DataSet « Series « JFreeChart Q&A

2. Dataset with two series

Okay... my problem is i ve got 2 series in one dataset and i want to have two different Range and Domain Axis scale lines for each serie one. How do i assign a series to a specified Axis? Ive got 2 Axis, mapped to the dataset, but not to the series.. dunno how it work. i hope anyone understand, what ...

3. Auto Locking only to first series in dataset

Hi, I have one dataset with 3 series in it. The first series is data, the second is a moving average, and the 3rd is another set I need. When the user clicks on the chart, it will auto lock to the closest data point for any of the series. I would like it to auto lock only to a data ...

4. Fix color for a TimeSeries Object in a dataset

My application has a set of 10 Timeseries objects which are to be dynamically added and removed from the dataset. So the index of the particular TimeSeries object keeps changing. How can I retrieve the index of a given TimeSeries object in the dataset to fix its color in the chart using the method renderer.setSeriesPaint(index, color); or can i add the ...

5. Problem when dataset switched from timeSeries to OHLCSeries

A chart is added with a timeSeriesCollection dataset. If that dataset is changed to another NEW timeSeriesCollection dataset, there is no problem. The chart is drawn properly after it is refreshed. However, if the dataset is changed to ohlcSeriesCollection, nothing is drawn after the chart is drawn. Which extra object(s)/listener(s) should I notify?

6. How to reorder series after populating the dataset?

I want to change to order the series are shown on a graph. For example I would like to change the order of the series in BarChartDemo1 so they went Second. First, Third. Since not all catagories contain all series ordering them before I populate the dataset does not work. Thanks for any help, Hugh [EDIT] I did do a search, ...

7. Timeseries chart - Color for the dataSets

I have a Timeseries chart and trying to plot XY axis, also another axis attached to it (opposite to Y-axis). I'm plotting three data sets, unfortunately two of the three datasets are being plotted in red color, I want them to plot in different colors so that end user can differentiate all the dataSets. I am stuck in a production issue. ...

9. Problem with Time Series Chart for small dataset

Problem with Time Series Chart for small dataset by mohanv Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:57 pm Hello, I am using JFreeChart-1.0.13. I am having issues with Time Series Chart for smaller no. of dataset. Below is the complete code. Here, I am not able to see April 2009 month in X-Axis. Moreover, Jan - 2009 is being repeated. Please suggest ...

10. JFreeChart dataset series change