Scale « Series « JFreeChart Q&A

1. JFreechart Rendering a timeseries on a tick scale

I have a timeseries of data which i'd like to plot on a tick scale rather than a time scale. e.g. If the series contains points received at times: 10, 15, ...

2. Time Series Variable Scale

I am using a time series chart. If one point in the TimeSeries set has a value for the y axis that is a lot larger than all the other points, then the chart shows all of the other points compressed too much to make the chart useful. How can I have the chart show the region where most of the ...

3. Missing vertical scale with single-value series.

Missing vertical scale with single-value series. by dvacasp Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:49 am Hello, having a chart with only one TimeSeries and a single value for it repeated in time, the scale in the range (vertical) axis is missing. But If we have two or more series or only one series but with different values for them, the vertical ...