1. 3D graphs not displaying in 3d when they have row labels jfree.orgcode for broken 3d graph by cmaas Tue Jul 19, 2005 10:46 pm Here's the code I used to create the 3d graph (the first graph): public class SCShortTonBarChartByCommodityCode extends Action { /** * * */ public SCShortTonBarChartByCommodityCode() { putValue(Action.NAME,"Inventory Short Tons by CC"); putValue(Action.LONG_DESCRIPTION, "Create a Bar Graph for Inventory Short Tons by CC"); } /** * Overriding classes ... |
2. Graph cannot be displayed jfree.org |
3. Using setRange to zoom in OK but no graph is displayed jfree.orgUsing setRange to zoom in OK but no graph is displayed by Warren Fri Aug 12, 2005 7:55 am Hello, I've been attempting to zoom into a graph using the setRange routine. The zoom works, but there is no data displayed. Am I doing something wrong (the code is below)? It is a basic line graph that zooms if you ... |
4. How to display multiline legends in a graph ? jfree.orgI have to draw a graph with newlines in the legend strings as follows: Code: Select all | | | | | |______________________________ | ... |
5. Graph not displaying(stored in session) jfree.orgI have a JSP page and I am using session to display the graph, when I run the page, the graph is not being displayed. Below is the code. Please help me with this. <% JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart(null, null, null, categoryDataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, false, false); chart.setBackgroundPaint(java.awt.Color.white); chart.setTitle("title"); ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection()); String filename =ServletUtilities.saveChartAsJPEG(chart, 500, 300, info, session); ... |
6. Display moving graphs in web-app jfree.orgHi, I want to display a cpu/memory trace (same as in windows taskbar) in my web-application using the moving time-series chart (which seems to be obvious choice). Graph has to be updated every 10 secs or so. How can i do that ? One line i was thinking is that every 10 secs i call reload of page using "HTTP" header ... |
7. Not able to Display the graph - 500 error Urgent jfree.orgMy application is in Struts. I have written Struts action class where I have data set and creating the graph and storing it in the file. This is the code.. response.setContentType("text/html"); // PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection()); GraphUtilities.tempDir(); File tempFile = File.createTempFile(GraphUtilities.getTempFilePrefix(), ".png", new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"))); ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(tempFile, chart, 800, 400, info); String filename = tempFile.getName(); String chartServlet ... |
9. Line Graph is not getting displayed fully..... jfree.orgI have developed a line chart. this chart contains a value like this x-axis y-axis ------ -------- 0 0.06 15 0.2 30 0.37 45 0.52 60 0.66 75 0.777 90 0.83 105 0.82 120 0.75 135 0.63 150 0.5 165 0.42 180 0.4 195 0.43 210 0.48 225 0.52 240 0.54 255 0.55 270 0.53 285 0.46 300 0.34 315 0.18 ... |
10. Best method 2 keep display graph jfree.orgi m very new in object oriented programming. i am using db4o as my database and java and jsp as my languages to develop. my target to display graph based on the data that is stored in the database. i've tried the coding examples that i've got through the net on generating a graph. now i would like to make it ... |
11. Displaying Graph from db4o database jfree.orgi got several examples from the internet on the displaying graph in a jpg format that is saved into the local drive. i want to use a method that would enable me to retrieve and data in the database and display it in IE. so whenever the user log out, the graph will disappear and appear again whenever the user want ... |
12. Display Graph jfree.orgI just want to display graph. now i only have the sample to display graph based a file that is used to save in the local drive and after that it is open in jpg format to view the graph now i want to make it flexible whereby it can be shown in the IE page without saving it into the ... |
13. LineChartDemo1's graph does not display jfree.orgHello, I included the source code from the demo application for LineChartDemo1.java into Eclipse. I'm using 1.0.3 of JFreeChart. When I run the example, I see the line chart as expected, but the background image is still just the gray background. If I step though the code, I see that it does find the 'png' file I added to the project ... |
15. How to display grid line above the area graph jfree.orgI have xy line graph with area filled. The filled color covers the grid line and make it invisiable. I could set the forground alpha value but the filled color actually got changed becuase it is somewhat transparant, and not exactly like the color that legend shows. Is there anyway to force the grid line redered above the filled area? Thanks ... |
16. to display only stardate and end date in graph jfree.org |
17. Unable to display graphs on client machines jfree.orgHi, Can someone share some lights for me to make graphs displayed on client machines? I've used the below codes to display my pie reports; however, the pie does not display on the client machines. The pie only display on the server machine. How do I make the graphs display on the client machines? or do I need to install anything ... |
18. Need java code for to display Profile Histogram graph jfree.org |
19. How to display the Plotarea of the Line Graph in JFreeChart jfree.orgHi all, I am new to JFreeChart. I have generated JFree chart Line Graph in Portal. I want to display the plot area of the Line graph. Can any one help me to solve this issue. Please let me know if you need more details in my question. Thanks in Advance Ramesh |
20. UNABLE TO DISPLAY XYChart/Line Graph USING DBase VALUES jfree.orgUNABLE TO DISPLAY XYChart/Line Graph USING DBase VALUES by vazzdoin Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:00 am Hi. I am new to the CeWolf-JfreeChart Library. I am using this library to display a line graph/xy chart through jsp on my web based application. However i've tried it many ways, i am still unable to get the graph display. The code i've ... |