1. Possible bug in StackedXYAreaRenderer? jfree.orgPossible bug in StackedXYAreaRenderer? by tzachih Sun Jun 19, 2005 8:47 am I get a NullPointerException when trying to create a stacked xy area chart with jfreechart-1.0.0-rc1 using the following code: Code: Select all TimeTableXYDataset dataset2 = new TimeTableXYDataset(); ... |
2. Bug in StackedXYAreaRenderer.java jfree.org |
3. Diff. StackedXYAreaRenderer and StackedXYAreaRenderer2 ?? jfree.orgStackedXYAreaRenderer was contributed by another developer who based it on the StandardXYItemRenderer class. It carries over a few things that it probably shouldn't (like the shapes), and sometime I'll try to clean it up. StackedXYAreaRenderer2 uses a different drawing approach, calculating a polygon for each data point and filling that. As a result, it has more intuitive "hotspots" for tooltips (and ... |
4. Problem with StackedXYAreaRenderer in 1.0.0-rc1 jfree.orgI have the following code that behaves totally different in rc1 compared to previous releases: Code: Select all TimeZone tz = getTimeZone(); TimeTableXYDataset ttxyd = new TimeTableXYDataset(); RegularTimePeriod rtp = getTableTime(System.currentTimeMillis()-10000000, tz, 60); ... |
5. StackedXYAreaRenderer Lengend Shape Bug jfree.orgThere appears to be a bug in the Drawing of the legend shape in the StackedXYAreaRenderer. It looks kind of like a bell no matter what you set the shape to. You can look at the StackedXYAreaRendererDemo1 & 2 charts and see this. The MouseListenerDemo3 is broken too, ChartMouseEvent never gives you a LegendItemEntry. |
6. StackedXYAreaRenderer new StandardXYToolTipGenerator() jfree.orgI use the renderer StackedXYAreaRenderer like that "new StackedXYAreaRenderer(StackedXYAreaRenderer.AREA, new StandardXYToolTipGenerator(), null) " or "new StackedXYAreaRenderer(XYAreaRenderer.AREA, new StandardXYToolTipGenerator(), null) " and the tooltips doesn't work. If I use other XYRenderer like XYLineAndShapeRenderer or XYBarRenderer or XYAreaRenderer or even StackedXYBarRenderer it works perfectly. I have just noticed that the tooltips works but it works only when I put the mouse on the ... |
7. crosshairs error with StackedXYAreaRenderer jfree.orgWhen displaying crosshairs on a XYPlot rendered with a StackedXYAreaRenderer, the crosshairs snap to the original (x, y) coordinates of the series and not the rendered (x, sigma(y)) coordinates. Only the bottom-most series in the stack has crosshairs snapping to it correctly. If you click near a point in any of the other series, the crosshairs snap to where the point ... |
8. setAutoRangeIncludesZero not work in StackedXYAreaRenderer jfree.orgWhen I was using XYAreaRenderer, setAutoRangeIncludesZero is work. and now use StackedXYAreaRenderer and StackedXYAreaRenderer2, zero is still included and make the line so flat. So what can i do here? And i'd also like to ask if i use XYAreaRenderer, how can i confine the tooltip at one point only, instead of the a range of the line?? million thx Code: ... |
9. StackedXYAreaRenderer: chart totally messed up jfree.orgCode: Select all JFreeChart tempChart = null; DefaultTableXYDataset currentSeriesCollection = new DefaultTableXYDataset(); currentSeriesCollection.addSeries(createRandomXYSeries("Gruppe 1")); currentSeriesCollection.addSeries(createRandomXYSeries("Gruppe ... |