1. JFreeChart PiePlot stackoverflow.comI'm new in programming.I'm using JFreeChart and I want to place legends right on the plot.There is setSimpleLabels() method but I want just text on the plot(without frames and shadows).Please help ... |
3. 1.0.3: how to replace deprecated PiePlot.setSectionPaint()? jfree.orgThe idea is that section colors, outlines etc. are now associated with section keys, so that the dataset can be reordered and the correct attributes will follow the sections as they change position in the chart. See PieChartDemo4 (in 1.0.3) for an example. Ideally, you should reorganise your code so that you are setting the values according to the keys in ... |
4. Can't get PiePlot.setSectionOutlinePaint() to work jfree.orgHi, Ok, I think I've found the problem myself. I am not really using PiePlot but rather some slightly modified version of RingPlot. I had to copy the drawItem() method from the new RingPlot version over to my modified class (and re-do my modifications) in order to get it all working again. -- Sorry. By the way, is there any chance ... |
5. PiePlot#setMaximumLabelWidth(0.35) jfree.orgI forget the details, but there have been some pie chart labelling fixes that could have caused this. I think the maxLabelWidth was previously being applied half on the left and half on the right (which is an odd way to think of it) and now it is being applied as-is for both the left and right labels (so whatever you ... |
6. How to Combine a Pieplot and CatagoryPlot jfree.orgHello, I am new to JFreechart so i have a problem i tried to look in API but could'nt find any solution. I have a PieChart and a 3DBar chart i want to combine them in such a way that both has same single Legends(which i will customize). can any body help me regarding this. I have seen Combining same plots ... |
7. unable to access certain methods of PiePlot (version 1.0.1) jfree.orgunable to access certain methods of PiePlot (version 1.0.1) by pflammer Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:08 am I am running code that is essentially below (this should be fully compilable): Code: Select all import org.jfree.data.general.DefaultPieDataset; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PiePlot; import java.awt.Color; public class TestBug { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ... |
8. PiePlot (Bug?) Java.ClassCastException jfree.orgHi everyone, this is my first post so i apologise in advance if i fail to conform to any conventions of the board. To the point, I've been using jfreecharts for a month or so now and have noticed an exception being thrown when I attempt to draw a pie or ring chart. This occurs when the chart has only 1 ... |
9. PiePlot doesn't clear Map explodePercentages (Bugreport) jfree.orgThere is no way to clear the Map "explodePercentages". Map is growing when I'm changing dataset and key remains exploded when is found in new dataset. Suggestion: - Clear the map at least when dataset object is changed. - Remove item from map when key is removed from data set. - Remove item from map when the percentage is set to ... |
10. Is there a way to create a COMBINED PiePlot? jfree.orgI looked at MultiplePiePlot. This class does not appear to be a "collection". So not sure what this class is for or how I would use it to generate a single combined group of PiePlots. I'm looking for something that will support a colloection of PiePlots, to COMBINE them in one plot.... similar to how you would use CombinedDomainXYPlot to contain ... |
11. How to hide sub PiePlot in a MultiplePiePlot jfree.orgHi, In my application I use different kinds of charts. some XYPlots and a MultiplePiePlot. User can choose a chart type and then when the chart is painted there is a menu at the side where he can choose which categories he wants to see and which ones he wants to hide. At the XY charts I use WYPlot.setWeight(0) to hide ... |