line « Graph « JFreeChart Q&A

1. compress the horizontal line of real time graph

I want to compress and store data of real time line graph I tried but not succeeded

public class DTest extends ApplicationFrame {

    javax.swing.Timer _timer;
    int ...

2. How to combine two line graphs into one graph using jfreechart?

I am using a jfreechart to show a line graph. I want to use same graph to show another line graph. Can anyone tell me how to do that? Thanks in advance ...

3. lines go missing midway through a line graph

Hi, I am currently encountering something strange with line graphs. Data before daylight saving time has lines and suddenly mid way through the graph they stop after going over October 31st. It is a time series chart with the data set being a TimePeriodValuesCollection. Does this have something to do with Daylight Saving Time change or would it be something else? ...

4. trouble graphing line graph with time values

I have a series of processes (each with a name), that has a progress value (double) at each timeOffset(double). I want to graph these in a line graph. however, my graph doesnt print the time values in order, i think maybe that its because it it treats time like strings and not a sequence? How do i do this correctly. here ...

5. Line Graph

6. Creating a line graph with a disjoint data items

Hi, I haven't been able to find in the JavaDoc or the forum whether it is possible to create a line graph (an XYPlot in jfreechart) that would display disjoint data sets. I need the graph to have a break in the line between the data sets instead of connecting every two data points. Thanks in advance, Greg.

7. Line Graphs

Hi Assuming i have the following set of data points(time,data) Set 1 - (11:30,10), (12:00,20) ,(12:30,30) i.e. points at intervals of 30 minutes Set 2 - (11:00,10),(11:10,15),(11:20,20)....(12:30,40) i.e. points at intervals of 10 minutes The requirement is to draw line charts for both these sets on the same X axis (time), but the lines for both set 1 and set 2 ...

8. Break in Line Graphs

Is there a way to NOT plot a particular point on a line graph in a CategoryPlot? For example, the data I wish to graph is.. Oct - 4.5 Nov - 4.7 Dec - 4.3 - << want break in line Dec 21 - 4.2 Dec 22 - 4.3 Dec 23 - 4.1 ... etc ... Even if I ...

10. Lines in a Box and Whisker graph

11. Joining gaps in a line graph

Hi, I have following line graph in my application - X-Axis - displays Date Time Y-Axis - displays count (number) I don't want to display plotting in the graph where the count (Y-Axis) is 0 but at same time I want to display the corresponding X-Axis value. So, I'm using passing the first param of addValue() as null (of DefaultCategoryDataset Class). ...

12. Newbie line Graph question

I've got a line graph working with JFreeChart. My question is what class name or wording am I looking for in the API documentation to describe the point labels where X and Y meet on the chart. I'm trying to set the value as a label where the X and Y axis meets in the chart. Any help or code snippets ...

16. Bullet graph and spark lines

I have just googled for sparklines and bullet graphs. There is no dedicated interface/class for generating them with JFreeChart, but you can make a JFreeChart instance look like. sparkline: seems to be regular XYPlot with a single series in a single dataset. They do not contain axis labels or even axis lines, legends, borders or titles, so all you have to ...

17. Line Graph

Hi , I got a requirement for the to show the performance and load of a system in the same graph. i.e the x axis will be the intevel time , y axis would be performance in seconds and z axis show the load of the system. Can any one tell me that, it can be possible to show both data ...

18. Line graph of data in one array verses another array

dataset.addValue(212, "Classes", "JDK 1.0"); dataset.addValue(504, "Classes", "JDK 1.1"); dataset.addValue(1520, "Classes", "JDK 1.2"); ...

19. Line graph

i am trying like rendererObject.setSeriesStroke(0,new BasicStroke( 2.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT,BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, 0f, new float[]{ 2f, 2f, 5f, 2f}, 0f )); but i cannot find any difference in the shape of the line graph which is displayed(i.e; it is displaying the same squares instead i want circle). can any one plz help me out in this.

20. How to locate zero base lines to x=0 and y=0 lines on graph.

I DON'T want to see the range numbers at the bottom or top or right side of my graph. I want to locate them where my y=0 and x=0 on the graph. I mean I want to locate range numbers inside the graph, not around. I had a look at Axis Location topics but can't find a function that helps me ...

22. 3D Line Graphs

23. Coordinates in pixels of a node in a line graph

Hello, I have a little issue and would appreciate some help. I would like to know how to get the coordinates in pixels of nodes in a line graph and also if it is possible to modify them so that I'll change the position of the node. Can anyone help me? Thanks

24. Line Graph with Columns Sets

Hi, I am trying to create a line graph using a DefaultCategorySet. This set contains 384 points in it and as a consequence there are to many tick marks on the axis, so I thought I would 'group' them into columns of 48, but as soon as I do that the graph 'flatlines' on the first set of points never reaching ...

25. Ignoring Zero values in Line Graph

Hello Everyone, I am trying to create a line graph that ignores zero values, in other words, instead of going to zero it should go straight to the next value. However so far I could not implement this, that is why I am here asking for help. Below there is an example of the line Graph. Just compile it and run, ...

26. Need to remove faint grey line appearing at bottom of graph

I want to remove all borders and only have the background image viewable. I have managed to remove almost all the border lines except one annoying one at the bottom of the graph (may be part of the axis). The code I am using to remove all the borders etc ... // Customize the chart chart.setBackgroundPaint(Color.WHITE); chart.setAntiAlias(true); chart.setBorderPaint(Color.WHITE); chart.setBorderVisible(false); // Customize ...