Margin « Layout « JFreeChart Q&A

1. URGENT: Margin Percent

2. Subcategory margin problem

hi, can anyone help me to set margins between Categories?I want to create a layeredChart, using a layeredBarRenderer. I will also like to add subCategories to the chart. I can do this already, but for some reason, all the series are overlaid (i.e. I have 4 series, and 3 subcategories, making 12 series in total, so what i want is that ...

3. Margin problems with autoRange

Hello, I am having a problem setting upper and lower margins for the range axis of an XYPlot. This works if I explicitly set the range, but it fails when using auto range. So whenever the data point have a zero range value, they are positioned flush with the domain axis and can't be seen unless I enable shapes, and I ...

4. Margins and cutr labels

Folks, it sounds silly, but I wasn't able to avoid the cutting of the first and last of my item value labels built using StandardXYItemLabelGenerator. I suppose there's a way to specify a margin between the actual plot area and the Y-axis (both left and right)... only cannot find one: any clue ? Thanks in advance, Luca Morandini.

5. Set margin between categories at BoxAndWhiskerCategoryDatase

Hi, all I need is set the width box. This is my code: private BoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset createDataset() { int anyo = 2005; int trimestre =2; int numIntervalos = 6; DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset(); List subLista = createValueList(0, 20.0, VALUE_COUNT); while (numIntervalos > 0){ dataset.add(subLista, "Trimestres", String.valueOf(anyo).substring(2,4)+(trimestre)+ "T"); if (trimestre == 4) {trimestre = 1; anyo++;} else trimestre++; numIntervalos--; } return dataset; ...

7. Bug? - ImageTitle ignores padding and margins

I'm trying to put several subtitles in a line along the top of a chart. I'm using a CompositeTitle with a BlockContainer using the FlowArrangement. The CompositeTitle is left-aligned and added to the chart using addSubtitle(). I have an ImageTitle and then several TextTitles. I'm trying to apply some spacing between the titles; the TextTitles all work the way I expect ...

8. JFreeCharts doing something to margins while printing

JFreeCharts doing something to margins while printing by ssinai Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:58 am Hi, It's late, so this will probably seem incoherent, but... Has anyone experienced problems with headers and footers when printing JComponents that contain JFreeCharts as children? I'm trying to print out both JPanels that have JFreeCharts as children, and JTextPanes that contain embedded JComponents and ...

9. chart margins

I am creating a TimeSeries chart and there is space in the chart outside of the plot. This space is typically used to display axis labels and tick labels, but in my case, I dont need those. All I really need is the plot. So a two-fold question, first, is it possible to get rid of those margins altogether, so that ...

10. Regarding Setting Margins

Regarding Setting Margins A free public discussion forum for the JFreeChart class library. Post a reply 1 post Page 1 of 1 Regarding Setting Margins by gunjannigam Wed Sep 23, 2009 6:01 am I am plotting dynamic graph whose data is received from UDP Protocol. When I add a data point its always drawn on the edge of the ...