StackedBarRenderer « Renderer « JFreeChart Q&A

1. StackedBarRenderer : sum of stacks at 100%

Hello all, I'm looking through javadoc but i cannot find what i need. Examples don't show this neither I use a StackedBarRenderer object. As expected, stack bars reach differents values, depending on the dataset. But what I need is : - the Y-axis to show percentages - each my values to be converted in percentage so that all stacked bars reach ...

2. StackedBarRenderer and long ItemLabels

StackedBarRenderer and long ItemLabels by angel Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:18 am I have a problem with the StackedBarRenderer because I have to diplay the labels inside the bars which often don't fit inside the bars. The behaviour now is that when the label doesn't fit then it isn't displayed at all. You can specify a fallback position, but it ...

3. Tooltip not coming in StackedBarRenderer!!

Tooltip not coming in StackedBarRenderer!! by singh_rakesh Thu May 03, 2007 11:30 pm I have to show tooltip in StackedBarRenderer. But the tooltip is not coming though I have set CategoryToolTipGenerator properly in StackedBarRenderer. I have pasted the code below. Any help will be highly appreciated. Code: Select all CategoryAxis xAxisValues ...

4. Does GradientPaintTransformer work with StackedBarRenderer?

I initially posted this on 26 JUL. I'm thinking it must be too dumb to bother with or too difficult to answer? =============================================== I don't see the gradient when I use GradientPaintTransformer with StackedBarRenderer. I see it with BarRenderer. StackedBarRenderer sbr = new StackedBarRenderer(); BarRenderer br = new BarRenderer(); I see the gradient with br.setGradientPaintTransformer(new StandardGradientPaintTransformer GradientPaintTransformType.HORIZONTAL)); I do not see ...

5. stackedbarrenderer and lineshape reneder on the XYStyle

I am using stackedbarrenderer and lineshapre reneder I am running into two problems 1- how do I create gaps between bars? 2- How do I move dateAxis to middle the lineshapereneder doesn't recongonize the dateaxis moved to middle hence plotting the point orginally where the axis was though? Here is the code XYPlot plot = new XYPlot(); JFreeChart chart = new ...

6. Use of StackedBarRenderer and getting CategoryItemEntity

We believe that when we use David Gilbert's wonderful StackedBarPlotRenderer, the chartEntity in the code excerpt below never is an instance of CategoryItemEntity - how can we get it to be a CategoryItemEntity????? Does the StackedBarRenderer prohibit receiving CategoryItemEntity? chartEntity chartEntity = event.getEntity(); if (chartEntity != null) { if (chartEntity instanceof CategoryItemEntity)