1. 3D Pie Chart Font Quality with no Background jfree.org |
3. PieChart background color? jfree.orgI am attempting to set the background color (the background Paint) on a pie chart. No matter what I do, it remains white. I want to set it to the same background as the ChartPanel I'm indirectly rendering on. My end goal is to have a pie chart without any kind of rectangular border or white bounding box. I am using ... |
4. 3D pie chart background color always gray jfree.orgI am using version 1.0.12 creating a 3D Pie chart. The background is gray even though I have tried setBackgroundPaint(Color.WHITE) and also setBackgroundPaint(new Color(0,0,0,0)). I saw the 2nd example in a post about making the background transparent. I don't care if it is white or transparent, either will be OK, as it will most likely be printed on plain white paper. ... |
5. Background color on a multi pie chart jfree.orgI'm trying to set the background color on a mutiple pie chart (the part under the individual pie chart name). After trying several dozen "set*Paint(...)" methods I finally gave up and wrote a small reflection utility that set every property on the Chart, MultiplePiePlot, and PiePlot3D that takes takes a "java.awt.Paint". Still no luck. I also commented out any calles to ... |