XYItemRenderer « Renderer « JFreeChart Q&A

1. XYItemRenderer and setSeriesOutlinePaint not working    jfree.org

I am using version 0.9.20 I am creating a ScatterPlot chart and trying to set the seriesOutlinePaint on the renderer for all my series, but it is not working. I am able to set the seriespaint for each of my series on the renderer though. renderer = (XYItemRenderer) xyPlot.getRenderer(); renderer.setSeriesPaint(i,Color.BLACK)); renderer.setSeriesOutlinePaint(i,Color.RED); Is there another renderer I should be using? Is there ...

5. setPlotLines with XYItemRenderer    jfree.org

setPlotLines with XYItemRenderer by kernel77 Sat Sep 15, 2007 7:11 pm Hi , i have two timeseies that i use for one combined chart and i want to chart closing price without the ticks just straight lines , i saw i can do it with standardxyitemrenderer but i'm using XYItemRenderer because i need to snap each series to diffrent range ...

6. setMaximumBarWidth in XYItemRenderer?    jfree.org

Good day, I am using ChartFactory.createXYBarChart to create a "Quarter to Date" chart, passing in a TimeSeriesCollection dataset as described in the Developer's Guide. Unfortunately this results in a few very fat bars spanning the width of the chart at the beginning of the quarter when there are not many data points. The method setMaximumBarWidth exists in StackedBarRenderer but not in ...

7. Get XYItemRenderer details before applied to chart?    jfree.org

My program uses a JTable to customize the XYDatasets, Domain and Range ValueAxes, and XYItemRenderers that will be put into a new JFreeChart. It's essentially a "Create a JFreeChart Wizard". Before the chart is created I allow the user to modify the XYSeries, ValueAxes, and XYItemRenderer for the currently selected XYDataset. But because the XYItemRenderer isn't actually applied to an XYPlot, ...