1. Pie Chart - question about section jfree.org |
2. how to not display the pie section on a pie chart jfree.org |
3. ImageMap for small Pie section jfree.orgI'm rendering a pie chart into png along with its image map. However, sometimes I have a section of the pie so small that it's hard to click on, is there a way to also generate map areas for the labels that go along with the pie sections (or even the legend items) so it will be easier to click on? ... |
4. Hide label for a section in Pie chart jfree.org |
5. PieChart - Pie Section Labelling jfree.orgHai All... I am creating a PieChart using JFreeChart. The pie sections are designed as Exploded. I am getting the Pie Section Labels found in a specific style. A part of the pie section labels are in the left side of the pie chart and a part of the pie section labels are in the right of the pie chart. A ... |
6. Removal of pie section labels jfree.orgI would like to address the following question too: Suppose we have the simplified dataset: String[][] val = { {"1 ID:xxxxx, name1", "45"}, {"2 ID:yyyyy, name2", "55"} }; for(int i = 0; i < val.length; i++) pieDataset.setValue(val[i][0], Float.parseFloat(val[i][1])); Is there any way to transorm the section label in the format: 1 = 45 omitting the "ID:xxxxx, name1"? The same applies for ... |
7. section color of pie chart jfree.orgColor[] colours = new Color[] {Color.red, Color.green, Color.blue}; for (int i = 0; i < colours.length; i++) { plot.setSectionPaint(i, colours[i]); } |
8. Pie Section Color Problem jfree.orgThe Comparable parameter in the new method is a dataset key - you associate the Paint for a section with the section's key (rather than its index, as before). This allows the dataset to be reordered easily, without having to reorder the section attributes simultaneously. With hindsight, this change is a bit disruptive and probably should have been held for the ... |
9. Piechart section labels jfree.org |
10. how to change section color of pie chart jfree.orgThanks Dave, I have seen that method setSectionPaint(); But how I want to know that how we can use different colors to show pie chart which i can select. Default it uses some colors to display pie chart. But i want to choose green color fo one section then how i can use that one...... |
11. Color difference between legend and pie section 1.0.10 jfree.org |
13. Piechart labels for section jfree.org |
14. Setting color of each section in Pie chart jfree.orgHi, I am trying to set color of each section of a pie chart, i am using this code Code: Select all MultiplePiePlot mp = (MultiplePiePlot) jf.getPlot(); // mp.setLimit(0.02D); //Aggregate values below 2%. JFreeChart jc = mp.getPieChart(); PiePlot pp = (PiePlot) jc.getPlot(); PieRenderer Prend = new PieRenderer(colors); Prend.setColor(pp, (DefaultPieDataset) pp.getDataset()); Where the PieRenderer is written like Code: Select all public static ... |