1. Hiding Items label..... jfree.orgHi, everybody.... Well, i have a TimeSeries Chart with two datasets. Because of that, when the chart is created, it shows to labels, one for each item. I've overriden the DateFormat to show only the Month name, like: "Jan, Feb, ... , Dec" My output is something like this: Jan Jan______Feb Feb _______ Mar Mar_______Apr Apr.... PS: The dates in each ... |
2. Hide labels on WindPlot chart jfree.org |
3. Hide Category Labels jfree.org |
4. How can I hide sublabel category label jfree.org |
5. how to hide the category tick labels of certain categories jfree.orgDue to large number of categories in the category axis, the chart so generated shows over-crowded category axis tick labels. So I want to show only certain number among them, may be at certain interval. Is there any way that I can hide the category tick labels of certain categories? Thanks in advance |
6. Item Labels getting hidden behind Barseries jfree.orgItem Labels getting hidden behind Barseries by rene.dolezal Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:44 am I have a problem with ItemLables of my first Barseries getting hidden by the second Barseries. Is there a way to draw the Values (ItemLabels) on top (z-Layer) of the whole chart? The problem is NOT fixed by setting the RenderingOrder. Code: Select all import java.awt.Color; ... |
7. Hide Label Item in a chart Line jfree.orgHide Label Item in a chart Line by felipemax Mon Mar 15, 2010 1:18 pm Good morning, folks. I'm building a line chart with two series. My question is: Is there a possibility to hide the label item of one of the lines? For example: In the chart below, I want the blue line does not show the items labels. ... |
8. Hide Zero Value Labels jfree.orgHide Zero Value Labels by SDyke Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:21 am Is there a way to hide zero value labels? Here is what I have so far. Code: Select all KeyToGroupMap map = new KeyToGroupMap("G1"); ... |