1. Remove Specific Plot Key Entries in JFreeChart stackoverflow.comI have an XYPlot in JFreeChart with multiple XYDatasets. JFreeChart creates a key at the bottom of the plot with an entry for each series by default. I would ... |
2. How to reset the rendered colors used in JFreeChart stackoverflow.comI'm using a XYPlot to show a line graph with 1 or more lines in it. I have it combined with a listener pattern so it can receive updates: if so, ... |
3. Images are black in PDF stackoverflow.comI'm creating piecharts using |
4. Asian characters in JFreeChart get rendered as squares in IE 8 but not in Firefox stackoverflow.comI'm generating a chart that contains Asian characters. The characters render fine in Firefox, but not in IE 8. If I debug in Eclipse, I can see that the characters are ... |
5. JFreeChart selectively render lines stackoverflow.comPlease see the the xy/timeseries chart I have posted here: http://imagebin.org/151195 How do I selectively render only the horizontal lines, and leave out the lines between the neighboring data points ... |
6. Using Multiple Renderers on ScattePlot stackoverflow.comAny examples/suggestions over how to use Multiple Renderers on "ScatterPlot" (JFreeChart) to display different shapes for points.I mean few points in dots and rest in bubbles/Traingle shape....Thanks |
7. Line and Shape Render...How can I scale the shapes ? jfree.org |
8. Multiple Renderers jfree.orgI'm trying to make a combined domain XY chart using two scatter plots. I'd like to have the two scatter plots use the same colors and shapes for each of their series. What's the easiest way to do this? Tried to assign a StandardXYItemRenderer to each of the sub plots, however, that changes the scatter plots to standard XY plots. I ... |
9. Looking for a render for a phase plot. jfree.orgI'm trying to create a phase plot. I have the data points stored in a XYSeries, but when I render the plot the lines drawn between the data points are connecting first the one with the lowest x-value to the point with the next largest x-value and so on. I was wondering if there was any renderer that would connect the ... |
10. XYLineAndShapeRenderer can not render XYItemLabelGenerator?? jfree.orgCode: Select all XYSeries xyseries = new XYSeries("First"); xyseries.add(1D, 1D); xyseries.add(2D, 2D); xyseries.add(3D, 3D); xyseries.add(4D, 4D); ... |
11. Is Item Label rendering available for XY Area Renderer ? jfree.org |
12. Tooltip and renderers jfree.org |
13. Caculate bounds occupied to render legends in a plot. jfree.orgHi I am generating few charts and converting them to images. These charts are different representation for the same data. The different images generated has to have the same height, this means that the height of data area for different graphs has to be the same The need is to display all graphs side by side. Hence height has to be ... |
14. Possible XY graph rendering bug jfree.orgPossible XY graph rendering bug by dmorand Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:59 pm Hi, Before logging a bug, I wanted to know if someone here could explain the weird rendering behavior I have when plotting a graph. The code used to plot the graphs can be found at the end of the message. For series1, I plotted a descending xy ... |
15. Multiple Renderers jfree.orgMultiple Renderers by akbarmehdi Tue Mar 14, 2006 11:46 am I am getting the following error when I add a new renderer to the plot. The original plot was created by a ChartFactory method createTimeSeriesChart(....) and I am trying to add a second renderer of type XYDotRenderer to the plot. Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Index 'index' out of bounds. ... |
16. StatisticalBarRenderer can not render LabelGenerator?? jfree.orgHi, when I try code 1 it works. but when I try code 2, it doesn't. Does somebody knows why? if the reason is because the code is not implemented for that, Does somebody know any workaround? thanks Code 1: CategoryItemRenderer categoryitemrenderer = categoryplot.getRenderer(); categoryitemrenderer.setItemLabelGenerator(new StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator()); categoryitemrenderer.setSeriesItemLabelsVisible(0, Boolean.TRUE); categoryplot.setRenderer(categoryitemrenderer); Code 2: StatisticalBarRenderer statisticalbarrenderer = new StatisticalBarRenderer(); statisticalbarrenderer.setItemLabelGenerator(new StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator()); statisticalbarrenderer.setSeriesItemLabelsVisible(0, Boolean.TRUE); statisticalbarrenderer.setToolTipGenerator(new ... |
17. ChartPanel being rendered completely black? jfree.orgChartPanel being rendered completely black? by mckeownns Wed Jul 26, 2006 11:30 am Hi there. Peculiar issue here, been working at it for a few days now. The following code exports jpgs and pngs fine (as a test), but the result chart ends up completely black. It appears that the saving process is corrupted. I cannot lock down whether this ... |
18. Different number categories using different renderers jfree.orgI think i've found a way to do what i'm looking for. In cases where you mismatched number of categories spread across multiple datasets where each dataset may potential use a different renderer, all you need to do is equalize each dataset so that they all have the same number of categories. In the cases where data was/is not provided for ... |
19. how to render a chart as an image jfree.org |
20. Getting X,Y location and size of plot of rendered chart jfree.orgIs there any way to get the relative position of the plot origin and max points of a plot once it's rendered? I'd like to see if there is a way to display scaled position on the plot while the mouse is moving using javascript. I have the browser scripting down, but now I need the offset and size of the ... |
21. Multiple axes and renderers problem jfree.orgMultiple axes and renderers problem by Morwen Sun Dec 03, 2006 1:55 pm Hey everyone, Im trying to create a chart with multiple axes, and multiple renderers attached to each axis (And different types of Renderers per axis, for example: Bar renderer and LineAndShapeRenderer to NumberAxis1, and 2 LineAndShapeRenderers to NumberAxis2, each with a different Dataset). The problem presented is ... |
22. How to add two lines with different renderers in JFreeChart? jfree.orgHow to add two lines with different renderers in JFreeChart? by Srilatha Thu Dec 07, 2006 6:11 am Hi , Can u suggest me how to go about the problem? I want to plot two different lines with different renderer types into single JFree chart.One line i want to plot as without default shapes.and the other line, I want to ... |
23. ToolTip Not Showing (Custom Renderers) jfree.orgToolTip Not Showing (Custom Renderers) by metalzo Thu Dec 07, 2006 6:33 pm Hi guys...I'm using the following code and for some reason I can never get my tooltip (which should just read "TEST" for now) to show. Here it is: Code: Select all public void makeChart(int plotType, int col, double sig, double sug){ ... |
24. Dataset with multiple renderers jfree.org |
25. Using multiple renderers causes an Exception jfree.orgFolks'es, i have a question/problem when using different renderers for a chart. i have 4 XYSeries which i want to show in the following way: - series 1, 2, and 3 should be drawn with a XYStepAreaRenderer - series 4 should be drawn with a XYStepRenderer however, when the plot is drawn i get the following exception: Code: Select all Exception ... |
26. Multiple renderers with one dataset jfree.orgHi! Is it possible to use multiple renderers with one dataset? Or do I have to use two datasets to set different renderers? The actual problem I'm having is the following: I want to render meteorological data (temperature for example) on a map as dots with different colors (green: value is ok, yellow: value is a bit high, red: value is ... |
27. Remove color from render palette jfree.orgIs it possible to remove a specified color from the render palette? I understand that I can override the renderers and render an item/outline in whatever color I choose. So, let's say a user clicks on an item and I want to color it RED. If there are items that are already RED, it won't be apparent that it is selected. ... |
28. Which renderers have setSeriesVisibleInLegend implemented ? jfree.orgThanks for your replies. I must be doing something wrong then, as I get a compilation error: Error(299,21): method setSeriesVisibleInLegend(int, boolean) not found in class org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.LineAndShapeRenderer from this section of code: // create the second axis sessionsRangeAxis = new LogarithmicAxis("# Sessions"); myPlot.setRangeAxis(1,sessionsRangeAxis); myPlot.setRangeAxisLocation(1,AxisLocation.BOTTOM_OR_RIGHT); myPlot.mapDatasetToRangeAxis(1,1); LineAndShapeRenderer sessionRenderer = new LineAndShapeRenderer(); sessionRenderer.setSeriesShape(0,new Rectangle(0,0)); sessionRenderer.setSeriesPaint(0,Color.YELLOW); sessionRenderer.setSeriesShape(1,new Rectangle(0,0)); sessionRenderer.setSeriesPaint(1,Color.BLUE); sessionRenderer.setSeriesShape(2,new Rectangle(0,0)); sessionRenderer.setSeriesPaint(2,Color.RED); sessionRenderer.setSeriesShape(3,new Rectangle(0,0)); sessionRenderer.setSeriesPaint(3,Color.GREEN); ... |
29. Takes to long to render.... jfree.orgwww.jfree.org View topic - Takes to long to render.... www.jfree.org Free Java software for data analysis and presentation Skip to content Advanced search Board index JFreeChart JFreeChart - General Change font size FAQ Register Login Takes to long to render.... A free public discussion forum for the JFreeChart class library. Post a reply 4 posts Page 1 ... |
30. Another question about the renderers jfree.org |
31. Circle rendered incorrectly in png but works fine in pdf jfree.orgI've extended gantt chart to draw circle for an actual value within a range. When I render the chart to a pdf using graphics 2D ,the circle comes out fine but on a png they are skewed. Anyone has any idea how to resolve this. Image url of circle in png format http://files-upload.com/325451/ganttrenderer.png.html PDF url http://files-upload.com/325465/ganttrenderer.pdf.html Here is the code snippet ... |
32. Seperate Rendering Hints For Text and other renderers jfree.org |
33. Font Rendering Quality jfree.orgThe fonts on the plots are not using text rendering hints. This results in less readable graphs. The fonts should be rendered with the following hints RenderingHints rh = new RenderingHints(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_HRGB); rh.put(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF); and rest of the plot should be rendered with rh.put(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); When VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON is used it is disabling the VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_HRGB which produces the best fonts. See attached ... |
34. After using running server, JFree chart rendering stops ... jfree.orgHi, I am using Jfree charts extensively to print my data. But after using tomcat server 5.x continuously JFree chart components stops rendering and only missing image displayed. Also sometime, If I start server it just do not work and If I restart server, everything start working. But after using continuously it died again. I am providing sufficient perm-size. (char-creator.1.20.M2, jdk1.5,tomcat5.x) ... |
35. Rendering order proposal jfree.orgRendering order proposal by kubek2k Fri Sep 28, 2007 8:32 am Hi I have found that the rendering order in JfreeChart is not flexible - especially you are not able to choose the series of data you want to be visible everywhere (to be rendered last actually). My proposal is to change the interfaces DatasetRenderingOrder, SeriesRenderingOrder and SortOrder to give ... |
36. XY renderers within Category plots - Solution and proposal jfree.orgXY renderers within Category plots - Solution and proposal by opeongo Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:16 pm I just created a Category plot that used a box and whisker renderer. On top of each box and whisker diagram I wanted to plot a dataseries that related to that category. I was able to do this by adding my XY data ... |
37. Rendering Gradient Fills jfree.orgHi, I am trying to fill an area chart with a gradient fill, (similar to how the barchart renderer does a gradient fill with the gradient paint transformer). In essence i am defining the max and min values of an area chart and filling defining a gradient fill for rectangle enclosing the graph. My shading goes off the moment i resize ... |
39. URGENT: Help Needed - Line to be rendered as dots jfree.org |
40. Rendering the area between 'y' bounds for YInterval dataset jfree.orgHi I'm new to using JFreeChart, I'm trying use the a YInterval dataset for a given series (where for each value of x I have an upper and lower bound for y), and to use this to render the coloration of the area on the graph between thats between the upper and lower 'y' bounds for each x value in the ... |
41. Charts render slowly jfree.orgCharts render slowly by shailm Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:10 pm Hi i am using jfreechart1.0.7.jar and trying to render barchart and pie chart and it is suddenly slow i wonder why it is so i previously used the jfree.jar which was probably jfree1.0.0rc1 version , that time i had exploded entire into the project and it was faster any ... |
42. XYPlot patch: render as image jfree.orgXYPlot patch: render as image by paradoxoff Sat Feb 23, 2008 1:03 pm Hi, when exporting charts with huge datasets (> 50000 items) as vector graphics (moistly EMF), the resulting files can be really big and can take at lot of time to display. Exporting the charts as bitmaps (PNG) gives smaller files, but the reduced quality of the chart ... |
43. Available:API to render Open Document Charts with JfreeChart jfree.orgWe have been working on an API that renders Open Document based chart definitions using JFreeChart. Open Document (see opendocument.xml.org/) is an OASIS XML standard for office automation documents such as text, presentations, spreadsheets, charts etc. Several Office suites support it such as Open Office, Lotus Symphony, KOffice and others. MS Office plugins and document converters are available to allow user ... |
44. Trying to capture tooltip rendering jfree.orgHi guys, I've added a bit of code to make a busy hourglass cursor appear when the chart is rendering. (With a bit of debug info). public void chartProgress(ChartProgressEvent event) { System.out.println("Chart Progress called, event is " + event.toString() + " event source " + event.getSource() + " event type " + event.getType()); if(event.getType()==ChartProgressEvent.DRAWING_STARTED) { cursorBusy(true); } else if (event.getType()==ChartProgressEvent.DRAWING_FINISHED) { ... |
45. Custom Renderers? jfree.orgI'm not aware of anything that's not already included in the JFreeChart distribution. In the next couple of months, I'd like to work on some improvements to the default "look" in JFreeChart, and that will include some additional effects in many of the renderers. You should note, however, that some of the blur effects rely on pixel based output (e.g. screen) ... |
46. Is it possible to render Stacked bargraphs in Clusterers. jfree.orgWe have stacked bargraph (ProcessingTime on Y axis and 5min Time Intervals on X axis for 3 different applications) rendered by using jfree. We need to show the same stacked bargraph in clusters i.e One cluster would have Success,Pening,Error categories each one having above stacked bar. Looks like I need to have 2 datasets for this. How can I do this? ... |
47. can we use two renderers in one chart jfree.orgDear Richard, I appreciate ur response and understand everyone is busy . Well as far as duplicate post is concerned i was trying to present the same problem in simple terms and second for replying to the topic posted by myself ; it was not meant to present myself as some other person who has the same problem ( any way ... |
48. Multiple renderers jfree.orgHi all, Is there a way to use multiple renderers on the same chart? I have a combination of numeric and digital data that i would like to plot on a time series. Numerics should use a XYLineAndShapeRenderer and digitals should use a XYStepRenderer. They should be compatible (the latter in fact extends the former), but i can't see a way ... |
49. Chart not rendering when to much data. jfree.orgI create compound charts that sometimes have lots of data. When the chart does have a lot of data, it will not render at 600 x 400 (just a blank white screen) but it will render when I make that chart full screen. And the same is true when trying to print it out. What I would like to know is ... |
50. Is it possible to render subgraps ? jfree.orgIf you want to draw multiple charts in an image, do the following: (1) Create N JFreeChart instances. (2) Create a large BufferedImage. (3) Get the Graphics2D object for drawing on the BufferedImage. (4) For each chart from (1), decide the region on the image where you want to draw the chart and create a Rectangle2D for that region. Then call ... |
51. Rendering order of the elements jfree.org |
52. Dot rendering question jfree.orgHi, I am trying to render a grid made of dots instead of lines in a JFreeChart inside of a JasperReport, which is exported to a PDF file. The PDF file prints just fine, but when I open it in the Acrobat Viewer, the following behavior occurs. At high zoom resolutions in the viewer (400% - 1600%), the dots that make ... |
53. Render values jfree.orgby miniman Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:49 pm So in this example the chart does work, but I want the Axis on the left that displays the price, so be formatted in the same way the prices are inserted. So instead of it have 3, 5, 6, 10, 15 I want 3.5, 3, 9, 10.5, 11.5 Code: Select all package ... |
54. Chart is rendering the same date multiple times jfree.org |
55. Renderers ignore alpha values jfree.orgI'm attempting to create a bar chart, that has the initial series rendered in a solid color and a secondary series rendered as only the outline of the bar. Setting the alpha to 00 ( transparent ) for a color and setting this in the renderer works fine when only one series is displayed, if another series is added, then all ... |
56. Render custom images instead of markers jfree.org |
57. Is it possible to selectively render TimeSeries/XYSeries? jfree.orgWhat I mean is this: Let's say I have a TimeSeries/XYSeries that consists of both positive and negative values (vertically), and I only want to render the positive ones, while ignoring the negative values. Is it possible to do this within JFreeChart in such a way as to have the positive values connected by the graph, which will stop when it ... |
58. Rendering in Charts jfree.orgHi I am using JFreeChart API to customize the charts in reports that were developed using JasperReports. My problem is in BarCharts whn any item has -ve values the graph is not rendering the values correctly. The graph is rendering one Category Axis at 0 and another category axis at the lowest negative value in the graph. Can anyone please suggest ... |
59. Shape annotaion and XYLineandShape Rendering @ THE SAME TIME jfree.orgI have shaoe annotaions (XYShperenderer) on my XYlinechart and I want to see my points (that comes from my dataset) are connected to each other.. So I use XYLineandShapeRenderer for that. After I create these i wrote plot.setrenderers(0, XYShperenderer); plott.setrenderers(1, lineAndShaperendedeer); but I can't see both of annotaion and connected points on my chart. MY point are not connected but I ... |
60. Suggestion re Renderers that do not support tooltips jfree.orgHi, I just spent about half a day discovering that (A) some renderers support tooltips and some don't; (B) it's documented in the "Notes" section of the docs on the renderer; (C) then again, it isn't, always, e.g. I think I have determined that SamplingXYLineRenderer does not support tooltips, although there is nothing in the Developer's Guide or javadocs that I ... |
61. GradientPaintTransformer always rendering Horizontally jfree.orgHello all... I'm a reasonably new user to JFreeChart and I'm having what seems to me to be a strange problem. I just tried adding gradients to a bar chart today, and while I see a gradient of the two colors I specify, it ALWAYS renders the gradient Horizontally (left to right). I'm rendering my charts through CEWolf at the moment, ... |
62. Rendering outside the EDT jfree.orgI have been using the JFreeChart library for two years now for a graphical tool. The tool is gathering simulation data (logs) from the network in a seperate thread and stores it in a set of arrays. A timer is then updating the graphs every two seconds or on a user request. The data set is big, so the rendering time ... |
63. example for rendering JFreeChart directly in HTML jfree.org |
64. Rendering differences on different platforms jfree.orgThanks for pointing out the obvious, should have seen that myself! And indeed that cured the problem of disappearing plot lines. However now the Y-scale is different! See: http://www.sparetimelabs.com/capture2_ubuntu.tiff http://www.sparetimelabs.com/capture2_macosx.tiff These are results of running exactly the same jar file on those two platforms. So this is probably not an antialiasing problem. Ubuntu is running Java 1.6.0_16 now too. Could this ... |
65. Extending 'XYPlot' - slight rendering issue jfree.orgI extended the XYPlot class in order to make it render a bit faster. I'm taking advantage of BufferedImages and using some threading to make things a bit more seamless. I do have one slight issue. My X-Axis label will not display. The class I wrote is pretty big so I don't wanna copy the whole thing in here if I ... |
66. Help... Item Labels not rendering jfree.orgLayeredBarRenderer renderer = new LayeredBarRenderer(); renderer.setItemLabelGenerator(this.getItemLabelGenerator()); renderer.setItemLabelsVisible(true); renderer.setPositiveItemLabelPosition(new ItemLabelPosition(ItemLabelAnchor.CENTER, TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER)); renderer.setItemLabelAnchorOffset(-30); renderer.setItemLabelFont(this.font10ptBold); renderer.setItemLabelPaint(Color.black); renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, this.standardBlue); renderer.setSeriesBarWidth(0, 1.19); plot.setRenderer(renderer); |
67. Set renderers to have same color scheme jfree.orgHi, I have two separate renderers for two XY plots. Both renderers are used to generate subplots in the same chart. They have the same input series. So i would like them to have the same color scheme. I have tried using the following code but it makes no effect. Paint [] paint = new Paint[8]; for(int p = 0;p<8;p++){ paint[p] ... |
68. Need some help with the real time data rendering jfree.orgHi, I am pretty new to JFreechart and this is my problem: I am troubling with the realtime data chart. The memory usage example is very good and it can be a basis for my particular task, but I need to add a scroll bar to it so the user can actually drag back the scroll bar to view the historical ... |
69. Overlay rendering (absence bands) jfree.orgHello. I have a number of series I want to render on a chart, but I also want to show "bands", determined by another process - for example to mark weekends of stuff like that. My charts are all "values on Y, time in epoch on X" and I receive the "bands" as two values, start (epoch) and end (also epoch). ... |
70. Multiple Renderers for Trend Line jfree.orgCode: Select all public void customize( JFreeChart jFreeChart, JRChart jrChart ) { XYPlot xyPlot = ( XYPlot )jFreeChart.getPlot(); XYItemRenderer defaultRenderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(); XYSplineRenderer splineRenderer = new XYSplineRenderer(); // Make the spline line thick. // ... |
71. New Feature: Render geometry data in Plot jfree.org |
72. JFreeChart Rendering onto a Graphics2D or an Image jfree.orgI have used JFreeChart in the past. I am looking to use it possibly in a "semi real-time" rendering of charts. I will need to render charts at a rate of roughly 2 times per second at standard screen resolutions. I'd prefer to use the library in a fashion that allows me to render in the background to a Graphics2D object. ... |
73. How do I multithread BufferedImage rendering in ChartPanel? jfree.orgHow do I multithread BufferedImage rendering in ChartPanel? by ptd26 Sat Jul 31, 2010 9:42 am I am trying to use JFreeChart to display several charts on one window. I would like to use threading to speed up the performance of my application. My first attempt was to pull out the buffered image rendering from paint component and put it ... |
74. weird rendering jfree.orgweird rendering by donut Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:45 pm Hi, I have a category plot which gets weird dotted lines near the labels on the domain axis. I cant understand where it is coming from.. Here is the code that generates the plot : Code: Select all private void createCategoryPlot(JFreeChart c, int chartIndex){ ... |
75. Strange rendering anomaly jfree.orgStroke seriesStroke = new BasicStroke( 2f * scalingFactor, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, ... |
76. selectively render lines. jfree.org |
77. Label rendering order jfree.orgThere's no way to do it at present. I guess the renderer would need to be modified to store all the labels until the data has all been rendered, then draw the labels on top of that. I'll add it to the to-do list, but it is unlikely I'll get to work on it for a while. |