border « PieChart « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Pie Chart has border around it.

Hi: After I created a Pie Chart by using "ChartFactory.createPieChart", there is a border around it and it is grey in color. I am thinking of: 1) Is there any way I could change the border color from grey to white? or 2) Expand the Plot Area where the pie chart is drawn so that the border is eliminated? or 3) ...

2. [Piechart] No Border if piechart is "empty"

Hi folks. I just tested jfreechart and it really rocks! Finally i could customize it to be my style, chagne the color of the tooltips etc. But i have a problem. My PieChart Values get there data from some sliders. If all sliders are changed to 0, my piechart disapears. Yeah, there is nothing to display, but i want at least ...

4. JFree Pie Chart border

hi, all. Thank you for your help. I craete JFree chart using following: chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart( "", data, false, true, false); and I using following to try to get rid of border: chart.setBorderVisible(true); chart.setBorderPaint(Color.WHITE); I write out as PNG file, but border is still there. How can I get rid of it? I also tried to set border visible to false ...

5. piechart border obscruring legend

piechart border obscruring legend by tonyGriffiths Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:00 pm I've added a customised legend as a subtitle as per the legendwrappeddemo example. I use the following code: Code: Select all JFreeChart chart = (JFreeChart) _chart; PiePlot plot = (PiePlot) chart.getPlot(); ...

6. PIE chart border

You can call plot.setOutlinePaint(null) or plot.setOutlineStroke(null) and the border will be hidden. You'll probably want to change the plot's background paint to blend in with the chart's background also. I've made a couple of small additions to the next version of the JFreeChart Developer Guide, and put in a couple more index entries, to make this information easier to find there. ...