shape « Plot « JFreeChart Q&A

1. JFreechart Polar Chart shape annotation

I am trying to color different region of a polar chart with different colors. e.g coloring the region between the angle 20 and 60 and between the radii 2 and 4. How ...

2. Changing the shapes of points in scatter plot

I have thousands of points to Plot on a JFreeChart scatter plot. The problem right now is that my program is plotting points with "squares", but I need some help on how ...

3. XYPlot:Wrong Shape Order if no legend is shown

Hi, I ran into a minor problem with XYPlot. If a chart is created without a legend then the shapes and line colors are differnt from a chart which uses a legend. Here is the reason: in XYPlot.render (line 2583) the series are ploted in revers order by default to make shure that the first series is always on top. However ...

4. change size of shape in XYPlot

5. Polar Plot Shapes

6. Polar plot with shapes visible but not lines

Hello, The PolarChart is very close to one of the things I need except I'd like the data to be rendered as points rather than lines. I thought this would be trivial but for some reason I'm drawing a blank. I guess I was looking for a polar equivalent to constructing an XYLineAndShapeRenderer(false,true) Suggestions? Thanks, Dan p.s. Loving JFreeChart so far! ...

7. URGENT: Placing a label in the CategoryPlot for shapes

Hello, I need to place a label adjacent to the shapes, say, triangle and circle in in the CategoryPlot . The shapes lie in the same line and are connected by the CategoryLineAnnotation annotation in the plot. CategoryTextAnnotation takes a double argument for the y-co-ordinate and I've a String instance as the coordinate in the y-axis. How do I accomodate the ...

8. Symbol shape on plots

Hi, I am doing XYplot and when I am not giving any shape then it is taking automatically and displaying chart properly with legends. That is fine Now I want to set legend based on my input conditions. So I want to take symbol whatever is used on plot, but I am using Shape sp = renderer.getSeriesShape(i); sp is it ...