1. jfree line chart display value for every index stackoverflow.comI am trying to create a using jfree chart library line chart and i need to display the value associated with each index in the lineChart, I cannot use a tool ... |
2. disable negatives values on lineChart with zoom jfree.orgHello everybody, For beginning I specify to you that I am French so sorry for my English. I've a problem with a LineChart graph who is create dynamically. This graph contain mouse wheel Zoom. The x-axis contains date values, and the y-axis contains numeric values. And I want to disable negatives values on the y-axis when I zoom. I don't want ... |
3. Line chart background that varies according to value? jfree.orgI've created a line chart, and would like to specify different background colors depending on the values of the range axis. I didn't see any examples of this in the demo app. Is this possible? For example, my range axis goes from 0 to 200; I'd like the background color for 0-25 to be green, 26-50 to be blue, etc (background ... |
5. Non - numeric values for Series Line chart jfree.orgHi david, I recently faced the same problem what pankaj faced. I have a scatterplot and i want non-numeric values for the x-axis. I cant use category plot as i have to use XYLineAndShapeRenderer. Whereas using SymbolAxis makes most of my values disappear. How to use SymbolAxis for XYPlot correctly? Thanks in advance. |
6. Show more X-Axis Values on Line Chart jfree.orgHi, i hope you can help me. I have build a Line Chart with IReport. So when i run the report i have 14 Values but on the report shows only 11 Values. How can i regulate the distance of each value in the report grafik. At the moment every 2 cm is a value on the X-Axis on a A3 ... |
7. Scaling Domain Axis(Category) values in Line Charts. jfree.orgI have 84 category labels (1,2,3,4,5,6,....84) for 12 weeks (days for 12 weeks) but my Axis width is less. Can I scale the Domain axis so that I can display 7 scales each for each weeks like 1,8,15,22,29,36,43,50,57,64,71,78,84. normally it will be 6weeks, 8weeks and 12 weeks categories in my Application. Can anyone help me out in setting the range of ... |
8. [LineChart] Writting the value on the line jfree.orgI noticed that the value is always put above the variation spot. I'd like to know if its possible to put it automatically above or below because sometimes I have big value and the label goes over the line. I think if the next value is higher that the current one, we know that the line goes up so the value ... |
9. LINE CHART NULL VALUE EXCEPTION jfree.orgI am using line chart .but i got null value exception when i have null value in the value expression.But i want when there is a null value the chart skip that value to display and start from next value. So that i got the broken line. Any one can got the solution please replay me. Thanks |
10. Adding value Line chart jfree.orgthe following is my simple line chart: final String type1 = "India"; final String type2 = "China"; final String type3 = "Japan"; final String type4 = "London"; // create the dataset... final DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); dataset.addValue(15.0, series1, type1); dataset.addValue(4.0, series1, type2); dataset.addValue(3.0, series1, type3); dataset.addValue(5.0, series1, type4); private JFreeChart createChart(final CategoryDataset dataset) { final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createLineChart( "Line ... |
11. set Max Y value in a linechart jfree.orgHello, I'm using jfreechart and my question is: is there a way to set the Y max value in a LineChart? I tried to use this solution from an older post: XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot(); NumberAxis rangeAxis = (NumberAxis)plot.getRangeAxis(); rangeAxis.setAxisRange(0.0, 100.0); // or rangeAxis.setMaximumAxisValue(100.0); but the functions setAxisRange(0.0, 100.0) and setMaximumAxisValue(100.0) doesn't exist. below is a snipit of my code: private ... |
12. Display the value in the line chart jfree.org |