line « Plot « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Jfree chart xy line implementation

I want to plot 4 lines in one dataset but I cannot. Could any1 tell me what libs in need in jfree and how I can implement them in 1 chart


2. JfreeChart - XYPlot, Displaying several TasksSeriesCollection on the same line?

My question is quite simple : is there a way to display several TasksSeriesCollection on the same line ? In the "normal" way, when you add a new TasksSeriesCollection, your new ...

3. How would I create a JFreeChart scatterplot best fit line

I have an arraylist of points I want to include in a JFreeChart scatterplot. That works fine, but I now want a best fit line on it. After some searching, JFreeChart ...

4. Create custom line on XY plot

I need to create a custom line on a XY plot. It will be a short line that the client can move arround and be able to place on curves so they can figure our the slope of the curve and things like that. I am not too worry about the calulations (at least not yet) that it has to perform ...

5. PolarPlot Lines

I have two questions about the PolarPlots: 1. How do I set up the plot so that it does not automatically connect the ends of the lines? 2. How do I change the color of the lines? (I saw how it was done in XYItemRenderer, but the PolarItemRenderer appears to be much more limited.)

6. TableXYDataset vs. XYSeriesCollection for line plots

Hi, we have to draw a couple of XY series plots (lines, not stacked area) on a single chart, and all points share the same x-values. Is there any significant advantage in using TableXYDatasets for this instead of XYSeriesCollection? I am asking this because this will be done by a "generic" graph component, and I am not sure we want to ...

8. ScatterPlot with a line XYplot

I have created a Combined plot using "CombinedRangeXYPlot" class. And i have added two subplot into the main plot, one scatterPlot and XYLineChart, the code is the following: DatosGraficosSerie dgpt= new DatosGraficosSerie(this.serieGraficos.getTTam(),this.serieGraficos.getTProduc(),this.serieGraficos.getTTipoAplic(),this.vEntornoPro.size()); JFreeChart chart1= ChartFactory.createScatterPlot(null,"SLOC","SLOC/personas-mes",dgpt.getSeriesCollection(),PlotOrientation.VERTICAL,false,false,false); JFreeChart chart2= ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(null,"SLOC","SLOC/personas-mes",dgpt.getLineaMedia(),PlotOrientation.VERTICAL,false,false,false); CombinedRangeXYPlot plot= new CombinedRangeXYPlot(); plot.add(chart1.getXYPlot()); plot.add(chart2.getXYPlot()); plot.setOrientation(PlotOrientation.VERTICAL); JFreeChart chart= new JFreeChart(null,JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT,plot,false); chartPanelProducTamMax= new ChartPanel(chart); the problem is that the plot does't overlaid the ...

9. Plotting a line by using an euqation

If you have a range of y or x values then generate a double[][] data. For a straight line just use the four coordinates at the extremes. Then use ChartFactory.createXYLineChart as follows: DefaultXYDataset aDefaultXYDataset = new DefaultXYDataset(); aDefaultXYDataset.addSeries( "a", data ); JFreeChart aJFreeChart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart( null, null, null, aDefaultXYDataset, PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL, false, false, false ); Play around with the parameters until you ...

10. XYPlot -change line to steps

Hello, I have some dataset available and want to create a plot. When I use XYSeriesCollection and use ChartFactory.createXYLineChart all points are connected by straight line, like that: ````o ```/`\ ``/```\ `/`````\ /```````\ o````````o I want to modify it in that way I will get some steps in the middle of the periods, like that: ``--o-- o--`````--o (I use ` just ...

11. xyplot with cumlative line?

12. Hard ScatterPlot Chart with iso lines

Does anybody have an idea about how create a chart like this one? (the image of chart is over this URL. This forum didn't allow me post a url, since I 'm new user) w w w . imagehosting . com/out.php/i134355_ScatterPlotChart.jpg I got the Scatter with its CrossHair Lines, but I am having troubles to create the curves based on Y ...

14. gaps in lines when plotting chart with incomplete data

Hey all, I'm wondering how to avoid having gaps in lines when plotting a line chart. See the below picture: Hopefully this should be pretty self explanatory. When each line is graphed by itself, there are no gaps. However, on the combined graph there are months for which one line has data and the other does not. The gaps appear ...

15. Changing the Line Style for YIntervalSeries Plots

Is there any way to change the line style for YIntervalSeries plots? For example dashed lines, dotted lines, lines with small x's or o's, ... . I am using the YIntervalSeries to create an errorbar chart and I want to be able to include several plots in one chart, each having a distinct line style. I would appreciate any help. Thanks! ...

16. Line plot

Hi all i have a problem with Jfreechart. I have lets say data such as 1sec 10 2sec 20 3sec 10 . . . 10sec 30 . . NO DATA . . . 1000 sec 10 1001 sec 20 . . . 1010sec 30 . . . . NO DATA . . . . 10000 sec 10 10001 sec 20 . ...

17. undesired lines in plot

Hi. I am plotting a variable against itself and I should get a 45 degree line as the result of doing so. I get the 45 degree line, however, I also get some other small lines off to the side of the 45 degree line. Has anyone seen this before? Is there anything I can do about this? I know for ...

18. Plotting Spectral lines from a radiometer

I want to plot spectral lines and my first guess is that I'd use an XYDataset and an XYLineChart. You can see an example of what I'd like to produce at the following URL: (Sorry, this group will not allow me to post a URL...) You might try pasting together the following pieces. http-slash-slash www dot I'm not concerned about ...

19. Antialias line in a plot

I just tried JFreeChart. It is great but I have a problem. In the Java Webstart demo on the JFreeChart homepage the lines of the grapf are plotted with antialiasing on. But when I try to plot my JFreeChart it does not work. Here is my code (part): Code: Select all private static JFreeChart createChart(DefaultXYDataset dataset) { ...

20. 3D line plot

Hi, I'm new to JFreePlot. I want to create a plot like this. (I'm not allowed to put image link because I'm a new member here. Please copy and paste it to browser) It would need some interactivity to it - zooming - change second dimension axis angle Is it possible to use JFreePlot to do this?

21. How to Mix ScatterPlot and Lines

Your english is fine! In JFreeChart, you can overlay multiple datasets on the same plot. First, call setDataset(int, dataset), then call setRenderer(int, renderer) to add an appropriate renderer for the dataset. You'll find these methods in the CategoryPlot and XYPlot classes (with slightly different parameter types reflecting the type of data that each plot supports).

22. Extended line on to Combined Domain XYPlot's Sub Plots

Hi, I am currently using a CombinedDomainXYPlot on which there are several sub plots such as Price Plot and Volume Plot by default. This chart supports the addition of another 10 subplots like Exponential Moving Average, Moving Average1, Moving Average2, Moving Average Convergence Dovergence etc. Please note that all these sub plots have their own Range axis with the common domain ...

23. how to include lines in scatterplot chart?

This scrap of code is what I use - may not be the best but it works Goodluck XYLineAndShapeRenderer xyls = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(true, true); for (int i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) { addSeries("SeriesName", sources.get(i)); xyls.setSeriesLinesVisible(i, false); xyls.setSeriesShapesVisible(i, true); xyls.setSeriesShape(i, CROSS); xyls.setSeriesPaint(i, getColor(i)); } double ddmax = collection.getDomainUpperBound(false); int series = sources.size(); for (int i = 0; i < sources.size(); ...

24. how do you line up two plots?

I have two plots. I need them to line up because the two plots have data that needs to be compared. So when you line them up the comparison is easy. Here is a picture of the two plots so far. The picture has some red annotations. The red annotations show that right now there is a "delta". The "delta" refers ...

25. Bolding plot lines in JFree chart

I am working on a jfreechart replacement for some current graphs we build with php and javascript. I need 2 line graphs overlaid on the same chart. 1 shows traffic in 5 minute intervals, the other some the same graphic smoothed over a 15 minute span. I have gotten both datasets to display on the same graph. What I need help ...

26. Lines do not get shown in CombinedDomainXYPlot

Greetings, JFreeChart-Gurus! I recently ported my program from using only one XYPlot for multiple TimeSeries to using a CombinedXYDomainPlot, holding multiple XYPlots. I'm getting no errors, but the added TimeSeries do not get shown (and are not listed in the legend). I create a new chart using this methods: Code: Select all //class-variables private NumberAxis timeAxis; ...