1. Time Series Chart Item Labels Visibility Issue jfree.orgjfreechart-1.0.0-rc1 TimeSeriesChartDemo1.java modified to Moving Average Objective / Challenge: To make the item labels visible in the graph (The corresponding y-axis values should get displayed wherever the circle shape intersection occurs) The output of the graph is being saved as jpg file (ChartUtilities.saveChartAsJPEG). The code (incomplete): ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart( "", // title "", // x-axis label "", // y-axis label dataset, // data ... |
2. why no TimeSeries.addOrUpdate(TimeSeriesDataItem item)? jfree.orgHi there. I just wanted to say "Thanks!" for the JFreeChart library. It's very awesome! I have a quick API question: why isn't there a TimeSeries.addOrUpdate(TimeSeriesDataItem item) method? It's just for convenience, but it would be nice if it was there, considering addOrUpdate(RegularTimePeriod period, Number value) exists. Thanks! And keep up the great work! =) |
3. TimeSeries setKey method causing double legend items jfree.orgTimeSeries setKey method causing double legend items by truthsense Fri Nov 18, 2005 5:34 pm I have an application using JFreeChart that plots data 2 different ways: 1. A proprietary formatted archive is read from a file, which could be 100,000 plots per graph (7 graphs). 2. Realtime data is received through TCP/IP packets and parsed (same line format as ... |
4. Could Time Series shows item label directly? jfree.orgAccording to the development manual, I create a Time Series chart, But I wanner to know how to showing item label on the chart directly? I try to add one line code on here, but I failed. if (renderer instanceof StandardXYItemRenderer) { StandardXYItemRenderer rr = (StandardXYItemRenderer) renderer; rr.setPlotShapes(true); rr.setShapesFilled(true); rr.setItemLabelsVisible(true); //I add this line } So anybody can help me? |
5. How to display only one TimeSeries item in chart jfree.orgHi all. I have an urgent question. I need to show TimeSeries chart based on TimeSeriesCollection dataset. I have a data, which contains (sometimes) only one item, hence there is only on one TimeSeries item in TimeSeriesCollection. It is not visible, because there is no second point (second TimeSeries to connect to) How to make chart draw the horizontal line based ... |
6. Change one item color but not line color in a series jfree.org |
7. help removing all data items from the time series jfree.orgHi, My name is Felipe, and im working with dynamic chart of jfreechart. Im displaying several process variables. When change of variable to display in ther chart, the data of the previous variable is in the chart. i want to delete all them. How i do it?. i hope that you can help me. |
8. Different color for item label of a series jfree.org |
11. Acessing the time stamp for individual item in timeseries jfree.orgActually what I want to do is as follows. I want to update the data (at past time) in the timeseries with the difference between value at current and past time. I have created 4 time series 1 Total required demand at specific time 2 Total satisfied demand at specific time 3 Carried demand (unsatisfied) at specific time. All bove time ... |
12. Selected XY series legend item font jfree.org |
13. chagning color of an Item of a series jfree.orgHi Everyone, I have a graph which is drawn in red, but if something happens I'd like to change the color of an item, but I am able only to change the color of the graph. Can you have multiple colors on one single series? If Yes how do you modify the color of an element given it's X value? Thanks, ... |
14. Replace items in a TimeSeries jfree.orgI have a TimeSeriesCollection of 100 items that are all null. How can I go in and replace just some specific items, say items 11 and 42? Right now I've tried several methods that didn't work: - series.addOrReplace(RegularTimePeriod period, double value) seems to just adds and never replaces, so I end up with 102 items instead of just 100 items (if ... |
15. Hide series but not legend item jfree.org |
16. How To Set Series Item Fill jfree.org |