1. Annotations and CategoryPlot jfree.orgI have to create this effect: A 3D bar chart with pointer annotations. The condition is that i have to use a CategoryPlot, and a Bar3DRenderer to draw the chart. Code: Select all | | | | | | | | ... |
2. annotation on xyplot? jfree.org |
3. How do I add annotations on a PolarPlot jfree.orgpublic void draw(java.awt.Graphics2D g2, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D area, java.awt.geom.Point2D anchor, PlotState parentState, ... |
4. Can i add a pointer annotation on Categry Plot jfree.orgwww.jfree.org View topic - Can i add a pointer annotation on Categry Plot www.jfree.org Free Java software for data analysis and presentation Skip to content Advanced search Board index JFreeChart JFreeChart - General Change font size FAQ Register Login Can i add a pointer annotation on Categry Plot A free public discussion forum for the JFreeChart class library. ... |
5. XYPlot annotation text justificaiton jfree.orgI've been using plot.addAnnotation(...). Is there a way to specify justification? addAnnotation currently set the annotation using the center of the text space. Therefore if several annoations are place on top of each other and need to be aligned, it is difficult to get it exact (or perhaps there is another way to do this. Thanks Lou |
8. how to show annotation??using CategoryPlot class jfree.org |
9. Annotation for PiePlot jfree.orgSometimes it's useful to add additional annotations to plots besides the standard labels. CategoryPlot has CategoryTextAnnotation. As previous topics have pointed out, PiePlot has no associated annotation class. The PieSectionLabelGenerator interface can be customized to generate labels based on the pie dataset, but what would be even more useful is a text annotation class that allows annotations independent of the dataset. ... |
10. XYPlot Annotation? jfree.orgHello, I'd like to get some suggestions on the best way to accomplish putting annotations on an XYPlot. I have an XYPlot with two lines (series). The user should be able to use the mouse to select a point on one series. Then I want to draw a vertical line from the point on the selected series to the other series. ... |
11. How to add annotations OUTSIDE plot area? jfree.orgHow to add annotations OUTSIDE plot area? by oscar Fri Jun 04, 2004 9:45 am I understand how to place text annotations in a plot using x,y coordinates of the plot data for positioning. However, now I need to place annotations outside the plot area. I've been through the archives and checked all the demo classes and can't see any ... |