MeterPlot « Plot « JFreeChart Q&A

1. MeterPlot and negative Ranges

I don't believe MeterPlot is handling negative values correctly. With MeterAngle at the default 270, a range of new Range(-10,100) will extend beyond the 270 degrees. In addition, for a chart with a range of (-100,100) will not plot -20. A negative to negative (-100, -50) will not plot correctly either. Thanks

3. Missing Methods for MeterPlot

4. Meterplot examples

Is there any example of Meterplot using a fair amount of customization? I am playing with the example code you posted a week ago or so, and I'm not having much luck just playing with the methods and properties and API documentation and trying to get the control I want over the look / feel. I would like to create a ...

5. 2 questions about MeterPlot

Hi David, I'm using JFreechart to produce MeterCharts to manage some company data(like a speedometer), and it' s very useful and graceful. I have 2 questions aniway : 1)Is it going to be possible in next releases to draw a value out of the range, because sometimes it could be useful to show how a value exceeds its maximum range. I ...

6. MeterPlot enhancements

MeterPlot enhancements by ac7282 Thu Mar 30, 2006 4:34 pm Hi David, I've made some changes in the draw() method of MeterPlot class, and I think they could useful for someone except for me. They give a better look to the needle and the dial and show the needle even if the value is out of range. Do you think ...

7. MeterPlot and empty space

Not so much stretched as proportional to the ChartPanel size. If the size of the ChartPanel that contains the Meter is a square, maybe the Meter could fill up the space. I noticed that when the ChartPanel size is smaller (about 200x200 ) the Meter is more of an ellipse (more height than width) than a circle with quite a bit ...

10. MeterPlot GradientPaint

11. MeterPlot...interval separator???

Hi to all! I am new with this forum and with JFreeChart, so I have a question about the MeterPlot. I tried to make a Meter plot with gradient colour, and this is the result: h**p://*** (I am not allowed to post URL, so I cannot use the tag url or Img...) However, I would remove the black separator between different ...

12. meterplot

Hi at all! I develop web application with jfreechart library and Meterplot chart. I'm using jfreechart on linux with jdk 1.4, tomcat 4.1 and jfreechart 1.x The meterplot is generated by javaservlet. There is one range 0-100 This is the problem: when the value is ~90 (~89.x-~91.x) the image of needle is bad: black color is displayed near needle. May that ...

15. Little problem on MeterPlot and ThermometerPlot

Hello, A little detail is bugging me in those charts. In the XYPlot (for example), if there is no data (so if the dataset is empty or null), the "No data message" is displayed. For the MeterPlot and ThermometerPlot, it isn't. I wanted to ask you, David, if it is possible for you to add this behavior in the next release ...

16. Meterplot for tachometer is not showing both arc completely

Hi, I am trying to make tachometer using MeterPlot. If i increase the values for the tachometer, the outer circle on both ends of the dial and upper portion of the dial gets clipped. Here is the code using latest version of jfreechart v1.0.11. import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.plot.DialShape; import org.jfree.chart.plot.MeterInterval; import org.jfree.chart.plot.MeterPlot; import; import; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import ...

17. MeterPlot Range

Please help me in customising the maimum range for a MeterPlot. It seems to be 100 by default. Here is my sample code Code: Select all MeterPlot plot = new MeterPlot(dataset); Color c1 = new Color(255,79,100); Color c2 = new Color(252,252,106); Color c3 = new ...