Chart « Label « JFreeChart Q&A

1. labels don't fit on chart

2. Combined Domain Chart Labels

Combined Domain Chart Labels by mriehl Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:51 am Trying to create a combined domain chart with dual Y axes on each of the plots. Each plot has two data series (let's say series a, b), the second plot has data series a and c. One of the series (a) is common to both charts. Problem is ...

3. my labels become unreadable upon chart resizing.

I have a program in which the application (and charts contained within) can be resized as the frame is resized.. If I make the application full screen, I get really long XYseries plots/charts (fits all the way across my screen, and it's height is maybe 30% of it's width).. The problem is the labels (especially the y-axis one) becomes really unreadable ...

4. Step Chart Labels

XYItemLabelGenerator generator = new StandardXYItemLabelGenerator("{2}", new SimpleDateFormat(), new DecimalFormat("0.0")); XYItemRenderer r = plot.getRenderer(); r.setItemLabelFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.ITALIC, 10)); r.setItemLabelGenerator(generator); r.setItemLabelsVisible(true); if (r instanceof XYLineAndShapeRenderer) { XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) r; ...

6. Adding Label on the Chart....

Hi Everyone, I want to ask a few questions : 1. How can I add a label or annotation on the Chart?? I have a Single Category bar, on which LabelGenerator is generating the values when dataset is getting refreshed. So I want a label of system time stamp should be visible on the Plot Area beside the bar where value ...

9. slider labels and chart tick labels

Rectangle2D fakeArea = new Rectangle2D.Double(10, 10, 1000, 1000); java.util.List ticks = plot.getDomainAxis().refreshTicks((Graphics2D) chartPanel.getGraphics(), ...

10. compass chart Label

Hi: I need to change the "N" "E" "W" "S" Label to degree, but those are hard code on draw function as: g2.setPaint(this.roseHighlightPaint); innerRadius = radius - 26; outerRadius = 7; for (int w = 45; w < 360; w += 90) { a = Math.toRadians(w); x1 = midX - ((int) (Math.sin(a) * innerRadius)); y1 = midY - ((int) (Math.cos(a) ...

13. Blank labels on chart

Hi There, None of my charts appear to have any labels, numbers. I've been using JFreeChart for a while with iReport/JsperReports. I reciently upgraded my server from an XServe running OS X 10.3 to CentOS 5.3. I generate PDF reports with embedded charts generated with JFreeCharts (using iReport to set them up). All my chars under the old OS X 10.3 ...

14. Creating labels in a XYZ Chart

Creating labels in a XYZ Chart by Barney Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:33 am Hi there, I'm using a XYBlockRenderer and the XYZDataset to create a 3 dimensional chart which shows the values with a specific colour. Similar to a heatmap. Here is a screenshot of the chart. I'm using jfreechart version 1.0.12. Now I would like to set a ...

15. Ring Chart - Label arrangement

Hi, i got a little problem with my ring chart. When i draw the chart with default lables, the labels are arranged on the left and the right side of the ring chart. My chart has 120 labels. Thats too much for the left and the right side. Alternativly the labels could be drawen as simpleLabels. If i do this, the ...

16. How to remove chart "label"

17. How to display chart in Label ?

Re: How to display chart in Label ? by mmc01 Mon Sep 13, 2010 4:51 pm I found this example code for display chart ,but can display chart in new frame only.I want to display in my frame. Code: Select all public class BarChartFrame extends javax.swing.JFrame { /** Creates new form BarChartFrame */ ...

19. Step Chart Label customization