Category « Plot « JFreeChart Q&A

1. JFreeChart CategoryPlot overwrites categories

I am new to using JFreeChart and I'm sure there is a simple solution to my problem . . PROBLEM:
I have a chart that shows multiple "events types" along the date X ...

3. markers on category plot

4. Pure Category Plot

Hi, I'm new to JFreeChart and i'm looking for a possibility, visualizing data-pairs consisting of two values taken from category-scale. (for example i want to plot "experience" against "gender") I only found the CategoryPlot which actually plots category-values against a double formatted value. Could anyone help me out with an appropriate solution? thanks.

5. TitleAnnotation for category plot

Unfortunately, it does not seem so. I have been looking for something like this for awhile. Category annotations are not as complete as there XY counterparts. Also, I am suprised the XYTitleAnnotation has not been moved from the experimental jar to the main jar. I use it frequently now to label subplots, and others seem to be using it as well. ...

6. How can I combine category and xy scatter plot?

How can I display mulitple lines of text out side the graph? Can I use url or html in the label of xyplot? or Is it possible to combine category (subplot1) and xy scatter plot (subplot2)? category graph displays multiple text out side the graph, but the combined graph seems to share the same axis between subplots. Thank you. Wonjong.

8. Re: new category plots

I've modified one category plot and added a new one. I've added an option for the StatisticalLineAndShapeRenderer, to offset the member of a series so that they don't overlap. This is useful to allow one to see the standard deviations of each point. I've also added a ScatterCategoryRenderer for displaying all the values that would otherwise be used in a BoxAndWhisker ...

9. Combined Domain Chart with XY and Category Plot

It's slightly awkward, because one the first subplot the x-axis is along the horizontal, whereas in the second subplot the x-axis is (more obviously) along the vertical. One workaround would be to use a CombinedDomainXYPlot (so you are forced to make the second subplot have its x-axis along the horizontal) and make the y-axis on the second subplot a SymbolAxis. Then, ...

10. TickMarks in Category Plot

Hi all!! I have seen while doing research on the forum that drawing tickmarks on categoryplots was still to be implemented... Can somebody help me on that ans say whether or not is has been implemented? If no, is there any easy way to do that? Thanks in advance for your precious help!

11. Possible to use Category Plot with multiple point?

Hi, Is it possible to use Category Plot with multiple point on the same category? Or I have to use some other plot? I need the x-axis to be String and the category can have multiple point from a Prior. E.g final CategoryPlot plot = new CategoryPlot(); DefaultCategoryDataset dataset2 = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); dataset2.addValue(6.0, "Prior 1", "Category 1"); dataset2.addValue(7.0, "Prior 1", "Category ...

12. Category Scatter Plot

Thanks for your reply...It worked out...But I have a couple of problems... Attached is the chart I generated using jfreechart. one problem am facing is that am not able to get a closed square as mentioned in my previous post. Do you know how to limit the x axis to the 3rd category line??? And if we limit, i guess the ...

13. Corerct Way to use Category Plot??

Code: Select all public String createRegisterOverlay(){ CategoryPlot categoryplot=new CategoryPlot(); if(meter.getRegDatasetMap()!=null){ categoryplot=addAnnotation(channelDataset,categoryplot); } I am creating the annotation for the chart in the "addAnnotation method" which is defined ...