1. Icon on a JFreeChart XY Plot stackoverflow.comI have an XY plot of positions and want the newest point to be an icon. Is this possible in JFreeChart? |
2. JFreechart XYPlot Overlapping Data Artifacts stackoverflow.comI am trying to draw some bar graphs with a data set that contains overlapping priorities. E.g. three bars of different colors may be drawn at one point, but the one with ... |
3. JfreeChart - XYPlot, selecting tasks? stackoverflow.comIs there a way to select one of several tasks contained in a XYPlot ? I mean, imagine you have several tasks in a XYPlot, I would like to select several tasks ... |
4. [SOLVED]continous updated of xy-plot does not work jfree.org[SOLVED]continous updated of xy-plot does not work by richard18 Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:13 am my application acquires data from a spectrometer, selects in a database the best matching spectrum and plots it in a xy-chart. for single scans this all works fine. however, i'd like to do continous scans, the plots are no more displayed. the whole measurement loop ... |
5. XYPlot and dates jfree.orgby angel Fri Jun 02, 2006 2:56 pm I guess you are using the ChartFactory.createScatterPlot() method. You don't have to use this method because the factory is a simplification with default values for often used charts. Here is the sourcecode for the method. You can also use DateAxis istead of NumberAxis. Code: Select all public static ... |
6. XY Plot markers . . . jfree.org |
7. can not use plot.getDomainAxis in a XYplot. I'm new jfree.orgcan not use plot.getDomainAxis in a XYplot. I'm new by jaumeg Mon Sep 12, 2005 4:41 pm Hi all, I have a little question regarding the XY plot , I have developed a graphic with 0.9.17 as you can see below and I need to change the labels in Y axis in order to have only numbers begining by 1, ... |
8. patch: make crosshairs work with multiple axes in xyplot jfree.orgwww.jfree.org View topic - patch: make crosshairs work with multiple axes in xyplot www.jfree.org Free Java software for data analysis and presentation Skip to content Advanced search Board index JFreeChart JFreeChart - General Change font size FAQ Register Login patch: make crosshairs work with multiple axes in xyplot A free public discussion forum for the JFreeChart class library. ... |
9. multiple domain axes in combined Domain XY Plot possible?? jfree.orgHi all, I am trying to combine a combined xylinechart with multiple axes (one numericaxis showing the number of amino acids and a symbolic axis showing the characters for the aminoacids). These two domainaxis shall appear in a multiplexy linechart. I have no problems in creating multiple charts or a single xychart with multiple domain axis. But when I try to ... |
10. How do I specify domain range manually of an XYPlot? jfree.orgHi, I have noticed the same problem, but a workaround is to define the scale manual. Tidy mayby but if it can be done with a for-loop it is not muck code. Example: NumberAxis rangeAxis = new StationDistanceAxise(); // y-axis private class StationDistanceAxise extends NumberAxis { public List refreshTicks(Graphics2D g2, AxisState state, Rectangle2D dataArea, RectangleEdge edge) { List result = new ... |
11. XYPlot.getAnnotations() jfree.org |
12. stacked area xy plot. jfree.org |
13. outliers in XYPlot jfree.orgI am interested in identifying outliers in an XYPlot. I am assuming that I can use the Outlier class and that I will need to extend the XYItemRenderer to show outliers. I'm hoping to "borrow" the technique in XYBoxAndWhiskerRenderer, but haven't looked too closely at it yet. Has anyone done this? Is there a better way to do this? Thanks. |
14. Aligning the top-left of the XYPlot in ChartPanel jfree.org |
15. Aspect ratio(xyplot) related issue jfree.orgI am one of the users of the JfreeChart package. I have been using xyplot mainly. Everything apart from aspect ratio is working fine. Is the issue related to aspect ratio solved. Please help me in sorting ou this problem as fixeing aspect ratio is very very important for the graphs produced by me. |
16. Shading an area in an XYPlot jfree.orgHi, I've currently got an XYPlot where I've drawn a number of lines. Two of the lines intersect each other at two points which causes an enclosed portion - is it possible to shade in that portion of the graph? I know exactly which part of the graph needs shading - e.g. I know the vertex points of the area, so ... |
17. LineRenderer3D etc in XYPlot? jfree.org |
18. Something like IntervalMarker in XY-Plot ? jfree.orgI'm trying to create a XYPlot with some data and I need to add some "IntervalMarkers"... e.g bottom-left part (0,10)-(10,0) should be red (maybe with label) then above it there should a green range and so on... Is there something like an intervalmarker for the XYPlot ? As a workaround I tried to use a stackedxyarearenderer and used it as a ... |
19. big numbers in XYPlot jfree.orgHi, I want to make a plot where the range axis contains very big numbers (it contains 0, 1e+15, 2e+15, ... ,9e+15). The result that I get does not satisfy me. The plot shows the numbers in full, meaning 1000000000000000, etc How do I make the axis-labels display numbers in their scientific form? |
20. XYPlot: associate other attributes with a datapoint jfree.orgimport org.jfree.data.xy.XYDataItem; public class XYDataItem2 extends XYDataItem { String notes; String delimiter; public XYDataItem2(double x, double y, String notes) { super(x,y); this.notes = notes; this.delimiter = ","; ... |
21. XYPlot with a function jfree.org |
22. XYPlot size of the window... jfree.orgpublic static final void configureStandardXYPlot(XYPlot plot) { // plot.setDataAreaRatio((double)1/3); plot.setBackgroundPaint(new GradientPaint(0.0F, 0.0F, Color.white, 0.0F, 1000F, Color.blue)); plot.getDomainAxis().setVerticalTickLabels(true); plot.setNoDataMessage(NO_DATA_MSG); ... |
23. XYPLOT bug or problem with my data??? jfree.orgHello Folks Im having problem with my XYPlot bars. I see that if the the dataset im using to draw the chart, has a constant Y value for all Xs then the following method gives me an extremely large number (2.0600000125195904E10) and the graph does not work. double translatedValue0 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D( value0, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge( ) ); translatedValue0 is 2.0600000125195904E10 Has anyone ... |
24. XYPlot with slider?! jfree.orgHi Everyone, Thank you in advance for your replies. It would be a great help if someone can point me in the right direction. I'm trying to create a XY plot with a slider for a website. I need JFree Chart to generate the XY graph along with the bottom tracker part of the slider. The graph would look like this: ... |
25. ValueMaker not show on Combined Domain xyplot jfree.org |
26. Combined Plot With CatgeoryPlot and XYPlot jfree.orgHi, I want to do a combined plot on the two following, but have run into a wall XYPLOT is a bar plot of daily sales over a time axis x and a number y axis CategoryPlot is the statistics (average sales, max sales, min sales) that use a labeled x axis but the same value axis for the y axis. ... |
27. Issue Plotting Two Date Value using XYPlot in JFreeCharrt jfree.orgIssue Plotting Two Date Value using XYPlot in JFreeCharrt by MSuresh Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:01 am Hi, We are using JFreechart to create Graphs. We are using the JfreeChart - XYPlot API's. We have the dates on X-Axis (using dateAxis methods) and the corresponding values on Y-axis (NumberAxis Methods). When we have just one record (i.e. (Date,value) pair ) ... |
28. Documentation bug in XYPlot jfree.org/** * Creates a new plot. * * @param dataset the dataset (null permitted). * @param domainAxis the domain axis (null permitted). * @param rangeAxis the range axis (null ... |
29. Question on XY-plots jfree.org |
30. Using CatrgoryAxis with XYPlot jfree.orgI am currently using an XYPlot to create a chart that displays timestamps as labels on the X-axis. But using the XYAxis these timestamp labels can be displayed either horizontally or vertically whereas my requirement is to display them diagonally downwards at a 45 degree angle. Is this possible? Alternatively can I use a CategoryAxis with this XYPlot as the CategoryAxis ... |
31. XYPlot - problem with getting item index jfree.orgThat will only tell you the lower bound on the axis, which probably doesn't correspond to any item in the dataset. The only way to know for sure is to take that lower bound, then iterate through the dataset looking for the lowest value that is greater than or equal to the lower bound. JFreeChart doesn't have a function to do ... |
32. clone() in XYPlot jfree.orgi need to create the copy of XYPlot. so i use XYPlot.clone() method then modify the newly created object. and i show that in different dialog. but when i do mouseRightClick (popupmenu control) and try to select domain axis zoom, it also zoomed the original chart along with cloned object . what is it i am doing wrong ? how does ... |
33. Set the origin of a XY plot jfree.org |
34. XY Plot - Can I make identical Y axes? jfree.orgAll - Is there a way to duplicate the Y axis on an XY plot with only one dataset? I can create a dual Y plot with two datasets, no problem. But, I'd like to use a single dataset but have a Y axis on both sides of the chart, same scales and labels. Reason being is that we've got a ... |
35. XYTextAnnotation and dynamic setting of xyplot domain range jfree.orgHi all, First post here and want to thank everybody for all the excellent advice/tips provided on this forum - it's been a huge help. Keep up the great work David and company! Basically I am dynamically plotting data using the FastXY classes. And the question is: are there any nice/elegant ways to have a somewhat lengthy (20 chars or so) ... |
36. XYPlot & indexes jfree.orgXYPlot confuses my head. A lot of places methods take "index" which isn't really explained. Reading the code, I conclude that each dataset (which may contain multiple series???) gets an index in `ObjectList datasets' and that that links it to all the other objects in the other ObjectLists with the same index. But then I wonder if I can add datasets ... |
37. Real-time XYPlot from 2 asynchronous sources (timer, socket) jfree.orgI have a small real-time app that asynchronously reads data from a TCP/IP socket and a timer. I want to display timer data as a sequence of bars of the same height (they give time reference). Events from TCP/IP are parsed and can be displayed as lines. I am getting thread error. In the code which works fine with 1 data ... |
38. removeDataset and removeAxis in XYPlot jfree.orgremoveDataset and removeAxis in XYPlot A free public discussion forum for the JFreeChart class library. Post a reply 3 posts Page 1 of 1 removeDataset and removeAxis in XYPlot by tomkieffer Wed May 16, 2007 11:59 am Hi, I'm really like to use JFreeChart and I think it's a powerful library. But to remove datasets and axes from an ... |
39. combined domain xy plot problem jfree.orgI need some guidance on using the CombinedDomainXYPlot. It's pretty straightforward when I have just a handful of plots and works just as I expect. However, I'm putting 25 plots in it. I can't seem to figure out how to give all the plots a minimum height (say 150 pix for the sake of discussion) or at least guarantee that the ... |
40. XYPlot- DomainOrder.Descending jfree.orgI am tring to plot a line graph using XYPLot. I would like to be able to display the X axis values in descending order so that the largest x value is displayed on the left side of the graph and the smallest values is displayed on the right side. It appears to me that the default order is ascending. Is ... |
41. XYPlot Problem!! jfree.orghi, I found that in XYPlot every data point connect to it's shortest point, I have code like that: XYSeries series =new XYSeries("P2 Vs. P1"); series.add(1,2); series.add(2,1); series.add(1.5,4); XYDataset xyDatast=new XYSeriesCollection(series); the point (1,2) will connect to (1.5,4) first, then (1.5,4) connectes to (2,1)but what I want is that all the points connected in the order I add into the series: ... |
42. Problem subclassing the XYPlot class. jfree.orgHi David, First let me thank you for your timely reply and support ... I could put a proper demo to convince the team. We in our company have decided to go with the jFreeChart. I am using JFreeChart 1.0.2. I wanted to have a slight modification in the way the XYPlot draws the plot. I tried to subclass XYPlot class ... |
43. XY Plot: Changing Plot Behavior jfree.orgXY Plot: Changing Plot Behavior by ahonma Wed Aug 15, 2007 7:05 pm I'm plotting a XY plot with a slider. The slider is attached to the index value of the array that holds the XY data. As you move the slider, the plot is redrawn. The problem: As I was stepping through the index and watching the plot draw ... |
44. XYPlot for lat/longs... jfree.orgYou can call setVisible(false) on each axis and they'll be hidden (but otherwise functional). And you can use null for the title, and remove the legend. There may be some insets / padding for the chart and/or plot that you might want to set to zero as well. I'll be interested to see what you come up with for a prototype. ... |
45. Plotting double arrays - XYPlot jfree.orgHi guys! I'm a JfreeCreator newcomer and I'm having some problems while trying to plot double arrays[][] using XYPlot. Actually, I succesfully plotted a histogram using a double array[], since it had a 'data []' parameter. I wonder if there's a similar class to plot a double array ([] or [][]) using XYPlot or something like it. Thanks in advance. |
46. Aligning XYPlot with text jfree.orgHi, I am fairly new to JFreeChart. I have created a line chart using XYPlot. Every X-value in my plot is an integer starting from 1 to the sequence length. I want to align a single character above or below each X-value, preferably outside the area of the plot itself. Does anyone know of a way to do this? Is it ... |
47. About ValueMarker and XYPlot refresh jfree.orgHello, I used an XYLineChart to display a big number of points (the number can be greater than 9 millions for example !). I maked a ValueMarker on the domain axis and I maked listeners in order to be able to move the marker thanks to the mouse. It runs normally when the number of points is not very big. When ... |
48. Help Needed on XYPlot jfree.orgHi, I have been using JFreechart only for a while. I had few other issues earlier and had gone thro this forum, got some info and fixed those. But for this issue, even after searching thro this forum, I could not get much info. Please help me out. The image is posted in the below URL : farm4.static.flickr.com/3057/2308256082_1cb79025ee.jpg?v=0 I am using ... |
49. Maximum data elements in xyplot jfree.orgI have created XYPlots that hold > 100k data points. More is technically possible (see the separate thread were optimization strategies for the plotting of large datasets are discussed). 32767 is clearly not the intended limit! Even if it was, just letting the app crash would be a highly unprofessional approach to handle situations were this limit is exceeded. What are ... |
50. introGap and trailGap for XYPlot or LinePlot jfree.org |
51. Trouble with Combined Domain XY Plot jfree.orgTrouble with Combined Domain XY Plot by schla104 Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:59 pm Hello. I've been playing around with JFreeChart to see if it will fit my application. So far I am very impressed and pleased. I started by creating three separate line charts based on XYData sets and everything turned out great. Now, to save some space on ... |
52. dynamic xyplot starting on the left jfree.orgHi, is there any way how to make XYPlot or JFreeChart start drawing time series on the left margin and start rolling as the right margin is reached? The HorizontalDateAxis is FixedAutoRange set. We do some economic simulations and we don't want the user to see a blank area for times before the simulation starts and curves hanging in air. I ... |
53. XYPlot.getDatasetCount() returns wrong number jfree.orgHi, I found two problems with this method: 1) it returns 1 when there are no datasets in the plot 2) if I add datasets to a plot and then remove them with plot.setDataset(i, null) they still count! Will this be fixed anytime soon or is there a workaround? I'm using jfreechart-1.0.10. Thanx /Lukas |
54. Hiding 3D effect in BarRenderer3D and XYPlot jfree.org |
55. custom XY Plot jfree.org |
57. setToolTipGenerator() for XYAnnotations in an XYPlot? jfree.orgI have a heavily customized XYPlot that contains a large number of XYPolygonAnnotations. I'd like to handle tooltip generation in a manner similar to that allowed for the XY data in an XYPlot... but I can't find any mention of such a capability in the developer's guide. Am I missing something? Or does anyone have any ideas about how I might ... |
59. Feature request: XYPlot Drop shadow jfree.orgFeature request: XYPlot Drop shadow A free public discussion forum for the JFreeChart class library. Post a reply 2 posts Page 1 of 1 Feature request: XYPlot Drop shadow by fastfox Tue May 12, 2009 10:51 am Hi! I was wondering if it was possible to implement some drop shadow for the XYPlots (I've seen this in many other ... |
60. Markers in XYPlot jfree.orgCurrently, in XYPlot, the set of different markers (foregroundRangeMarkers, backgroundRangeMarkers, etc) map an index to a list of markers. Moreover, it supports to clear the whole list of markers specified to a given index. However, there may be a high possibility that it requires further sub-dividing the marker lists (diff. series or categories) per index. Hence, it could group the markers ... |
61. Regarding Duplicate Values on XYPlot jfree.orgRegarding Duplicate Values on XYPlot by gunjannigam Thu Sep 17, 2009 2:01 pm I was wondering that what will happen if plot duplicate values for domain. I have requirement in which there can be 2 points with same domain value even same range value for sample my chart values could be like this that such a graph should be drawn ... |
62. ****Urgent****help on XY plot jfree.orgHi, Can you pls help me how to plot a XY chart i.e., Time series on X axis and Number on Yaxis I have multiple Datasets for example i have shown two datasets DataSet 1: s1.add(new Second(new Date("01/05/2010 12:12:12")), 100); s1.add(new Second(new Date("01/05/2010 14:12:15")), 200); s1.add(new Second(new Date("01/05/2010 4:12:19")), 350); s1.add(new Second(new Date("01/05/2010 5:12:23")), 350.6); s1.add(new Second(new Date("01/05/2010 16:12:45")), 450.; s1.add(new ... |
63. ****Urgent****help on XY plot jfree.orgs1.add(new Second(new Date("01/05/2010 12:12:12")), 100); s1.add(new Second(new Date("01/05/2010 14:12:15")), 200); s1.add(new Second(new Date("01/05/2010 4:12:19")), 350); s1.add(new Second(new Date("01/05/2010 5:12:23")), 350.6); s1.add(new Second(new Date("01/05/2010 16:12:45")), 450.2; s1.add(new Second(new Date("01/05/2010 8:12:51")), 526.3); s1.add(new Second(new Date("01/05/2010 9:12:42")), 560); DataSet 2: s2.add(new Second(new Date("01/06/2010 12:12:12")), 100); s2.add(new Second(new Date("01/06/2010 14:12:15")), 200); s2.add(new Second(new Date("01/06/2010 4:12:19")), 350); s2.add(new Second(new Date("01/06/2010 5:12:23")), 350.6); s2.add(new Second(new Date("01/06/2010 16:12:45")), ... |
64. How does XYPlot equals method work? jfree.orgHow does XYPlot equals method work? by cwleonis Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:35 pm In the equals() method of XYPlot, the code performs a series of check using ObjectUtilities and PaintUtilities. When comparing one instance of XYPlot to another instance, the equals() method returns true even when the plot contains different datasets. How does the XYPlot defines equality of two ... |