category « Label « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Freezing of Category Labels

Hi, I am in the process of creating a gantt chart. Category axis is having the employee names and value axis is having the subtasks. Now these subtask for each employee can start from 00:00AM to 23:59PM. Because of which value axis is becoming larger and when we try to see the subtask say 18:00PM to 22:00PM, the category axis is ...

2. how do I display non-truncated category labels?

I'm currently rendering a StackedBar3D do I remove the horizontal truncation of category labels that are longer than a certain string length. Example: Category Name #1 [ StackedBar displayed here ] Category Name #2 [ StackedBar displayed here ] Categ... [ StackedBar displayed here ] Category Name #4 [ StackedBar displayed here ] I'm guessing the fix is somewhere in ...

3. label only selected categories?

Hello, i am using a [i]DefaultCategoryDataset[/i] to store my data (y-Axis is a double, x-Axis a String) and [i]ChartFactory.createLineChart[/i] to create the chart. My problem is, that i only want labels on certain ticks of the x-Axis (only categories that have a high value). Is there any provision for this? I tried to look through the source for CategoryAxis but could ...

5. Label Positisions for sub Category

Hi, I am trying to turn my subcategory Label Positions. I know there is a method for the category itself, but not for subcategory. I could not find any method for that. My sub Category labels are pretty long, therefore I need to turn them about 45 degree, so they can be readable. I am trying to use StackedBarChartDemo3 as an ...

6. Long category labels

7. Category Label over two lines

Hi all I just changed from JFreeChartRelease 1.0.0.rc1 to 1.0.6 (I know is not the newest one.., but I have to take this release!) Now the CategoryLabels of my horizontal bar chart is on one line only and cut off at the beginning of the label, because it has no room on one line. in old release the category label was ...

9. make category labels urls

I don't know if there is a way or not. However, unless you want different behavior for the selected category when you click a bar vs when you click a category label (if you could), you can use just the 'category=' part of the request at the receiving JSP/Servlet. In my JSPs, I create a 'drill' URL string: String sDrillURL = ...

10. Wobbly appearance of rotated category labels

I have got a bar chart, and I have used the following code to rotate the x-axis category labels: // Get the plot CategoryPlot plot = chart.getCategoryPlot(); // Rotate labels plot.getDomainAxis().setCategoryLabelPositions(CategoryLabelPositions.UP_45); This has had the effect of making the labels nicely sloping 45 degrees from bottom left to top right. The trouble is that this seems to have made the font ...

11. Customize Category Label (Tick Label)

Customize Category Label (Tick Label) by GeorgeMeng Fri Mar 07, 2008 6:59 am Hello guys, I build a simple bar chart, and want to customize the Category label. Base on the code, the label will be: 07 Sep 07 Oct 07 Nov ...... 08 Aug 08 Sep I want to change it to: Sep 07 Oct 07 Nov 07 ...... ...

12. Customize Category labels

Hi, I am using a BarChart3D, and have category labels that are long enough that they get cut off after charting only a few items. I've been looking though the API trying to find how to get a hold of the category keys to play with them and can't find it. I would like to be able to put each category ...

13. More category Item labels

14. Problem in displaying the category label...?

Hi David, I have gone through several post in this forum, and very glad that you have proven as Jfreechart guru by sharing your ideas with members. As far in my post, this is our requirement to show it as Bar chart with date/time as category value.............. We can not change the requirement for the last moment.... Please help me in ...

15. Category Label

16. Issues Truncating category labels

Hi I have gone through developer guide, and found there is constraint on category label. As per Section 23.12.3, =========================== Section 23.12.3 Notes: when a category label reaches its maximum width, it will wrap to another line (up to the maximum number of lines allowed). If the full label cannot be displayed within the maximum number of lines allowed, the label ...

17. How to modify category label truncation

Thanks for reply, but it does not solve my problem. CategoryAxis.setMaximumCategoryLabelWidthRatio() specifies how much space is used for category labels and CategoryAxis.setMaximumCategoryLabelLines() specifies how many lines are used to display the labels. But in my case I have a (little) given space and the guideline to display the labels in a single row, because there might be displayed more than three ...

18. Category Item labels

My chart has large number of categories, ie > 600. All category item labels are crowded over one another resulting in unreadable blacken texts. Is there a (simple) way to: a) display category labels at a fixed interval, say one label for each 30 categories, and b) obviously, need to preserve the chart with all 600 categories. Thanks phamdinhnguyen