XY « Legend « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Duplicate Legends with Combined Domain XY?    jfree.org

Trying to create a Combined Domain XY chart. My data series labels are the same for each of the two charts (e.g. multicast and broadcast). I'm using the example from the manual that creates two XYPlots. Problem is that the legend is created for each chart (so, in my case multicast shows up twice and so does broadcast). I know I ...

2. Combined Domain XY Legends    jfree.org

All - Creating a combined domain XY chart (two plots sharing the same X axis). I'm using different XYSeriesCollections for the top and bottom plots, however I'm reusing XYSeries labels (e.g. broadcast, multicast, unicast). Two problems: - Series names (e.g. broadcast) are duplicated in the legend - Top and bottom plot use different colors for the same XYSeries. For example, I'm ...