1. Renderer points with different shapes in the same series jfree.orgHi All, I have an image and I would like to use this image to plot the points on the graph. I am subclassing XYLineAndShapeRenderer and overriding getItemShape(int,int) method to return different Shape objects from the method. Could you please provide a code snippet on how to create a Shape object from an image. I tried couple times to get a ... |
2. Renderer for drawing all series in one go jfree.org |
3. renderer.setSeries... methods effect all series...why ? jfree.orgIt's kind of problem for me so if it's helping... DefaultCategoryDataset mainDataset = ((DefaultCategoryDataset)dataSet.get(0)); // create the chart... JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createStackedBarChart( null, // chart title null, // domain axis label chartProp.getProperty("MainAxisLabel"), // range axis label mainDataset, // data PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, // orientation true, // include legend true, // tooltips? false // URLs? ); // set the background color for the chart... ... |
4. Series shape for renderer - also an icon possible? jfree.org |
5. Different renderer for 2 dataseries in a timeseries chart jfree.orgHi, I want to use 2 different renderers for 2 dataseries in the same Time Series Plot. Is this possible? The only difference between the 2 is that one series is diplayed like a "scatter plot" with only dots and the secodn series should be plot as a "line". If this is not possible, then please suggest the closest solution to ... |
6. renderer.setSeriesPaint not working? jfree.orgIn the MemoryUsageDemo the chart shows two series that are red and blue, yet in the code I see this: renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.red); renderer.setSeriesPaint(1, Color.green); If I comment these two lines out, or change the colors, I still get the same red and blue colors. Where is the color of the series getting set? |