis. For eg: when x-axis is representing time period over 24hours, and y-axis value is 3 and remains so, the series is not visible. However the image map is generated for this invisible series. Is this a known issue? What ... |
48. Series picker in 1.0.11 jfree.orgI was curious as to whether anyone has implemented some sort of popup series selctor; perhaps a double-clicked box that allows series to be shown/hidden with checkboxes and the graph re-rendered. I'm not very Java savvy, but I'm going to try to undertake this anyways. I'm hoping someone here has tried something similar. |
49. How to Set GradientPaintTransformer for each Series jfree.org |
50. How to highlight The dataPoints Of A series ? jfree.orgI am ploting XY Series plots in a JSp page ,Now i am able to use the tool tip feature of JFreeChart.Now i want to highlight all the data points of a series once any of the points of the series is clicked How to do this can any one suggest ? Thanks in Advance |
51. recall series jfree.org |
52. Ghost series jfree.org |
53. DifferenceChart with more than 2 series jfree.org// ia XYDifferenceRenderer iaRenderer = new XYDifferenceRenderer(iaColor ,iaColor , false); iasProbeRenderer.setSeriesPaint(0, iaColor ); iasProbeRenderer.setSeriesPaint(1, iaColor ); chart.getXYPlot().setDataset(0, datasetIA); ... |
54. Problem adding / replacing series on Scatterplot jfree.orgDoing this: DefaultXYDataset dataset = new DefaultXYDataset(); double[][] data = new double[2][10]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { .....fill data.... } chart = ChartFactory.createScatterPlot("Pareto Front", "Objective 1", "Objective 2", dataset, PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL, false, true, false); chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart); dataset.addSeries("same", data); I can display this series. However, I would like to replace this series or add another series ... |
55. How do I get the name of a series from a chart? jfree.orgHow do I get the name of a series from a chart? by mkozak Wed Aug 05, 2009 8:24 pm I have an XYLineChart with 3 lines. Each line is defined by a XYSeries. I also have a ChartMouseListener, which registers when the user has clicked on a node on one of those lines. However, I can't seem to access ... |
56. LinePlot - customize series jfree.orgI am using JFreeChart from within JasperReports and have to utilize a Customizer class to customize the graph. How do I obtain information about the series in a graph? public void customize(JFreeChart aJFreeChart, JRChart aJRChart) { // Control lines and shapes per series - how to get the series count? LineAndShapeRenderer aLineAndShapeRenderer = (LineAndShapeRenderer) aJFreeChart.getCategoryPlot().getRenderer(); aLineAndShapeRenderer.setSeriesLinesVisible(1, false); } |
57. How to get the Name of the Series jfree.orgHi I am adding 100 Timeseries to TimeseriesCollection with different names of timeseries. I want to get the name of the Timeseries with help of series index example Code: Select all TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(); TimeSeries s1 = new TimeSeries("03/01/2010"); s1.add(new ... |
58. XYBlockRenderer Won't remove series jfree.orgNumberAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis("X"); xAxis.setStandardTickUnits(NumberAxis.createIntegerTickUnits()); xAxis.setLowerMargin(4.0); xAxis.setUpperMargin(0.0); NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis("Y"); ... |
59. Providing Series comparator jfree.orgHi there ! I'm using JFreechart 1.0.9 (bundled in Hudson). I'm building a simple chart with multiple series : "not build", "unstables", "failures", "success" For ergonomic reasons, I want to : - fix a color for each serie - display each serie in a given order : 1/ not builds, 2/ unstables, 3/ failures and 4/ success. I noticed JFreechart was ... |
60. iterateToFindDomainBounds using series -1 jfree.orgiterateToFindDomainBounds using series -1 by John Chamberlain Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:55 pm Hello, I am get the following exception trying to generate an XY dataset for a scatter plot: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1 at com.cra.sure.gui.SampleXYDataset.getXValue(Panel_Charting.java:397) at org.jfree.data.general.DatasetUtilities.iterateToFindDomainBounds(DatasetUtilities.java:1303) at org.jfree.data.general.DatasetUtilities.findDomainBounds(DatasetUtilities.java:701) at org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.AbstractXYItemRenderer.findDomainBounds(AbstractXYItemRenderer.java:656) at org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.AbstractXYItemRenderer.findDomainBounds(AbstractXYItemRenderer.java:629) at org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot.getDataRange(XYPlot.java:4456) at org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis.autoAdjustRange(NumberAxis.java:431) at org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis.configure(NumberAxis.java:414) at org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot.configureDomainAxes(XYPlot.java:959) at org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot.setRenderer(XYPlot.java:1631) at org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot.setRenderer(XYPlot.java:1607) at org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot.setRenderer(XYPlot.java:1594) ... |
61. Exception printout on fast changing series jfree.orgException printout on fast changing series by brimborium Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:39 am Hi there, I use jfreechart-1.0.13.jar and jcommon-1.0.16.jar. I am working with a chart which has a single dataset with multiple series in it. The series are private fields that change over time (get cleared and filled up again with different data). If these changes come in ... |
62. high low series dent jfree.org |
63. Count series over an interval jfree.orgHello I am trying get the count of each series point over specific areas of my plot. The plot is made up of grids (boxes) and I wish to know the count of each of my series points that is present in each of these boxes. I want to get information like (grid 1 has 2 of series 1, 0 of ... |