Marker « Plot « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Can I in some way have Domain Marker for Category Plot ?

Hi David, My current requirement is to have a vertical line at one of the ticks on X-Axis in in Category Plot. By X-Axis here, I mean Category Axis. Just like we can have a vertical line in XY Plot plotted using addDomainMarker(). So the requirement comes down to the question 'Can we have addDomainMarker() method fro CategoryPlot ?'. To make ...

4. Spike removal and custome plot marker

Hi, I am trying to create a chart from a dataset that has some big spikes. I have written an algorithm where I remove all the spikes and set their values to the maximum of the remaining dataset. My problem is I want to indicate the spike points on the chart using a different shape like rectangle or triangle so that ...

5. Increasing plot area to display range marker labels properly

Hi, I need to display a plot with two range markers, i.e. two horizontal markers perpendicular to the Y axis. These markers also have labels that are displayed within the plot area, just above and below the axes. However, I need to display them at the side of the axes and preferably in the same line as that of the axes. ...