scroll « GanttChart « JFreeChart Q&A

1. Gantt chart scrolling

Dear all, I am new to jfree. However I found it's quite handy Here is my experience with gantt chart scrolling: I have tried to make the chart itself scrollable, but I couldn't. So I put the chart panel in a scrollpanel instead. By this way, I make the whole chart panel scrollable. But the problem is: when the number of ...

2. How to implement Scroll bar along Domain Axis in GanttChart

Hi, There are atleast 50 tasks to be displayed along the Domain axis or Y-axis in Gantt Chart and I need to imlpement Scroll bar so that alignment of Tasks along Domain Axis is evenly displayed with some fixed width or offset between each Task. So, Whenever there are more number of Tasks then display of Gantt chart is not appropriate. ...

3. JFreeChart GanttChart scroll

Hi, I have the following question: in a Gantt Chart, is there any possibility that the rangeAxis be scrolled? I mean, when having many series displayed in my chart, I get the strange behaviour that not all the task become visible, even if i maximize the app window. I have even tried to put a scrollPane as a container for the ...