Graph 1 « Graph « JFreeChart Q&A

1. show the value of the graph when cursor is placed on the graph

I am using jfreechart to draw the graphs. I need to show the value when the cursor is placed on the graph. Thanks in advance

2. increase clarity of a graph

I am using jfreechart for plotting graphs. The problem is that if have more entries on the X-axis, then the X-axis parameters are not visible. How should I solve that?

3. Jfreechart selection

Is there a way to be able to click on a segment on a plot and have jfreechart tell me the x/y coordinates of that point or somehow return the corresponding ...

4. Real-time graphing in Java

I have an application which updates a variable about between 5 to 50 times a second and I am looking for some way of drawing a continuous XY plot of this ...

5. Glitchy graphing using JFreeChart

I'm working with JFreeChart to plot several TimeSeries charts. It seemed to be working fine, but as of today, all the graphs seem to flicker and are randomly glitching making them ...

6. How to disable scaling in JFreeChart?

We're using JFreeChart to build an engine to display graphs. This is a web service that runs on Tomcat + Java 1.5.0, and renders charts to PNGs and JPEGs (using ChartUtilities.writeChartAs{PNG,JPEG}() ...

7. JFreechart alternative

I am using JFreeChart in one of my java applications but the problem with it is that it paints the whole chart again when you make any changes to the chart ...

8. Semicircular graph in Java with JFreeChart

How can I create a semi circular polar graph In java using JFreeChart with values from 90 degrees to -90 degrees (horizontal axis), with 0 degree being the vertical axis, and ...

9. Allow user to enter comment on graph in jfreechart

i have created Time-series chart. How can i implement such that when i click at any coordinate of graph i should be able to add some comments at that point

10. Representing 3D data in a 2D Graph with JFreeChart

Representing 3D data in a 2D Graph with JFreeChart by akib99 Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:21 pm I'm currently trying to use JFreeChart to represent 3D data in a 2D graph. Essentially, I have a 2d array called data[i][j]. The i and j represent the y and x coordinates where I want to plot. The value of data[i][j] represents a ...

11. Shade whole blocks on the graph.

I have an XYEriesCollection dataset. What we'd like to do is basically shade the entire graphing area (so along the complete y axis) in between two x-axis values (or between the left or right edge of the graphing area and an x value. Basically, we want to bracket a section of the graph by either shading the background or some other ...

12. Pb to find some source of graphs???

Unfortunately, those screenshots are very old, i.e. from an old JFreeCHart version. Since then, the JFreeChart API changed a lot and the demos are not adjusted to the new code. Instead there are new sample charts in the source but the website still shows the old examples. I would also like to see the example charts being adjusted to the latest ...

13. ADD DATA on GRAPH????

public Planche() { JPanel p1 = new JPanel(); this.setLayout(null); p1.setBounds(10,10,800,600); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createLineChart("","","",null,PlotOrientation.VERTICAL,true,true,false); ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, true); Dimension d = new Dimension(800,600); ...

14. How i build this graph?

I don't know how comfortable you are with JFreeChart, but if you are new I have a couple tips that have helped me. Make sure you look at the API on JFreeChart, it can help you out a lot. I also have found a good .pdf tutorial online that gets you making the basic charts, google for pdf tutorials. There are ...

15. Urgent need of help! How do I make this graph??

I left a post earlier but I think I am just too much of a newbie to use the advice...I need a simple 3D bar chart that looks like the picture very soon...we have a deadline in 2 days. I bought the manual and have been searching through posts but haven't found the answer. I want to pass in a bunch ...

17. Session issue with multiple graphs?

Hello, I'm having a session related issue using the DisplayChart servlet with multiple graphs embedded in a single jsp. I have a jsp called index.jsp that embeds 4 IFRAMES. Each IFRAME calls another jsp that creates the graph temp file, and outputs it using DisplayChart. When the page with the 4 charts shows up, only 1 or 2 appear... the others ...

18. Cylinder Graphs

19. 3D Graph

20. How can I increase the plott area of a graph

HI David, thanx 4 ur reply. I have created a TimeSeries chart and set the renderer to display the labels. The dataset value of the series label for the last timestamp is getting cut because of bounds of the chart. code: renderer.setLabelGenerator(new StandardXYLabelGenerator ("{2}", format, format)); renderer.setNegativeItemLabelPosition(new ItemLabelPosition(ItemLabelAnchor.OUTSIDE3,TextAnchor.CENTER,TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER, 3.0)); Hope I get some help. Regards, Nan

21. Examples of Graphs produced?

There should be a sticky topic that shows all of the different types of graphs that can and have been generated with this software. I'd like to see some more advanced graphs that people have done. It would be really helpful to know what's possible. Anybody have any interesting graphs to post?

22. How to make graph scrollable ?

23. waterfall graphs

Hi All, Does anyone know of a software or freeware that will help in doing a waterfall graph. I don't mean the standard bar graph style. The graph would be verticle lines then extend downward over time. Each line would represent a data point. If the data is valid, the pixel would be shown (the line would continue down). If the ...

24. Drill Down Graphs

25. Undirected Graphs?

26. Printing produces incomplete graph

OS: Windows XP Printer: HP OfficeJet 7135xi all-in-one I am having the same problem with print jobs occasionally failing to print correctly. Does anyone have a solution? I have charts that print ok the first time, but will fail occassionally on subsequent prints. Does anyone know why this is happening? Here is what I do: 1. I have a chart that ...

27. Problems in generating large PNG Graphs

I am attempting to generate a PNG file with a height='12' and width='43053' and for some reason I am getting a NULLPOINTER exception. Has anyone seen this before? I apologize in advance for not supplying the source. * I am seeing the same results using jfreechart-0.9.9 and jfreechart-1.0.0 * My code is able to generate the same JPEGs just fine. * ...

28. gaps in StackedXYAreaRenderer2 graph

215c215 < float transX1 = Math.round((float) domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x1, dataArea, edge0)); --- > float transX1 = (float) domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x1, dataArea, edge0); 217c217 < = Math.round((float) domainAxis.valueToJava2D(xleft, dataArea, edge0)); --- > ...

30. Can not graph statistic chart horizontally View topic - Can not graph statistic chart horizontally Free Java software for data analysis and presentation Skip to content Advanced search Board index JFreeChart JFreeChart - General Change font size FAQ Register Login Can not graph statistic chart horizontally A free public discussion forum for the JFreeChart class library. Post a reply 4 posts ...

31. Graphing Table in Jfreechart

Hi I'm plotting some data from a txt-file (x-y coordinates) which looks fine and saves it an image-file (jpg), fairly simple. Now I was wondering if I could also save my data to a plain table and save it to an image (e.g. jpg)? My code for reading my data-file and adding the data to XYdataset is below. Hope that you ...

32. Changing text size on my graph

Hi I've made a simple XY-graph. Now how do I change the size of the text on my X and Y axis? It is fairly small My code for generating the graph is as follow. private JFreeChart createChart(final XYDataset dataset, String firma) { // create the chart... final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart( firma, // chart title "Frekvens", // x axis label ...

34. let me know how to pass values to the graph using array

Well, if your request is very urgent, perpaps you can provide a couple sentences to explain what you mean. If I was hoping for help with an urgent problem, I would provide as much detail as possible. What type of chart are you trying to draw? Time series, XY? You can iterate through the array and populate the XY data set. ...

35. Moving Average on Stacked Area Graphs

Hi, I am using stacked area graphs with 2 different series using TimeTableXYDataset. I want to add a moving average on to the graph for one of the series. However, I only see a way to create a new Time Series or a new XYDataset. I don't see a way to add a new series to an existing Dataset nor can ...

37. Show all graph or most of then

Hi, I'm having some problems to plot em show my graph. My aplication show just a piece of my graph. jfreechart-1.0.1 : The code is this: Code: Select all import java.awt.Dimension; import javax.swing.JPanel; import org.jfree.chart.*; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import*; import org.jfree.ui.ApplicationFrame; import org.jfree.ui.RefineryUtilities; import java.lang.*; public class AutoVetores extends ApplicationFrame { public AutoVetores(String s) ...

38. Graph size how to reduce it?

Hi every one. I'm currently using jFreeChart 1.0.0 with JasperReports. 4 months ago, we were using an old version of both librairies. When we generated a report, this size was really small like 200 ko. Now with the new version the size is something like 3 Mo. In that report I have a certain amount of charts. Do you what is ...

39. transparency of graphs

hello, I am trying to create a graph whose backgroung would be totally transparent. Here is my code: ........ JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart3D(null, pieDataset, false, false, false); PiePlot pp = (PiePlot) chart.getPlot(); pp.setBackgroundPaint(Color.WHITE); pp.setBackgroundAlpha(0.0f); try { ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(new File("Sta.png"), chart, 600, 400); } .......... the problem is that the png image is not transparent at all! could anyone help me?? is there ...

40. two type of graphs

by noussa Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:38 am this is my code: Code: Select all import java.awt.Color; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.CategoryItemRenderer; import; import; import org.jfree.ui.ApplicationFrame; import org.jfree.ui.RefineryUtilities; import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D; import javax.swing.*; /** * A simple demonstration application showing how to create a * stacked XY area ...

41. Scrolling Graph example ..

Hi all, Does anyone have a working example for scrolling graph ? For example, i would like to scroll gantt chart horizontally if it doesnt fit specific area, also with the fixed tick dimension. Also, How do i set the auto fit off ? For example i want to set the tick size to represent weeks, and should have the fixed ...

42. Is this type of graph possible with jfreeChart?

Hi, there is a fundamental difference between a *chart* and a *graph* or diagram. A chart is a map of some data (like a city map, but for mass-data). It is a graphical visualization of tabular data. Charts are used for statistical purposes. Charts may be helpfull to make mass data more understandable. A graph is a graphical representation of a ...

43. Problem generating Graph based on database data

package main; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import; import; public class PieChartExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create a simple pie chart DefaultPieDataset pieDataset = new DefaultPieDataset(); pieDataset.setValue("Apple", new Integer(50)); pieDataset.setValue("IBM", new Integer(26)); pieDataset.setValue("DELL", new Integer(14)); pieDataset.setValue("COMPAQ", new Integer(10)); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart ("CSC408 Mark Distribution", // Title pieDataset, // Dataset ...

44. db4o generating graph example

we are doing executive information system and we r involve in a construction and property management company. i guess, our system will be storing alot of data involving in construction. example, materials amount, pricing, qty, units sold.. in a month or year... that's why it's abit difficult for us to find example for db4o. i really hope that someone who is ...

45. How to remove space to the left of the graph area

Hi Can someone please guide me how to remove the space that comes between the margin and the starting of the graph plot area. Y | | | | |_|_______________ X 0 a Actually I want to remove the space between '0' and 'a'. The point 'a' is the starting point of data. Hope you understood me. Thanks Evan

46. Placing graphs in a PDF file

Hi, I place some JFreeChart graphs in a PDF file. In my graphs there areas in which 2 colors are set up one above the other. Thus, the back color is hidden by the front color. That's is why we have the color transparency property. In my code I use: XYPlot p = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot(); p.setForegroundAlpha(0.5f); The above code works OK ...

47. Setting Margins around Graph

Hi all, I have a horizontal stacked bar chart and I have a fixed/set range of -100 to 100. The problem I am having with my graph is the right hand side of the graph is cutting the range off (see example below). What I would like to do is put a padding around the right hand side to show the ...

48. graphs

49. Why my graph does not appear

Code: Select all XYSeries series1 = new XYSeries("sensor1"); series1.add(100,30); XYSeries series2 = new XYSeries("sensor2"); series1.add(20,50); XYSeries series3 = new XYSeries("sensor3"); ...

51. Server Load Graph Example ?

Sorry as a new user i couldnt post a direct link to jRobin... Still my question remains - does anyone has an example ? AFAIK i had to parse the output of /proc/loadavg every couple minutes and memorize these values, then use them to generate the chart... Has anyone actually written something similar using jFreeChart ?

52. how can compose two graph together?

by windah Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:53 am OK the problem is sloved ,aha /* =========================================================== * JFreeChart : a free chart library for the Java(tm) platform * =========================================================== * * (C) Copyright 2000-2004, by Object Refinery Limited and Contributors. * * Project Info: * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ...

53. Broken Axes graphs

Hi Can any one suggest me how to draw a graph using broken X- Axis. i.e., A bar chart in which some bars are at 50Pts and one is at 1000Pt on X-Axis. I want to display all the bars till 50 pts and then I will cut the X-axis at 50th pt and show the points starting 990 after that. ...

54. Delay in Graph generation on AS400 Machines

Hi, I am using JFree Chart to generate line graph image of size 700*450. When i run it on windows it takes a second or 2 to generate graph image (after dataset is ready), but when i run the same with same data set on AS400 machine (on headless mode) , it takes around 2 minutes. does the rsolution matter for ...

55. Custom Graph Development

56. How to complete a temperature graph ?

Im working on a graph which represents average temperature on a year . I have data temperature till march bud I d like the graph show already all the months from Janaury to December. I create the dataset in this way: private XYDataset createDatasetG(String a,String b,String year) throws Exception { TimeSeries series; TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(); series = new TimeSeries("Temperature", ...

57. Tool tip not shown in the graph

Hi All, In my graph, I cant see the tooltip when I take the mouse the line series. Can you help me out in this. The code is below final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart( chartTitle, // Chart Title domainLabel, // X-Axis Label unit, // Y-Axis Label dataset, // Dataset true, // Show Legend true, // Show Tooltip false); // URL chart.setBackgroundPaint(Color.white); ...

58. 2 graphs jfreechart

60. graph conversion.. (Linear to Log and vice versa)

Hai all.. :) i drawing graph with collected points from a file .. XYSeries y=new XYSeries("Linear Graph"); while(in.readline()) { i++; y.add(i,); } dataset.add(y) This is displaying as i wanted in linear scale.. :?: I want to change the plotted graph into Log value with out reading any more from file.. as well as i want to change to original ...

62. Adding a graph to a chartpanel in netbeans

Hi, I've read some of the posts about adding graphs to netbeans and I'm still confused. I'm using the GUI designer and I want to add a graph in a JPanel. I create a method named 'TestGraph' that will return a JFreechart. Then i enter the following code: TestGraph graph = new TestGraph(); ChartPanel chartpanel = new ChartPanel(graph.getGraph()); jPanel1.add(chartpanel); But nothing ...

63. Redraw/repaint a graph

Hi, I'm wondering how can I redraw a chart that is already displaying a chart. I want the user to push a button and recalculate the chart and have it redrawn. Which would I have to change, the IntervalXYDataset, the XYSeriesCollection, the XYPlot or the XYBarRenderer? I was thinking that I just have to change the IntervalXYDataset and reinvoke the renderer ...

65. Overlapping values hidden in graph

I have a graphing tool that allows the user to select what graph to use to display the data. The line graphs are working great. However, the area and bar graphs (time series) when more than one serie is selected to display, sometimes, hide the serie that has lower values. Is there a way to either select transparent colors or order ...

66. Ploting graph for decimal value

69. Some data missing from graph

I have a dataset with diverse values. One of the values being 500,000 and the other being 0.43. When the graph for this dataset is plotted, the value 0.43 is not plotted in the graph. JFreeChart seems to neglect this value. I am using the "ClusteredXYBarRenderer" for this purpose. However when I try to plot the same graph using a line ...

70. populate a graph

71. Translate screen coordinates to graph values

Hi everyone, I'm trying to do a simple thing: have a mouse move listener that displays the graph values both x and y when you move the mouse over the chart panel. However, I wish that when you get to an x coordinate, even if not standing on an actual graph point, you'll see both x and y values for that ...

72. XY Graph

73. Log-Log scale graph

74. Graph quality on Linux worse than on Windows

I am developing a web based jfree application (JSP) on Windows/Tomcat and get good quality images. When I deploy the same war file on Linux/Tomcat, graphics are worse. Fonts are hardly readable and lines are sometimes not displayed. Look like an aliasing effect. Does anybody have seen this problem too? What should/can I do to resolve this? Thanks! Tom van den ...

75. Real Time Graphing

It seems fine using JFree Chart with real-time data. I am also working on a project that works around with real-time data. Even though i am not using JFree Chart for that. I am confident that JFree Chart would work fine with Real-time data but you need to watch out for overheads. Since it is going to repaint after certain milliseconds. ...

76. Origin of graph

78. setNotify(false) but graph is still repainting

Hey, I'm trying to create a "real-time" graph which i want to repaint every 5 seconds. The problem is that the chart repaints itself every time i add a value to a time series, even if i set chart.setNotify(false). I actually never turn notification on because i want to call the repaint method myself. The chart seems to stop repainting if ...

80. combining two different graphs

81. Is it possible to have a live (updating) zoomed graph?

I have a simple chart ( created from createTimeSeriesChart) that is dynamically updated every second over a 10 minute period. My problem is that if a user zooms into the last minute or so to better view the current values the graph stops updating. Id like the graph to continue to hold the zoom, i.e. only display the previous minute or ...

82. Creating a graph from a CSV file...

Hey guys, So in this program I'm opening up a CSV file and displaying the contents in a textarea. While I'm reading in the data, I'm saving all the data to a data series. Then when the user presses a button I'm trying to open up a new frame with a chart. Trouble is I can't get the graph to actually ...

83. Flickering of Graphs

My application has a frame containing a chart. The chart is created using a random dataset. Sometimes when the mouse is moved over the graph it starts flickering all of a sudden. I have tried to debug the code, but I could not find any exception anywhere. Also once the chart starts flickering, no matter how many frames with charts are ...

84. Graphs not getting generated in Solaris using JFreeChart

Hi all, Hi I have used jcommon-1.0.0.jar, jfreechart-1.0.0.jar files to generate the graphs. I developed this application in Linux (RHEL 4.0, 32-bit) environment. It is working fine and I have the graphs generated properly in Linux. Then I moved the same on SunOS 5.10 ( SPARC 64-bit architecture ) and I got the below error: 2008-06-25 18:11:30 StandardWrapperValve[StatusGraph]: Servlet.service() for servlet ...

85. How do you set fixed size in graph?

I am doing a bar graph - it seems as more values are added the bar shrinks while if there are only couple of values the bar becomes really thick. How do I set the bar to a fixed size regardless? I dont think i saw anything obious in the graph... thanks!

86. Size of graph too much small

Hello everyone, I have a problem with the size of my ganttChart because I can post on my graph projects over several months or several years and the problem is that the size of my graph is fixed and I don't know how to change it? Is it possible to change it or have a scrollbar ??? Thanks in advance.

87. Difficulty with graphing chart with multiple y-axes.

Difficulty with graphing chart with multiple y-axes. by danger_duck Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:27 pm I thought what I wanted to do was simple (perhaps still is), but I'm having difficulty. Say I want to graph two functions on the same chart to see correlation. The problem is, one of the units is in mm while the other is in ...

88. Using JFree Graph in web page

90. superimpose a graph in jfree chart

Yes, add a second dataset and renderer to your plot. There are many examples of this included in the demo source code that ships with the JFreeChart Developer Guide. You have to pay for that, of course, but that's how I pay my bills. I'm pretty sure there are one or two sample programs in the forum here too, but the ...

91. Starting graphing from left side

I am using JFreeChat and it is working fine. But one problem I have is graph plotting starts from right side and move towards left side. I would like to start from left side move it to right side. Please let me know if you have any pointers to solve this issue.

92. Graph Visible on Server, not in Client Machine

I don't want to sound harsh, but you don't understand what you are doing, do you? Your doGet() method is creating a subclass of JFrame(!) and setting it to visible - did you expect that would magically appear on the client's machine? Start reading a good book on server side programming and find out what you need to do (and can ...

93. Ticks not ending at the edges of the graph

Hi there! First off let me say how amazing the JFreeChart package is. The amount of customization available and quality really floors me. And it saved me a week's work The issue is that while demonstrating an X Y line chart to my supervisor, he made a very interesting observation that the numbers on the edges of the charts aren't rendered ...

94. interactive graphs

Is it possible to use Jfree chart in a web page to produce an interactive graph that can be zoomed in/out on. at present I am using it to produce a static image, what steps are involved to get an interactive image. Would this stuff be in the developer guide. thanks Stu

95. How to combine barchar and distribution graph

HI.. im very new to Java and also JFreeChart.. this is my first assignment using having a problem on how to combine a bar chart and a distribution graph. my task is actually to come out with a histogram + a distribution graph but what i know is that in JFreeChart, it does not have histogram but only bar chart ...

96. Tabular presentation of Graph

Hi All, I m using JFreeChart as a charting tool. Could you tell me is there any way to create or show the data in tabular(html table) format? Is there any JFree API that can show graph data in tabular or table format? For your infomartion i m creating 3D Bar graph. Regards, Manoj

97. Save jfreechart graph to EPS format!!!

JFreeChart is a free 100% Java chart library that makes it easy for developers to display professional quality charts in their applications. JFreeChart's extensive feature set includes: * a consistent and well-documented API, supporting a wide range of chart types; * a flexible design that is easy to extend, and targets both server-side ...

100. jFreechart is not generating graph in unix but same works in

jFreechart is not generating graph in unix but same works in by psridhar969 Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:25 pm jFreechart is not generating graph in unix but same works in windows can any body help me plzzz i wrote the code to generate jfree chart for graphs on a standalone m/c.It was worked fine on windows And when i deploy ...